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1、数控机床故障诊断与维班级:10级机电三班姓名:学号:序号:26修本课题探讨的目的就是通过一系列教学活动,激发学生的学习爱好,为学生创建和谐的“说”的氛围,为学生积淀“说”的素材,为学生创建“说”的情景和空间局党建工作总体思路是:坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面学习宣扬贯彻党的十九大、十九届三中全会精神force (youth teams) and County party leaders, aimed at weakening the anti-Japanese forces. Zhuang Shaozhen was removed from Office and to th

2、e underground revolution activities carried out in the country, political parties were dissolved. Zhejiang comrades and thus losing a foothold in Wujiang basis points. To make them stay, jindapeng served as captain of the young workers through activities, make the political player-wise into the yout

3、h team. Save a group of the backbone of the resistance, and gave the Communists . Commander Zhu Xi, led by Deputy Commander Wang Hesong, stationed along the junction of Jiangsu xincheng, Wuzhen. Zhu Xi troops KMT-CCP cooperation and anti-Japanese policy of solidarity, he moved to Jiangsu and Zhejian

4、g provinces. Zhu Department times and day Army hand-to-hand combat made victory, grow has momentum, standing strict Tomb, and new Cheng of appeasement army giant Haru Brigade anyway, received adapted; living Taihu Lake of bin of two a even Hunan army with of allegiance; Jiangsu and Zhejiang junction

5、 area of Wang Chunlin Department about 500 people also has done a Yu Zhu Xi men; River, and Zhejiang, and Shanghai area many tour miscellaneous forces also attracted attached return, plus many local youth have joined forces, Zhu Xi strength big increased, from original more than 200 more people quic

6、kly development to more than 4,000 more than people, opened has a to Wuzhen for Center, including strict Tomb, and Shuanglin, practicing guerrilla base of the urban, new Cheng became strongest guerrilla forces of the Kuomintang along the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In April, the Deputy Commander

7、 of the Zhu Xi Wang Hesong tomb of the eighth Brigade more than more than 100 guns into the country of Pakistan and a Hui, Miao, jijiaozhishi with the town. At this point, and underground I lost contact, 数控机床故障诊断与修理摘要:数控机床故障诊断数控机床是个困难的系统,一台数控机床既有机械装置、液压系统,又有电气限制部分和软件程序等。组成数控机床的这些部分,由于种种缘由,不行避开地会发生不同

8、程度、不同类型的故障,导致数控机床不能正常工作。故障诊断是进行数控机床修理的第一步,它不仅可以快速查明故障缘由,解除故障,也可以起到预防故障发生与扩大的作用。文章结合数控机床中几个故障的修理实例,说明加强理论学习,适当了解数控系统硬件的相关连接及工作原理,了解PLC与外部器件的联系,并留意系统保养,对于精确修理数控机床故障,降低机床故障率具有重要意义。 关键词:数控机床、PLC、故障诊断、故障修理 NC machine tool fault diagnosis and repair the Abstract: in fault diagnosis of CNC machine tool CNC

9、 machine tool is a complex system, a CNC machine is a mechanical device, hydraulic system, and electric in gas control part and the software program. These parts in component of the NC machine tool, due to various reasons, inevitably will occur in different degree, different types of faults, resulti

10、ng in CNC machine tool can not work normally .Fault diagnosis is the first step in NC machine tool repair, it can not only identify the cause of the malfunction, rapid troubleshooting, also can play a preventive role and the expansion of the fault . On the basis of some faults of CNC machine tool re

11、pair example, that to strengthen the theoretical study, the proper understanding of connection and the principle of CNC system hardware, understand PLC and the external device connection, and pay attention to system maintenance, repair accuracy for NC machine tool fault, reducing machine failure rat

