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1、北京航空航天大学2011年翻译硕士英语考研真题试卷科目:211翻译硕士英语MTI考研迅速提分材料 认真学习可以得到400分 搞定一切学校文章来源:http:/ 整理:博文MTI(专业学位) 科目代码:211 科目名称:翻译硕士英语 专业领域:翻译硕士 考生须知:答题必须使用黑(蓝)色墨水(圆珠)笔;不得在试题(草稿)纸上作答;凡未按规定作答均不予评阅、判分。 Part I Vocabulary(30 points)Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this partFor each sentence there are four c

2、hoices marked A,B,C and D Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence1Testing new-model plane is a job,but he decided to devote himself to itApromising Bmysterious Cbeneficial Dhazardous2They have their names upon the pages of historyAprescribed Binscribed Cdescribed Dsubscribed3Electroni

3、c toys and games,which came on the market in 1976,already a more than half-billion-dollar businessAconsist of Bcompose of Ccomprise Dcompromise4The amazing powers of the computer have even the most sophisticated scientists into wondering just how human it can becomeAdeduced Bforced Centiced Dproduce

4、d5Roger is completely with all the wedding preparations at the momentApreoccupied Baddicted Cfascinated Dabsorbed6He a lot of pleasure from meeting new peopleA. deprives Bderives Cdeserves Dresults7 teaching methods,which make students actively involved in the class,are very popular either in colleg

5、es or in high schoolsAInterpersonal BInterrelated CInterdisciplinary DInteractive8As a result of the economic depression,output has been reduceAdrastically B1iterally Cpotentially Dviolently9Writing a resume of your achievements that will make a employer want to meet you requires practiceAprospectiv

6、e Bperspective Crespective Drespectful10It is seen as an effective means of business communication where relevant staff can have to a computer networkAexcess Baccess Cassess Dentrance11I havent got the idea of what you meanWould you please make it clear to me?A1ightest Bfurthest Csmallest Dfaintest1

7、2He interrupted me by asking irrelevant questionsAcontinually Bcontinuously Cconsistently Dconsequently13To develop light industry in a big way to improving the peoples livelihoodAowes Battributes Cdistributes Dcontributes14The dog has its affection to its new masterAtransferred Btransformed Ctransp

8、orted Dtransmitted15Every time I listen to Tchaikovsky,I found myself in the beauty of the works by one of the most artistically creative composersAsubmerged Bsoaked Csucked Dimmersed16In regard to those ancient emperors,we need to assess them in the of their timesAcontent Bcontext Ccontest Dcontent

9、ion17With the Chinese economy expected to continue its strong performance,ability to speak the Chinese language will be an of greater and greater valueAasset Bethic Cinventory Dobligation18In my belief,some of the comments in the movie about the job market are actuallyof real life difficulties in fi

10、nding a good job after graduation from universitiesAreflections Bdemonstrations Cilluminations Dreproductions19Looking back upon the whole process,we have every reason to our success to Mary who suggested the right method at the beginningAascribe Bascertain Caspire Dassert20Overpopulation has greatl

11、y the development of this cityArectified Bhampered Caverted Ddiscarded21Your phone can be the cigarette lighter socket in your car to get rechargeAplugged in Bplugged into Clogged on Dlogged on to22I Rosas voice from among the general conversationApicked out Bpicked up Cturned out Dturned up237rhe c

12、ompany decided to make further improvements on the computers design the requirements of customers.Ain the light of Bin the name of Cin favor of Din honor of24When the whole area was by flood,the government sent food there by helicopterAcut away Bcut down Ccut up Dcut off25It was not until she had ar

13、rived home remembered her appointment with the doctorAwhen she Bthat she Cand she Dshe26Since you need to catch an early train tomorrow morning,we nowAmight as well leave Bought to have leftCshould have left Dcould have left27The days work ,Mary and Carl are playing cardsAare done Bdone Cdoing Ddid2

14、8The day when he first arrived in Chicago distinctly in his memoryAstands down Bstands in Cstands out Dstands up29A well-written composition good choice of words and clear organization among other thingsAcalls on Bcalls for Ccalls up Dcalls off30We were struck by the extent which teachers decisions

15、served the interests of the school rather than those of the studentsAto Bfor Cin DwithPartReading Comprehension(40 points)Section ADirections:There are 3 passages in this partEach passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statementsFor each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and DYou should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre(30)


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