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1、西北农林科技大学NORTHWEST A&F UNIVERSITY外国留学生入学申请表APPLICATION FORM FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS1.姓名一Name中文姓名 /Chinese Name (optional)照片Photo姓 /Family Name名 /Given Name2.国籍Nationality3.性别Sex男(M)口女(F)口4.护照号码Passport No.5.宗教信仰Religion6.婚否 Marital StatusSingle Married 7.出生日期年月日Date of BirthYearMonth Day8.出生地点Plac

2、e of Birth9.联系单位、地址、电话、传真、电子邮件Organization:Add:Tel:Fax:E-mail:10.家庭地址和电话/Home Add. & Tel:11.学历背景EducationBackground12.工作经历ProfessionalExperience13.现有汉语水平Current ChineseLevel 学习期限Duration of previous Chinese language study 学习地点Place of study 水平优秀口良好一般不好Present levelExcellent Good MiddlePoor14.其他语言/Ot

3、her Languages15.来华学习专业Field of study in China16.学习期限自年月至年月Duration fromyrmo. toyrmo.17.留学类别 Student Category语言生 Language student本科生 Undergraduate口硕士研究生 Graduate for Masters degree口博士研究生 Graduate for Doctoral degree 口进修生 Non-degree student口合作科研生 Research Cooperation student18.经费来源 Sources of Support

4、口自费/Self-Supporting 口经济担保人及机构Financial support will be provided by19.在华事务担保人及联系方式/Guarantor in ChinaAdd:Tel:Fax:E-mail:20.紧急事件联系人/Person(s) to contact in case of emergencyAdd:Tel:Fax:E-mail:Relations to you:21. 声明/Statement of Commitment我确定将在该校按规定时间进行选定项目的学习。我谨声明根据申请表提供的所有材料真实 可靠。I hereby confirm bi

5、ndingly that I will join the program I chose at Northwest A&F University for the stated period. I declare that all statements submitted are correct.本人署名Signature:日期Date:以下材料请于提交申请表格时一起提供Please offer the following materials with the application form.1. 经毕业院校确认的毕业证书、学历证书复印件raduation certificates and t

6、he degree certificates (copies; authorized by graduate university)2. 经毕业院校确认的成绩单复印件Confirmed transcript (copies; authorized by graduate university)3. 推荐信Reference letter4. 汉语水平证明/英语水平证明Chinese level certificate/ English level certificate5. 经济担保证明Financing statement6. 学习或研究工作计划Study or research description7. 护照复印件Copy of your passport(the page with personal information on it)8. 外国人员体格检查记录复印件Copy of Physical Examination Record for Foreigners



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