12、e to have the vital significance. Keywords: CNC machine tool 、PLC 、fault diagnosis、fault repair 1数控机床故障诊断的基本方法 数控设备是一种自动化程度较高,结构较困难的先进加工设备,是企业的重点、关键设备。要发挥数控设备的高效益,就必需正确的操作和细心的维护,才能保证设备的利用率。正确的操作运用能够防止机床非正常磨损,避开突发故障;做好日常维护保养,可使设备保持良好的技术状态,延缓劣化进程,刚好发觉和歼灭故障隐患,从而保证平安运行,故障诊断是进行数控机床修理的第一步,它不仅可以快速查明故障缘由,解除

13、故障,也可以起到预防故障的发生与扩大的作用。一般来说,数控机床的故障诊断方法主要有以下几种: 1.1常规诊断法 对数控机床的机、电、液等部分进行的常规检查,通常包括:(1)检查电源的规格(包括电压、频率、相序、容量等)是否符合要求;(2)CNC、伺服驱动、主轴驱动、电机、输入/输出信号的连接是否正确、牢靠;(3)CNC、伺服驱动等装置内的印制电路板是否安装坚固,接插部位是否有松动;(4)CNC、伺服驱动、主轴驱动等部分的设定端、电位器的设定、调整是否正确;(5)液压、气动、润滑部件的油压、气压等是否符合机床要求;(6)电器元件、机械部件是否有明显的损坏。 1.2状态诊断法 通过监测执行元件的工

14、作状态判定故障缘由。在现代数控系统中,伺服进给系统、主轴驱动系统、电源模块等部件主要参数的动、静态检测,及数控系统全部输入输出信号包括内部继电器、定时器等的状态,也可以通过数控系统的诊断参数予以检查。 1.3动作诊断法 通过视察、监视机床的实际动作,推断动作不良部位,并由此来追溯故障源。 1.4系统自诊断法 这是利用系统内部自诊断程序或专用的诊断软件,对系统内部的关键硬件以及系统的限制软件进行自我诊断、测试的诊断方法。主要包括开机自诊断、在线监控和脱机测试三个方面的内容。 2故障的调查与分析 2.1第一阶段,是特别关键的阶段,主要应作好下列工作: 1.询问调查在接到机床现场出现故障要求解除的信

15、息时,首先应要求操作者尽量保持现场故障状态,不做任何处理,这样有利于快速精确地分析故障缘由。同时细致询问故障指示状况、故障表象及故障产生的背景状况,依此做出初步推断,以便确定现场排故所应携带的工具、仪表、图纸资料、备件等,削减来回时间。 2.现场检查到达现场后,首先要验证操作者供应的各种状况的精确性、完整性,从而核实初步推断的精确度。由于操作者的水平,对故障状况描述不清甚至完全不精确的状况不乏其例,因此到现场后仍旧不要急于动手处理,重新细致调查各种状况,以免破坏了现场,使排故增加难度。 3.故障分析依据已知的故障状况按上节所述故障分类方法分析故障类型,从而确定排故原则。由于大多数故障是有指示的

16、,所以一般状况下,比照机床配套的数控系统诊断手册和运用说明书,可以列出产生该故障的多种可能的缘由。 4.确定缘由对多种可能的缘由进行排查从中找出本次故障的真正缘由,这时对修理人员是一种对该机床熟识程度、学问水平、实践阅历和分析推断实力的综合考验。排故打算有的故障的解除方法可能很简洁,有些故障则往往较困难,须要做一系列的打算工作,例如工具仪表的打算、局部的拆卸、零部件的修理,元器件的选购甚至排故安排步骤的制定等等。 数控机床电气系统故障的调查、分析与诊断的过程也就是故障的解除过程,一旦查明白缘由,故障也就几乎等于解除了。因此故障分析诊断的方法也就变得特别重要了 2.2 电气故障的常用诊断方法 直观检查法这是故障分析之初必用的方法,就是利用感官的检查。 询问向故障现场人员细致询问故障产生的过程、故障表象及故障后果,并


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