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1、考研考博-考博英语-华东交通大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题This child was so obstinate that he refused to admit to his mistakes.问题1选项A.obsessiveB.furiousC.stubbornD.rebellious【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项obsessive“强迫性的”;B选项furious“狂怒的”;C选项stubborn“顽固的”;D选项rebellious“叛逆的”。句意:这孩子太固执了,拒不承认自己的错误。划线部分obstinate是固执的意思。因此C选项正确。2. 单选题Economic

2、and financial globalization has lent important( )to economic growth in recent decades, especially in emerging markets.问题1选项A.motiveB.impulseC.impetusD.promotion【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项motive“动机,原因,目的”,B选项impulse“冲动,心血来潮”,C选项impetus“动力,推动力,促进因素”,D选项promotion“提升,晋级”,句意:近几十年来,经济和金融全球化为经济增长提供了重要的推动力,特别是在新兴市场

3、。因此,C选项符合句意。3. 单选题Assimilating the report in computing requires much time, for Im not specialized in this field.问题1选项A.DigestingB.IncorporatingC.ImitatingD.Compiling【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项Digesting“消化”;B选项Incorporating“包含”;C选项Imitating“模仿”;D选项Compiling“编辑”。句意:消化这篇计算方面的报告要花很多时间,因为我不是这方面的专家。划线部分Assimila

4、ting是消化、吸收的意思。因此A选项正确。4. 单选题All the off-shore oil explorers were in high spirits as they read( )letters from their families.问题1选项A.sentimentalB.affectionateC.intimateD.sensitive【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项sentimental“多愁善感的”;B选项affectionate“深情的,充满爱的”;C选项intimate“亲密的”;D选项sensitive“敏感的”。根据句意可知,来自亲人的应该是深情的,充满爱的

5、信件,所以选项B符合语境。5. 单选题Being able to speak two languages fluently is not enough for a person to become a( )interpreter. Learning how to speak and listen is also essential.问题1选项A.tranquilB.futileC.mercifulD.simultaneous【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项tranquil “平静的”;B选项futile“无效的”;C选项merciful“仁慈的”;D选项simultaneous“同

6、时的”。句意:能够流利地说两种语言是不足以让一个人成为同声口译员的。学会说和听也很重要。本句表示同声传译。因此D选项正确。6. 单选题I am not( )with my roommate but I have to share the room with her, because I have nowhere else to live.问题1选项A.concernedB.compatibleC.considerateD.complied【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项concerned“有关的”;B选项compatible“兼容的,能共处的”;C选项considerate“体贴的,考

7、虑周到的”;D选项complied(comply的过去分词形式)“遵照,顺从”。根据句意可知,因为我无处可去所以不得不和室友住在一起,由but可知,我和室友应该是无法和谐共处。be compatible with为固定搭配,意为“适合,一致”。所以选项B正确。7. 单选题The Benefits of New Urbanism(1) New urbanism is the most important planning movement in this century, and is about creating a better future for us all. It is an int

8、ernational movement to reform the design of the built environment, and is about raising our quality of life and standard of living by creating better places to live in. New urbanism is the revival of our lost art of place-making, and is essentially a re-ordering of the built environment into the for

9、m of complete cities, towns, villages, and neighborhoodsthe way communities have been built for centuries around the world. New urbanism involves fixing and infilling cities, as well as the creation of compact new towns and villages. The benefits of new urbanism are as follows:Benefits to Residents(

10、2) Higher quality of life; better places in which to live, work, and play; more stable property values; less traffic congestion and less driving; healthier lifestyle with more walking and less stress; close proximity to main street retail and services; close proximity to bike trail, parks, and natur

11、e; pedestrian friendly communities offer more opportunities to get to know others in the neighborhood and town, resulting in meaningful relationships with more people, and friendlier town; more freedom and independence to children, the elderly, and the poor in being able to get to jobs recreation, a

12、nd services without the need for a car or someone to drive them; great savings to residents and school boards in reduced busing costs from children being able to walk or bicycle to neighborhood schools; more diversity and smaller, unique shops and services with local owners who are involved in commu

13、nity; big savings by driving less, and owning less cars; less ugly, congested sprawl to deal with daily; better sense of place and community identity with more unique architecture; more open space to enjoy that will remain open space; more efficient use of tax money with less spent on utilities and

14、roads used for the sprawl.Benefits to Businesses(3) Increased sales due to more foot traffic and people spending less on cars and gas; more profits due to spending less on advertising and large signs; better lifestyle by living near work units saves the stressful and costly commute; economies of sca

15、le in marketing due to close proximity and cooperation with other local business incubation; lower rents due to smaller spaces and smaller parking lots; healthier lifestyle due to more walking and being near healthier restaurants; more community involvement from being part of community and knowing residents.(4) Benefits to Developers. More income potential from higher density mixed-use projects due to more leasable square footage, more sales per square foot, and higher property values and selling prices; faster approvals in communiti


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