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1、七年级英语下册 Module 1 Lost and found暑假作业(无答案)一、写出下列动词的现在分词和三单形式。 1、buy 2、shop 3、have 4、run 5、wait 6、play 7、enjoy 8、drive 9、lie 10、go 二、根据句意及首字母写单词。 1、My mother likes w TV. 2、I want to b some cakes in the shop. 3、Tom often l home and gose to school at 7:00. 4、I dont like him,a ,I can help him. 5、Do you e

2、your school trip. 6、He sends a p to me on my birthday. 7、Dont talk. The baby(小孩) is s . 8、Lets have dinner in a r . 9、People are doing d things in the world now. 10、Betty is t to her mother.三、用括号中所给词适当形式填空。 1、I want (buy) a new bike. 2、Look! They (run) on the playground. 3、Listen!She (sing) in the r

3、oom. 4、Daming enjoys (swim) in snmmer. 5、My sister cant get (dress). 6、Tom (have) a big family . 7、Can you (give) me a hand? 8、Tom and his mother (shop) in the shop now. 9、-What Jim (do) now. -He (swim) in the river. 10、Lucy always (go) to school early.四、单项选择 1、Now its seven oclock,Jim is .He will (

4、将要) go to. A、sleeping B、getting up C、to asking D、play football 2、Thank you me to your house. A、for ask B、to ask C、to asking D、for asking 3、- ask you ? -Im standing behind you. A、What B、When C、Where D、Why 4、Do you have good time? A、a B、some C、/ D、many 5、- is it? -Its Monday. A、What dayB、What time C、H

5、ow many D、Who 6、Im taking photos. A、a lot B、lots of C、very much D、any 7、Can you him clearly(清楚地)? A、to hear B、hear C、listen to D、to listen 8、My brother often me at the school gate. A、is waiting B、is waiting for C、waits D、waits for 9、 she enjoying her visit ? Yes. A、Dose B 、Do C、Is D、Are 10、Tony is t

6、alking her cell phone. A、in B、on C、at D、to五、完形填空 It is Sunday morning .Mr and Mrs Green are at home their two children. 2 is their two children. 3 is their daughter ,Kate .They 4 have classes today .They are 5 chess (象棋) in their room .They are 6 happy .Mr Green is 7 a book in the sitting room. 8 is

7、 Mrs Green ? 9 is in the kitchen(厨房).She is cooking 10 lunch.1、A、about B、in C、with D、at2、A、He B、Jim C、This D、One3、A、Other B、The others C、The other D、All the other 4、A、not B、arent C、cant D、dont5、A、making B、playing C、playing with D、play6、A、much B、very much C、very D、too7、A、looking B、seeing C、wathing D、

8、reading8、A、Where B、Which C、When D、Who9、A、He B、She C、Her D、Hers10、A、at B、on C、for D、with六、阅读理解 Its seven thirty in the morning.The students are coming into the classroom.A girl is opening the windows.Some of the studens are laughing(笑)and talking.SomeOthers are listening to them.Some are reading book

9、s.Some are doing their homework. Miss Zhao is standing behind the teachers desks.She is writing on the blachboard. Sue and Lily are wearing(穿)their new dresses today.Ann is cleaning her desk.Mike is helping her.They all look happy. What are Bill and Jim doing? Oh,dear!They are still playing basketba

10、ll on theplayground.5、Which of the following is Not right? A、Ann is cleaning the teachers desk. B、Mike is helping Ann. C、Bill and Ann are still playing basketball. D、The students all look happy in the morning.七、按要求改写句子 1、John takes photos on Friday.(改为现在进行时) 2、We enjoy the school trip on Sunday.(同上)

11、 3、He is visiting his friends.(对划线部分提问) 4、Betty buys her friend a pen.(改为同意句) Betty a pen her friend. 5、Theyre enjoying school trip.(改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)八、作文 根据提示写作文,介绍你的家人正在做什么。 现在是晚上七点钟,你的祖父和你的爸爸正在下棋(play chess),你的祖母在看电视,你的妈妈在听音乐,你的姐姐在打电话,你的哥哥在房间里看书,你在做作业。初一英语时态专题复习一、一般现在时:(1、现在的状态。2、经常或习惯性动作。3、主语所具备的性格

12、和能力。4、真理。)1、标志:often(经常),usually(通常),sometimes(有时),always(总是),never(从不),on Sundays(在星期天), every day/month/year(每一天/月/年)2、结构:(1)主语+连系动词be(am/is/are)+名词/形容词/数词/介词短语/副词等做表语表状态(包括There be +n.)练习:1.I_(be) a student. My name_(be) Tom. 2. Where _(be) my shoes? They_(be) here.3.Who _(be) the girl with long straight hair? I think she _(be) Kate. 4. You and I _


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