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1、从双语词典编纂看英汉翻译中的语言不 对等关系(不对等,英)牛彪论文网整理() 更新日期:2010-03-12 23:45 作者:【中文摘要】:英语和汉语分属不同的语系,两种语言存在一种本质上的不对等 关系。本文以英汉双语词典编纂为视角,着重从词汇层面对英汉两种语言在语音、 构词、词义的内涵和外延、词条译名或释义等诸多方面存在的不对等现象作了细 致的分析和系统的归纳,深入探讨了语言不对等现象产生的根源,并进一步就不 对等现象的处理提出了建议。语言的不对等关系,或称语言差异性 (anisomorphism),是指语言中词的所指内容的组成有差别。由于人类对客观事 物的认知具有共同性,不同语言中的许多

2、语汇都能在特定的层面形成一种一对一 的对应关系(equivalence)。然而,由于两种语言植根于两种迥异的文化语域, 受地域、环境、习俗、文化、宗教、经济和社会制度等因素的影响,它们在语法 范畴、词义色彩和词义范围等方面必然存在着不对等现象。两种语言中只有少数 几个不是多义词的对应词才真正有完全相同的词义。在两种语言中,除了有数的 专用术语和科技词汇外,词义完全相同的词汇单位是极其罕见的。本文认为,双 语词典的特殊性体现在它基本目的是为一种语言的词汇单位在另一种语言的词 汇单位中找出意义相等的对应词,其本质特征是两套语言符号的对应换码。双语 词典的编写因涉及到两种语言,故较为注重对两种语言文

3、化对应词的存在条件、 意义和用法的异同作比较。对双语词典而言,释义实际上就是将一种语言符号变 换为另一种语言符号,即所谓对译。由于绝大部分词目的的含义都是完全不对等 的,因此,双语词典编纂者想要正确地阐释词义,就不仅要找到合适的对应词汇, 还需辨析隐藏在这种不对等关系背后的文化内涵及语义外延。作为语言不对等关 系研究的理论基础,本文对奈达(E. Nida)和兹古斯塔(L. Zgusta)提出的对等理 论分别做了分析和评述。就源语与译语的对等关系而言,双语词典的编纂者通常 面对三种情况:完全对等(full equivalent) 部分对等(partial equivalent) 以及零对等(no

4、 equivalent) o语言不对等现象可出现于任何两种语言的发音、 词汇、语法等方面,而就英汉、汉英双语词典的编纂而言,本文以词汇层面为重 点,将语言不对等关系细分为语音、构词、文化内涵、搭配、惯用法及译名、例 句翻译等若干类别并逐一提供大量例证予以分析。针对语言差异性在英汉、汉英 双语词典编纂中造成的困难以及词典使用者由于忽略语言差异性而导致的理解、 翻译方面的误差,结合作者亲身参与部分双语词典编纂的经历以及几代双语词典 编纂者多年来积累的方法论经验,本文认为,双语词典应致力于体现“自然语言 差异性”,并尽力杜绝“人为语言差异性”。本文系统陈述了一系列处理不对等 关系的行之有效的技术手段

5、,包括括注、惯用法说明、例证、插图、百科信息等。【英文摘要】:Isomorphism is a term in biology that refers to the quality or state of beingsimilar in form and organism. In a linguistic context, isomorphism means a one-to-one correspondence or the state of being identical between the elements of two languages. In contrast, anisomo

6、rphism refers to a mismatch between a pair of languages due to their semantic, grammatical and cultural differences, which leads to a relative absence of direct, one-to-one translation equivalents. Since English and Chinese belong to two basically different language families, there exists between th

7、em a strong yet often latent confrontation of language and cultural behaviors. This dissertation attempts to conduct a systematic survey as well as a scientific analysis of the anisomorphism shown in the process of translating, especially in the context of a bilingual dictionary.One of the peculiari

8、ties of bilingual dictionaries, unlike monolingual dictionaries which are characterized by its function of denoting the designate of headwords, is that the definition in bilingual dictionaries is oriented towards a generalizing function, by which the definition of the headword designate in the sourc

9、e language is given with an equivalent counterpart in the target language. In other words, definition in bilingual dictionaries can be seen in truth as a process of translation, which inevitably adds to the anisomorphic nature of languages. In this sense, any bilingual dictionary might be regarded a

10、s a collection of two sets of interchangeable linguistic codes notwithstanding the discrepancies between them. The most essential task of bilingual dictionary makers, therefore, is to study the differences of the two languages concerned in thevocabulary system, and that is why a bilingual dictionary

11、 is also called a dictionary of anisomorphism”.The theme of anisomorphism in bilingual dictionaries arises to the fore becausewe are living today in an age of cultural diversity and ever-increasing cultural confrontation as well as convergence, and when we turn to bilingual dictionaries for an exact

12、 match for an unfamiliar word or phrase, wemight be left at sea by several confusing equivalents provided by the lexicographers. It is thus reasonable to relate this topic to the phenomenon of the variedness of cultures and linguistic factors. Since the present author has been involved in several pr

13、ograms of English-Chinese dictionary compilation and has gained some experience in this field, this dissertation pertains mainly to anisomorphism in English-Chinese and Chinese-English dictionaries. However, since a bilingual dictionary is in essence a translated dictionary, theories and practice of

14、 translation in a general sense are also discussed. Equivalence has been endowed with the notion of correspondence, accuracy, fidelity or identity in translation studies, and translation equivalence has always been an essential issue in modern Western translation studies. The dissertation presents t

15、wo major classifications of translation equivalents proposed by Nida and Zgusta respectively as a foregoing theoretical basis for following discussions. The dissertation also makes a distinction between dictionary translation and literary translation. The second chapter focuses on problems in achiev

16、ing equivalence in general translation, with a special emphasis on lexical units. Specific problems in achieving equivalence especially in literary translation have been roughly divided in this dissertation into lexical ambiguity, lexical mismatches, lexical gaps, figures of speech, multiword lexemes, nomenclature, and style.Then, the dissertation attempts to present a circumstantial and systematic survey of anisomorphism between English and Chinese strictly in the conte


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