2022年三年级英语下册 第四模块测试题 外研版

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《2022年三年级英语下册 第四模块测试题 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年三年级英语下册 第四模块测试题 外研版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2022年三年级英语下册 第四模块测试题 外研版一、写出字母表中的8-14个字母的大小写:(14分)-EeDd二、每个字母至少抄写五遍:(16分)-GgFf-三、根据图示,写出下列单词(20分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、选择填空:(20分)( )1、 you like meat ,Lingling ? A .Does B .A re C .Do( )2、Does Amy rice and meat ? A .like B .likes C .does like( )3、Do you like fish ,Amy ? . A .Yes ,

2、I dont . B .No ,I dont . C .No ,I am not .( )4、Look ,Tom milk . A .like B .likes C .dont like( )5、Pass me the apple ,please . . A ,You are here . B ,Here are you . C ,Here you are( )6、 Daming like bananas ? A ,Do B ,Is C ,Does ( )7、Tingting rice ,I rice ,too . A .like ,like B .likes ,likes C .likes

3、, like( )8、Does she like apples ? . A .No ,she doesnt .B .No , she dont . C .Yes , she doesnt .( )9、 me the rice ,please . A .Pass B .Like C .Do( )10、 Xingyong like apples ? Xingyong , you like apples ? A .Do , Do B .Does , Do C .Do , Does 五、根据短文,用like ,likes ,dont , doesnt , Does ,Do ,填空:(20分)Hello

4、 ,my name is Wanghong . I (喜欢)rice and meat .I (不喜欢)noodles .My sisters name is Wangying . She (喜欢)fish and noodles . She (不喜欢)rice . you (喜欢)rice? your sister/brother (喜欢)fish and noodles ?六、根据 和 回答下列问题:(10分)1、Do you like tabletennis ? 新课标 第一网2、Does your friend like football ? 3、Xiaoming , do you l

5、ike apples ? 4、Does your mother like basketball ? 5、Do you like English ? 附送:2022年三年级英语下册Book2期末考查卷 人教版pep听力部分一、听音,请从A、B、C中选出你所听到的选项填写在题前括号内。20%( )1. A. b B. d C. p( )2.A. L B. S C. X( )3. A. I i B. J j C. G g( )4. A. car B. ship C. bus( )5. A. tiger B. lion C. monkey ( )6. A. apple B. banana C. ora

6、nge ( )7. A. Music B. Art C. PE ( )8. A. summer B. spring C. autumn ( )9. A. coat B. dress C. sweater ( )10. A. under B. in C. on 二、听音排序:请根据你所听到的内容标出下列选项的先后顺序。10% ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,选出你听到的选项填写在题前括号内。10%( )1.AI get up at seven oclock.BI go to bed at nine oclock.( )2.AWe have a big family dinner

7、.BWe have Christmas in England.( )3.AIts cool in autumn.BIts cold in winter.( )4.AMy mother goes to work by car.BMy sister goes to school by bike.( )5.AHe flies kites in the park.BShe walks on the snow.四、听一听,连一连。10% 笔试部分一、按字母表的顺序从Oo写到Zz。12%二、选一选,连一连。6%go home 去钓鱼 have dinner 打乒乓球 go fishing 去游泳 get

8、up 吃晚饭go swimming 回家 play table tennis 起床三、看图,根据图片意思在句子中圈出正确的单词。10%1. Look at the monkey. Its ( fat thin ) . 2. Daming doesnt like ( football basketball ) . 3. Amy has got a (car bike ). 4. What are they? They are ( lions pandas ) .5. Its summer. Its ( hot cold ) in summer . 四、看图读句子,判断句子意思是否与图片相符。如果相符请在题前括号内划“”,不相符划“”。 10%( ) 1.



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