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1、/密/封/线/内/不/要/答/题/学校 班级 姓名 考号 安岳县20122013学年度第一学期期末教学质量监测义务教育七年级英 语 试 卷(时限:120分钟 总分:120分)题号听力部分(20分)笔试部分(100分)总 分总分人得分第一部分 听力部分(共4大题,满分20分)得 分评 卷 人听句子,选择相应的图片。(每小题1分,共5分)( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ()5. 得 分评 卷 人听句子, 选择最佳答语。(每小题1分,共5分)( )6. A. Its a book.B. I dont know.C. Yes, I do. ( )7. A. Its my cousin.

2、B. Its a family photo.C. They are my parents.( )8. A. My friends and I. B. Its on July 6th.C. Its in the school.( )9. A. That sounds good.B. I like green. C. Thank you.()10. A. Its nice.B. Its $15.C. Its old.得 分评 卷 人听对话,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共5分)( )11. When is Lindas birthday?A. On August 15th.B. On Septemb

3、er 15th.C. On October 15th.()12. Whats on the bed?A. A radio.B. A clock.C. A notebook. ()13. What color is the bag?A. Its brown.B. Its blue.C. Its black.()14. Which month does the girl like?A. February.B. March.C. April.()15. Where are they?A. In the store.B. In the library.C. In the classroom.得 分评

4、卷 人听短文。完成表格,每空最多填写一个单词。(每小题1分,共5分)Roses roomThingColorPlace(位置)16. A(n) _RedOn the bedSome books17._A computer18._On the deskA baseballYellow19._20. A(n) _BlackOn the chair第二部分 笔试部分(共7大题,满分100分)得 分评 卷 人I. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)( ) 21. 依照字母表中的顺序,字母j前一个字母和字母t后一个字母分别是:A. h和uB. i和uC. i和wD. i和k( )22.你在 上可以看到标

5、有“HB”的字样。A. penB. rulerC. mapD. pencil( )23.They have art festival each year.A. theB. aC. anD. some( )24. Do you need shoes_ sports? We have lots of shoes _ very good prices. A. with; inB. for; withC. at; withD. for; at( )25. Lets _volleyball. That _ good.A. playing; isB. play; sounds C. play; is so

6、undD. to play; sounds( )26. The man is David Johnson. Johnson is his _ name and David is his _ name.A. family, firstB. first, familyC. first, lastD. family; last( )27. How much these socks? Theyre two . A. is; dollarB. is; dollarsC. are; dollarD. are; dollars( )28. name is Alan. is my brother.A. He;

7、 HisB. He; HimC. His; HeD. His; Him( )29. Xiaoxiao and Yaoyao have lunch at school?A. DoB. DoesC. IsD. Are( )30. _. Can you spell tiger? _, I cant. A. Sorry; SorryB. Excuse me; SorryC. Sorry; Excuse meD. Excuse me; Excuse me ( )31. Whats that? Its _ orange clock, and _ clock is very good.A. an; theB

8、. a; theC. the; anD. an; an( )32. Can I help you? _. I want a pair of shoes for my son.A. Yes, pleaseB. No, you cantC. Yes, you can.D. Sorry, you cant./密/封/线/内/不/要/答/题/( )33. Do you have two _? A. tennis racketB. tennis racketsC. tennis racketD. tennis rackets ( )34. Tom cant play baseball very .A.

9、muchB. wellC. goodD. Nice( )35. Do you _ an English friend? No, I dont. But my sister _ one.A. has, hasB. has, haveC. have, haveD. have, has( )36. Are Toms notebooks_ the schoolbag?Yes,_are.A. on, itB. on, weC. in, theyD. in, it( )37. I dont like to eat_, but I like _.A. salad, tomatoB. salad, tomat

10、osC. salad, tomatoesD. salads, tomatoes( )38. What is _ month of the year ? Its December . A. the twelveB. twelveC. twelfthD. the twelfth ( )39. your school a School Day ? Yes , it is in May . A. Does; hasB. Do; haveC. Does; haveD. Is; has ( )40. Can I have a look at your pencil case ? Sure . . A. H

11、ere you areB. Thank youC. Have a good timeD. Im sorry 得 分评 卷 人. 完形填空(每小题1分,共15分) ( A )Come and buy your clothes at Mr Cools great 41 ! For girls, we have T-shirts 42 red, green and white for only ¥18! For boys, you can 43 socks for only ¥5 yuan! 44 are our jackets? Only ¥30.Socks 45 ¥2 for three pai

12、rs.( )41. A. sellB. sellsC. saleD. to sell( )42. A. onB. atC. inD. to( )43. A. to buyB. buyC. buysD. sell( )44. A. How manyB. How muchC. How oldD. How( )45. A. is onlyB. only isC. are onlyD. only are( B )Its 46 Monday. Bob comes to school at 8: 15 in the morning. He has English 47 eight thirty. He likes 48 because its interesting. 49 Bob doesnt like math. At eleven he has math. Th


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