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1、中考英语试题形容词考点试题(1福建省晋江市,39,1)-The cake is too expensive. Would you like to show me a _one? -Sure. Here you are. A. cheap B. cheaperC. cheapest(1江苏省扬州市,8,1)Yummy!The coffee is good. -Thats right .It will taste_with some milk.A.goodB.betterC.bestD.the best【答案】B(1湖北省黄冈市,37,1)Whats the low-carbon life sty

2、le like? -Save_energy,produce_carbon.A.more;moreB.less;moreC.less;lessD.more;less【答案】D(1四川省成都市34. 1)What a nice picture of a house.It would be_with some green trees around it.A.goodB.betterC.worse【答案】B(1四川省成都市38. 1)I had a hard time with math and I wasnt _to get the bad report from my math teacher.A

3、.sureB.surprisedC.excited【答案】B(1浙江省湖州市,20,1)Tom is not good at math.He always feels _before her takes a math test.A.interestedB.comfortableC.nervousD.proud【答案】C(1山西省,18,1)Im going to a job interview. I feeI a IittIe_. Take it easy. Listening to music can heIp you reIax.Acomfortable B.nervous C.excit

4、ed 【答案】B(1山西省,22,1)It is- to teach a kid the way to solve a problem than tell him the solution directlyA.helpful B.more helpfulC.the most heipfui 【答案】B(1湖北省武汉市,32,1)Are you scared of the flight? -No, just a little _. A. angry B. serious C. anxious D. calm【答案】C(1湖北省武汉市,37,1)Waiter, $ 20 for dinner, r

5、ight? -Im afraid $25, sir, for drinks are _. A. extra B. free C. high D. spare【答案】A(1河南省,23,1)( )Excuse me,sir. The shoes are a bit small for me Dont worryIll change them for asize A smaller B smallest C larger D largest【答案】C(1吉林省通化市,40,1)Taking buses in Beijing is_than taking a taxi.A.more cheapB.m

6、uch cheaperC.a little cheapD.less cheaper【答案】B(1湖北省荆州市,18,1) Which province is the _ one in winter? It should be Hainan Province, I think. Acoldest Bhotter Cwarmest Dcooler【答案】C(1 .河北省卷,28. 1)I dont think looking after children is just work.A. womanB. womansC. womenD. womens【答案】D(1 .河北省卷,34. 1) Some

7、times walking is even than driving during the busy traffic time.A. fastB. fasterC. slowD. slower【答案】B(1.四川省内江市32. 1)_mothers cant go to the meeting ,because they have gone to New York on business.A.Alice and LilysB.Alices and LilysC.Alices and Lily【答案】B(1.四川省自贡市36. 1)Taking buses in Beijing is _than

8、 taking taxies.A.more cheaperB.much cheaperC.less cheaper【答案】B(1江苏省南京市8. 1)Peter has good grades in all his subjects,but he never shows off. -I agree.He is very _.A.easy-goingB.imaginativeC.modestD.generous【答案】C(1江苏省宿迁市10. 1)You cant sneeze and keep your eyes _ at the same time.A. open B. opens C. o

9、pened D. opening 【答案】A(1年上海市35. 1)Listening is just as_as speaking in language learning.A.importantB.more importantC.most importantD.the most important【答案】A(1年上海市49. 1)My dog is gentle and never bites.So you neednt be_.A.excitedB.frightenedC.satisfiedD.interested【答案】B(1湖北省十堰市,32,1)Our teacher wants

10、us to be_when we talk with the foreigners. -Yes,we should believe in ourselves.A.comfortableB.confidentC.unusualD.energetic【答案】B(1湖北省十堰市,35,1)Did you have a wonderful time at the party? -Yes,its _ one Ive ever been to before.A.a more excitedB.a more excitingC.the most excitedD.the most exciting【答案】D

11、(1广西省梧州市,37,1)Which do you like _,tea,coffee or juice? -Coffee.A.goodB.betterC.bestD.well【答案】C(1陕西省,29,1)The _friends you have ,the _you will be.A.more;happyB.many;happyC.more;happierD.many;happier【答案】C(1山东省莱芜市,19,1)-Im _, mum. Can I have something to drink? -OK. Heres some cola.Afull Bheavy Chungry

12、 Dthirsty【答案】D(1山东省菏泽市,23,1)Which is the _ way to Qingdao, by plane, bus or train? A. good B. wellC. betterD. best【答案】D(1贵州省铜仁市,29,1)Study hard! _ you study, _ results youll get.A. Harder; better B. The harder; better. C. The harder; the better D.Harder;the better.【答案】C(1福建省福州市,39,1)-Lets buy some c

13、ards for our teachers on Teachers Day. -Why not make some by hand?Its much_.A.interestingB.more interestingC.the most interesting【答案】B(1福建省福州市,43,1)Lin Tao ,why are you so_? -Because Wang Meng got three gold medals at the Winter Olympics.A.excitedB.angryC.disappointed【答案】A(1湖北省黄石市,37,1) Lucy didnt make my mistakes in the math exam. She is _ than any other student.A. the most careful B. more careless C. more careful D. much careful【答案】C(1湖北省襄樊市,30,1) What do you think of the sweater ? Its too _ , and I dont have enough money to buy it .A. nice B. lovely C. popular


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