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1、人英语短剧剧本搞笑版大话西游hree TimeBetig Monr人物:T唐僧(郭伟) S:孙悟空(邹婷) E:猪八戒和:哪吒(肖细敏) B:白骨精 B1:B变成的村姑 B:变成的太婆 B3:B变化成的老头(钟慧)T: mto, do you knwwere wear nw?S: aji, p!E: Could o seak t with a goodtttude?Anywa,I was suprem mrshal! (一丝得意)S: supreme marshal?(先假装奉承的笑,继而强势的说) It is imossible orer! (八戒不开心不情愿的摸出,递给S)S: ook,

2、maste (凑近T)(T、S一齐转向)T:Baji! oMntisI vetld you, oring tese pitreso beautul irls wth y!E: Oh, master! Forgive e,Illbing te mapto you oon!(伸手拿回)T:(缩手)N, l kepi you util w reach te est.E: ButT: Emitfo,nothig lut, lust is oting! Map?E: (递)Her.m We av arriin Wit Tiger ontain! It is sid there is amstr call

3、 wht boe.B: es,ImMiss ht iving i themuntan t al tmesEryne clle me motereven f ot lkit.As everyonnows,f somene ets Tangsengs me,e wuld b evr eting ld. wIhear that h wil p , tiss a go opotnito ahim.Ha E:Ah ant lk on an re! (坐)Mystomahdoesnalow. : Fat Pig!A ufulandlazy fatig!: Mokey,i youar o sayhes to

4、 words once aga, I wil, Iill.S: You will what? You nhat? (凶相)E: I wil(很不怕的样子,继而一下子软弱下来) hel you cath fles.S: um! As I expctd,you ar js timd at pig.T:(轻咳)Wung,factully,Ia a bit hury. Could you go tget mesome fod?E: Yousee, Im ot te oly on his hugry,maste s hungry, !T: Bajie! Dont etwh ae ylastmeal! (

5、八戒羞愧的表情)E:! Master, Terei a problm. I amonster omswhle broter monky ay.T:Em.t is a prble.Wukong, o youhaveay da?S:o problem!I already ad h solutio (安装)(已躲在一旁偷看)E: This is?S: Elctrc ne!I hv earn theeeg of eletrct frommastes bos. I a ti No nster an apoch ouif ou stay ini!T: mWkong, you rebecming more

6、and mr scientific! Emifo,nwlde s powe!:Bie!eber nt to le sngr in. B! (走)E: OK! rothrMny, ta rethns to et Be!B: Hm! m!lectri net? Yo w touei aainst me?You ar to childis.En I eed a way to del wt t.: (转身对师傅说)Monste,we cant g outnil brothermoney come bac.Swe ouldd somethin tokill ie? T: Lt playcars!E:re

7、t!Ile t play cads ve h! (二人开始打牌)音乐斗地主B:hah! I have n ia (先变成一种丑女)Oh,on n. It ssad at ZhuBiiis ausl pig So shoud create eauiul grl. (变成一种美女)(走上前,对八戒说)H! Hndsome oy!E: i! Bel! Wat ca I fr ou?(色迷迷的)B: wnto lay cardsith ou. CanI j yo? E: Of course!ButB: What ron? Dn yo wnt o py wih me?E:O cue, I wan to

8、ply wt yu very h.tBrother Monky old me o tlet stangrs in, becau he asafraidta there wil ethe monste.: onste?! Dont u thnkI likt mne?: o at all.B:You are rght. Im nota monter. u are notony hadsome ut also vey sat.E:HheheYoureacute irl. (转身对唐僧说) aser,m ue shsnt a monster, can you let e in?T: (瞪了瞪八戒,转身

9、对B说)Imsry, grl e alain ightng agat Landlord ntwopeop areenug.B: Oh,is a ity. B I apy wch youplaying ar to. (在一旁观看)Oh,Chae! ob!T:Bob?(打出)B1: DoublKng! Ifyu o it, ou wilwi.T:Oh.I wi! E,Girl, y ar a master-nd. leas coe inan tea me!(准备开电网门)B: OK!Tis s an hnor forme Iwilry mybst to teach yu.S: (回来,看见B1)O

10、h,monster!(上前就打)B1: (一边躲闪一边叫到)m not monster, pleas dont ill e.(被打倒)u!(指着孙悟空转而对唐僧说道)I oot hae the oppunity t tach you, hpe youcaotribute o lyngards. T: Iwil(悲哀). (气愤)Wukng! Wa have yu done?!She mytch!:She s a oster!T:Nonsn! (深呼吸): h, leas ontT: Is too lte! (唱)O mYou opente oor(泰坦尼克主题曲,走音离谱)S:Pa, Plea

11、e,o, (痛苦抱头): (呛住,咳)Wukg,m disapoitd with yu!: (真身浮现)Hm!Sunuong, you tnk yo ae nvcible;Ilteah u a lesson and let u k at wisdom is! (变成太婆)2: Dear,were a yo? Dr!Excus me, have you seeny daugher?T: Dauhter?. (连忙挡住地尸体)No,so! Iavn seen anoe. (陪笑,B想看背面是什么,T挡): (咬牙切齿)oumoner,Il eatyu ito hell!(S追打B,2躲至T身后,S

12、打,不想打到T头,T晕,S再打死2)E:Are y k, ms?(扶T)k,(伸食指)how ma?T: Tw (晕乎乎地)Sun Wukong,game is ve!(变成3)B3:(看到B1,B尸体)He! Mywfe daugheraemissig I cat findhe.h mdauge, y wife! Who di t?!(哭喊): he (指着孙悟空)B: You?!hy kll fe? Why ilmy ahtr? I wll ill yu!!(冲向孙)S: Kil e?! Ittoo idiulou. Ill il ou, onte! (打):(想制止,未及)Yo, u.(险些晕,E扶住 )You hae kild tree lve!S: , hey are nt human beis! Thy are reated bymonster!T: Monser?Yuareareaonste! ever let m se you,g!


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