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1、毕业论文外文翻译Audio appearance and connotationLook sound more attractive to consumers, which in fact is a very normal thing, like a good-looking young woman can always first causes the mans interest. In the face of an ordinary appearance, but has a good connotation woman, men often could not understand he

2、r meaning, may have been another is more beautiful and later moved, rush into the embrace of beauty . . If the other person but the soul is not the United States , the man also only regret you down. But the general connotation of appearance, first-class woman, but also lost an opportunity. In this c

3、ase, there seems to be no winner. Life is like this, so is selling audio.For most non fancier of ordinary consumers, it is difficult to understand what is the beauty of music, what is the sound of beauty, but also no time, no interest to understand these things, so they are unable to establish and f

4、ancier as sound values. Have a fever for a piece of equipment, they will feel it sounds better, or to such a voice pay a higher price. The general consumers can grasp, only the appearance of the sound design such representation element. They would like to buy the furniture, see this sound like equip

5、ment is pretty, put in the home can reflect the owners of wealth and taste, the sound of the attribute of voice - but to pay too little attention. In a word, the ordinary consumer is the appearance of virtue to judge the sound value, rather than by the sound.Therefore, many engage in store person se

6、ized this point, the products get pretty, though it is but a group. Plus fashion stores in the design, a sham theory and concept ( can only deceive the unqualified ), and be trained with regularity marketing practices, the average consumer coax ass bounced to the audio to buy back. Be honest, actual

7、ly this kind of practice is not much criticized, because it is the most direct, most impressed general effective method. Fancier dissatisfaction is nothing more than scolding some treasures outside its sell the stuff is too expensive, even with the real Hi-End equipment is not far, is out and out ac

8、ts of violence!So, this kind of pure rely on sell product hue approach will always be successful, I can not. I remember one of my relatives due to the pursuit of style, in a store to buy a ten thousand yuan package machine. Buy back very excited, and publicity. Who knows and colleagues that set of60

9、00 yuan from HI-FI ratio, set machine sound is only a rotten words can describe! I like the relatives of a head-on blow, so that more than 10000 yuan package machine shut up, the right to display. Now, the consumer sense of loss is great, but those who earned a quick money store and how? The brand i

10、mage is also enough to be fatal injuries! But come to think of it, and felt that I was too to entertain imaginary or groundless fears, because this kind of monopoly treasures outside its stuff, you may not want to do their own brand names for a long time, do a good job! I think, as long as there is

11、a true Hi-Fi industry exists, with relevant manufacturers, businesses, media efforts, consumers can compare opportunity, know what is good audio.Of course, really do have a fever equipment manufacturers are also worth reviewing. In very long period of time, manufacturers often have wine is not afrai

12、d of alley deep wrong idea, rather do you like my voice would have to accept my fault domineering, without careful attention to the actual needs of consumers. Design too traditional, too professional, and life, home furnishing, the publics aesthetic from more and more far, coupled with the lack of e

13、ffective promotion, led to the general consumer Hi-Fi sound generating a sense of mystery and the sense of distance, think Hi-Fi equipment is designed for those brain burn abnormal offbeat used, and their it doesnt matter is essential. If we have a fever manufacturers to ignore this fact exist, only

14、 for its own narrower.Sound effects and create the stage atmosphere coordinationAbstract: the stage atmosphere is a comprehensive art, the art of sound stage is a important and integral part of the. No high quality sound stage art do safeguard without success to show the stage atmosphere. However, t

15、here is also the stage atmosphere stage sound and advance the development of the product, at present the two interdependent, reciprocal causation. Based on years of practical work, summed up the sound effects and create the stage atmosphere to coordinate a few experience.Key words: sound effects, th

16、e stage atmosphere, coordinationOne, forewordWhether sufficient understanding and play sound effects on stage atmosphere coordinating role, to the stage atmosphere overall effect, in the past, people tend to neglect the sound effects in the stage atmosphere in the role, but take it as a mouthpiece, amplifier and so on. No see of its own with the comprehensive function, regulation, conduction function and value. As the stage t



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