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1、冀教版 六年级下册Lesson 13 Summer Is Coming! 教学分析1、 学生分析在学习本节课内容之前,学生已经掌握了现在进行时、一般过去时等基本英语时态,并且具备了一定的听说读写能力。能够熟练运用英语对四个季节以及每个季节的气候特点进行描述与表达;能够简单描述个人以及家人的喜好。课堂上,他们能够根据教师的指令完成学习任务,并丰富自己已有的知识体系。2、 教材分析本单元中,李明、詹妮和丹尼将尽情享受夏季的各种活动,并讨论他们的暑假计划。本课为本单元的第一课,课题为“Summer Is Coming!”。本课将教授描述自然和夏季活动的词汇。教学目标1、 知识与技能目标(1)学生能够

2、听懂、会说、认读和书写单词: fan(2)学生能够认读、理解并运用下列句子:In summer, I like to2、情感态度目标激发学生对四季的喜爱之情,培养学生关注周围环境的意识,使学生乐于享受生活中美好的事物。 教学重难点1. 教学重点学生能够描述自然和自己喜爱的夏季活动,在生活情境中灵活运用并进行表达。2. 教学难点对自己喜爱的活动进行理解和运用。教学准备多媒体教学过程Step 1 Warming up (5minutes)1. Greeting2. Guess and say(学生根据猜到的季节来语言描述季节的名词、气候特点。)【设计意图】:通过游戏导入,激发学生的求知欲和兴趣。同

3、时对已学旧知进行提取,为学习新知识做好知识上的准备。Step 2 Presentation (18 minutes)Part 1. What season is it?1. Look and say(学生根据实际情况回答,学生根据图片组织已学语言来描述春天树的变化,教师帮助学生总结,并且对leaf和leaves进行区别讲解)T: What season is it now? Hows the weather in spring?T:Look! What happens to the trees in spring?【设计意图】:从学生生活实际入手,直接进入文本情境,用文本来新授重点,让学生根据

4、文本中的图片运用已有知识进行描述,然后教师在辅助学生总结并且帮助学生突破名词单复数。2. Watch and discuss(学生观看文本第一部分视频,通过小组讨论交流分享总结季节特点)T: In spring, trees have new leaves. What happens to the trees in different season? Lets watch.T: Lets us have a try talk with that. Discuss with your partners first. Let us have a race to see which of us is

5、 better in reading. T:Lets divide into several groups to discuss this question and share your ideas.T: Trees have new leaves in spring. Because the weather is warm after winter. What about the leaves in other seasons?Lets have a try to talk about it.【设计意图】:教师通过对话形式引出教学内容,让学生试着去思考文中未涉及的对象,然后引出教授内容,突出

6、教学重点,培养学生认真思考问题的习惯,提高其信息、知识搜集的能力。3. Try to imitate.(学生尝试模仿音频读课文)T: This time, try to imitate【设计意图】:学生尝试模仿读文本, 回归文本, 让学生对所学重点在头脑中进行总结并沉淀。4. Talk about the pictures(学生选择图片并讨论)T:Choose the picture that you like to talk about it with your partner.【设计意图】:让学生选择自己喜欢的图片就所学知识进行谈论,对所学知识的输出。Part 2 Summer fun1.

7、Listen and judge(学生在微信平台上听第二部分文本,然后针对Jenny、Li Ming的喜好做简单的判断)T:In summer, trees have green leaves. So beautiful! I like summer very much. I have fun in summer. What do I like to do in summer? Can you guess?T: What about our friend Jenny and Li Ming? Do they like to swim? We can ask them on Wechat (微信

8、).T:Lets judge!Question:a. Does Jenny like the fan? b. Does Li Ming like to swim? c. Does Li Ming like to fly a kite? d. Does Jenny like to look at the clouds? e. Does Jenny like to sit in the sun? f. Does Li Ming like to play sports? T: How to read these two words? fun fan【设计意图】:使用微信这种时尚手段,让学生积极参与到

9、听课文中来。让学生初步感知文本第二部分,并且通过简单的判断题来帮助学生回忆文本。2. Read and match(学生默读课文,小组对话并完成匹配)T: Wow! They have fun in summer. Lets read their summer fun! Then match them.Try to talk about them with your partner.Jenny likes (to) . Li Ming likes (to) .play sports with friends fly a kiteswim the fanlook at the clouds si

10、t in the sun【设计意图】:通过对文本第二部分的匹配对话的完成,学生进一步深入理解文本,能够灵活运用In summer, I like toStep 3 Practice (5 minutes)T: Li Ming and Jenny like summer. This is their summer fun. Hows the weather? What happens to trees? What do you like to do? Make a dialogue with your partner, and write down your answers.【设计意图】:学生通

11、过操练不断扎实知识点的运用,从而内化所学重点知识,以对话后填表格的形式培养学生总结和提炼语言的能力。Step 4 Production (6 minutes)Ask the students to do a report in their group and show it in front of the classroom.【设计意图】:谈论贴近学生生活实际的话题,让学生小组内互相配合组成一个小报告,丰富课堂输出的形式,从而很好的输出本节课所学知识。Step 5 Homework (1 minute)Please talk about your season fun with me on Wechat.【设计意图】:创设真实、贴近学生生活的对话情境,并使用微信这种时尚手段,让学生积极参与到作业的完成中。Blackboard DesignLesson 13 Summer Is Coming!I like the fan.In summer, I like to swim.Sometimes I fly a kite.


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