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1、2023年高中英语教资教案模板笔试(精选多篇) 推荐第1篇:教资考试面试高中英语试讲教案Breaking the record 微信号:sxjsks 教资考试高中英语试讲教案Breaking the record 第二课时 教学目标 (一)知识技能 通过本课的学习使学生能够在理解的基础上复述课文 在阅读中体会并初步掌握生词、词组、句型的用法 体会作者在写本文时是如何进行内容安排的 (二)情感态度 了解吉尼斯纪录的相关知识、以及勇于挑战并打破 纪录的杰出人物应具备的品质 鼓励学生打破“我不行”的心理暗示让意念统领身体走出一条完美的道路 (三)能力目标 通过词族和词缀的学习让学生掌握一种记忆单词的

2、方法 通过三读法让学生掌握速读、跳读、精读的要领 教学重点难点 (1)重点: 1.了解记叙文的文体特点并以此指导阅读;2.训练skimming, scanning, careful reading等阅读微技能; 3.对文章深层次的理解及细节的欣赏,认识及分析主人公的人物特征及人物性格。 (2)难点: 1.阅读技能的训练; 2.对记叙文的鉴赏能力及人物评价。 教学过程 Leading-in (discuion)更多教师资格考试信息请关注:http:/ 山西总部地址:山西省太原市长治路226号高新区动力港二层 网址:http:/ 微信号:sxjsks To show Ss pictures abo

3、ut some famous athletes to let them know something in common about these people-the key of succe.Some words may be used in this activity : Sports champion athlete winning breaking records challenge exciting confidence physical ability speed strength Something in common: concentration confidence good

4、 physical abilities speed strength flexibility athletic skills strong will interest hard training 目的及依据:本环节通过看图讨论激发学生的学习兴趣激活已有的背景知识,使学生能运用已有的知识和经验思考本单元的中心话题。能起到温故而知新的作用。 Pre-reading Task one to show students some pictures which occur in the text, First, lets them to know the name of the activity and

5、 the way to do it, Second, let the students experience one or more of this, such as somersaulting doing jumping jacks, Third, thinking and discuing Would you consider each activity to be serious sports? Which activity would you like to try? Would you need to be fit to do any of them? Do you think yo

6、u could do any of them for any length of time? (Indication:Different activity requires different physical fitne psychological personification such as coordination strength balance? concentration strong will devotion) Now cla we will read a story about a man called Ashrita Furman who has broken Guinn

7、e更多教师资格考试信息请关注:http:/ 山西总部地址:山西省太原市长治路226号高新区动力港二层 网址:http:/ 微信号:sxjsks records.(过度) (读前部分设计依据及目的:本部分根据学生的认知规律而设计,首先让学生借助图片了解运动的名称及运动方式,其次,让学生体验其中一项或几项活动,体验后让学生思考问题 这种方式呦浅入深、由感性认识到理性思考了解文章当中提到的运动项目降低阅读难度 ,为下一步阅读理解做好充分的准备) While reading Task two Listening (scanning)(close your book 此处把快速阅读与听力整合在一起正大课

8、堂容量加快课堂节奏) (提高学生的听力水平培养快速获取所需信息的能力) Task two Listen to the tape, after listening tick the topics that the author does not cover physical skills needed for events number of records broken his family life kind of records broken why he became a sportsman countries he likes best place and date of birth

9、his occupation his education his first Guinne record (目的及依据,新课程理念要求让学生对语篇整体学习,为此首先让学生快速把握文章结构要点让学生从整体明白文) Task three Skim the text and answer the questions Who is Ashrita Furman? When and why he entered the Guinne book of world records? When did Ashrita become a student Chinmoy? When did he first co

10、me acro the Guine book of the world records What are some of his pgysical difficulties? A walking with a bottle of milk on his head B standing on top of a Swi ball C somersaulting D doing gymnastically correct lunges what happens in an event that prevent Ashrita from giving up? Post reading更多教师资格考试信

11、息请关注:http:/ 山西总部地址:山西省太原市长治路226号高新区动力港二层 网址:http:/ 微信号:sxjsks Task five Discuion on Ashritas motivation Why did Ashrita challenge the Guinne world records instead of taking part in the Olympic games? Why does he keep on trying to challenge different Guinne records? Why didnt he take part in a conven

12、tional sports instead of un conventional and funny one? Why did Ashrita took part in active sports after learned quiet mediation? Task six discuion on Ashritas belief.work in group four or five each group may be for it or against it, choose one, and discu with your group, (divide the cla into two pa

13、rts for-part and against part, then have a cla report) Task seven Summary and homework Task one Write an article about the imagination about the outlook of Ashrita Task two work in group to find more information about Ashria through internet as well as books about after cla each group should try bri

14、ef paper about ahsrita.更多教师资格考试信息请关注:http:/ 山西总部地址:山西省太原市长治路226号高新区动力港二层 网址:http:/ 推荐第2篇:高中英语高中英语学法指导 概述高中英语学法指导1.上课时间一定要充分把握 2.坚持大声朗读课文,可改善自己的语音,语调 3.通过学习课文,在课余时间翻译课文 4.对于每课的语法重点,要适时总结,细致分析 5.需要背诵的课文一定要能默写 6.可选购一本符合自己能力的辅导书,每天适当练习 7.必须熟练掌握八大语法,因为无论是在英语交流还是考试中,都是重中之重。简单原则 简单好、更简单更好、最简单最好 学习英语:从简单的开始

15、 上大学的时侯,英语老师让我们大量阅读英语。有些同学就借来原著,第一页看下来就有20几个生词,第二页还有20几个到了第五页已不知道第一页所云;到了第十页已不知道前九页讲的是什么。阅读变得异常艰难和单调,体会不到有任何收获,读英语原著变成了查英语词典、记忆生词的过程,变成个苦差事。因此很少有人能坚持下去,就放弃了。其中有人又做了第二次努力,结果还是放弃。原因何在?我想它违背了循序渐进的常理。 所谓循序渐进就要求你从简单开始。学习、使用英语都要遵守简单原则。当年,我碰巧是从英语简易读物开始的。现在,书店里有好多套把原著简写成的简易读物。我先读那些用500800词简写成的读物,后来又读用8001500词简写成的读物,再后来


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