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1、abroad adv到国夕卜 aboard adv./prep上(船,&机)adapt v.适应;编辑adopt v.收养;采纳adept a.娴熟的affect v.影响,假装effect n.结果,影响allusion n.暗示 illusion n.幻觉 delusion n.错觉 elusion n.逃避 altar n.祭坛 alter v.改变amend v.改正,修正 emend n.校正amoral a.与道德无关的unmoral adj与immoral同义 不道德的 angel n.天使 angle n.角 (度)assent v.同意 ascent n.上升 accent

2、n. 口音assure v.保证 ensure v.使确定 insure n.保险aural adj.耳的 oral adj. 口头的baron n,男爵barren adj.贫瘠的,不毛之地的barn n,古仓 beam n.梁;光束 bean n.豆 been v. have 过去式champion n.冠军 champagne n.香槟酒 campaign n.战役 chicken n.鸡 kitchen n.厨房chore n.家务活chord n.和弦cord n.细绳 cite v.引用 site n.场所 sight n.视觉clash n.(金属的)幢击声;冲突crash v.

3、碰幢,坠落crush v.压坏 commerce n.商业 commence v.开始 compliment n.赞美 complement n.附加物 confirm v.确认 conform v.使顺从contact v./n.接触 contract n.合同 contrast v./n.对照 contend v.奋斗,斗争content n内容adj.满足的 context n,上下文 contest n./v.竞争,比赛 continual adj.断断续续的continuous adj.连续不断的 costume n.服装 custom n.习惯council n.议会 counse

4、l v./n.忠告 consul n.领事crow n.乌鸦 crown n.王冠 clown n.小丑 cow n.牛dairy n.牛奶厂 diary n.日i己decent adj.正经的descent n,卜降;血统,祖籍descend v.向下 dessert n.甜食 desert n.沙漠 v.放弃 dissert v.写论文 dose n . 一剂药 doze v.打盹drawn v. draw 的过去分词 drown v.溺水drought n.天旱draught n通风,拖拉draughts n.(英)1国际跳棋 emigrant n.移民到国外immigrant n从某国

5、来的移民 except v.除夕卜 expect v.期望 accept v.接受 excerpt n.摘录,节录 exempt v.免除excess n.超过 exceed v.超过 excel v.擅长 expand v.扩张 expend v.花费 extend v.延长 expect v.期望 respect v.尊敬 aspect n.方面 inspect v.视察 suspect v.怀疑 extensive adj 广泛的 intensive adj.深刻的 floor n.地板 flour n.面粉glide v.滑翔slide v.使滑行slip v.跌落hotel n.旅店

6、hostel n.青年旅社immoral n.不道德的immortal n.不朽的 implicit adj.含蓄的 explicit adj.明白的 incident n.事件 accident n.意外inspiration n.灵感 aspiration n.渴望 later adv.后来 latter n.后者 latest adj.最近的,最新 的 lately adv最近latitude n.纬度 altitude n.高度 gratitude n.感激 lone adj.孤独的alone adj.单独的lonely adj.寂寞的loose adj. 松的 lose v. 丢失

7、loss n. 损失 lost v. lose 过去式 march n. 三月,前进 match n. 比 赛 monkey n.猴子 donkey n.驴 mortal adj.致命的 metal n.金属medal n.勋章 pat v./n.轻拍 patent n.专禾U police n.警察pray v.祈祷 precede v.领 principal n.校 则n.prey n.猎物先proceed v,进行,继续长adj.主要的principle n.原景 perspective n. 透视法v./n.惊吓文具 stationary adj.固定mental adj.神经的 mo

8、del n.模特meddle v.干涉;玩弄tap v.轻打slapv.(用掌)击;拍rap v.敲,打potent adj.有力prospect n.前 n.政治 protest n./v.抗议 protect v.保护purpose n.目的 suppose v.彳假设 propose v.建议 quite adv 湘当 require v.需要 revenge v. 报仇 scarestationery的steal v.的 potential adj.潜在的 policy n.政策 politicssteel nV钢storey n.楼层 store n.商十分quiet adj.安静的

9、;平静的;n.安静,寂静 inquire v.询问 enquire v.询问 acquire v.获得 avenge v.为报仇scarce adj.缺乏的偷story n.故事店 strike v.打 stick v.坚持 strict adj 严格的 strive v.努力 stride v.大步走 sweet adj.甜的 sweat n.汗水through prep.jffi 过 thorough adj.彻底的 though conj.尽管 thought v.think 过去分词 wonder v./n.惊讶,惊奇wander v.漫游,闲逛;走神,精神恍惚写作历来是大学生比较头疼

10、的一项英语能力,写作无章法,没有整体的谋 篇布局,没有清晰的角度进行论述,用的总是初级阶段的认知性词汇,这样在考试 中是无法 取得理想分数的!而突破这一难点可以从学习新概念三册(以下简称新三)入手。(一)新三给你写作的角度托福考试写作曾要求以“人们喜欢豢养宠物”为题写一篇文章,而新三第1课同样讨 论动物,在讲解此课时我会引入“角度”这一概念。写文章最重要的是要分析可以下笔 的角度,比如上述托福作文的关键词就是“人们”,因此可以从“不同的人豢养宠物的 原因”入手。具体分析如下:第一,人可以分为老年人和年轻人。 老年人养宠物是为了避免生活中的孤独,所以此段主题可表达为 “Firstly, anim

11、als provide companionship for people who are too old to maintain regular friendships. ” 第二,年轻人养宠物可以减轻工作压力,所以此段的主题可表达为 “Secondly, animals have been proven to reduce their masters stress. 第三,人又可以分为男人和女人,男人和女人最后结合的产物是孩子,因此照顾宠物是 未来 照顾孩子的排练。所以此段的主题可表达为 “Lastly, having an animal can prepare a young couple

12、 for having chi 1dren. 找到了角度,就找到了主题,再下笔就不难了。(二)新三给你写作的结构 现在让我们来谈谈新三文章的篇章结构对写作的启示。 有一种题型叫做“对立观点型”,是四六级、专四、托福、雅思的常客,下面我们用 新三 第 12 课第 1 段的结构对其进行破译。原文中有如下 3 句话:Most of us have formed an unrealiStic picture of life on a desert island.The other side of the picture is quite the opposite.Perhaps there is an

13、 element of truth in both these pictures, but few of us have had the opportunity to find out.它们清晰的给我们描述了人们对于荒岛生活不同的看法:第一句“ Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life on a desert island.叫做“花开两朵,各表一枝句型,是“对立观 点”式文章的经典开篇句,对其稍加改变“Most of us have formed a different picture of - 。接下来在写第二种看法之前需要有

14、转折,因 此可用第二句“The other side of the picture is quite the opposite. ”。最后对 两种看法进行总结Perhaps there is an element of truth in both these picturesv 2008年6月四级作文让我们叙述娱乐活动可能使人们受益,也可能有危害性, 就可以用 上述3句话来搭建文章结构。(三)新三给你万能语句想要比较自如地运用新三,需要对课文进行再次的排列组合。“背诵”不是目的,“运用才是重点!下面以新三第59课为例。本课的话题是“收藏。第3段的语言尤其精彩,在背诵的基础 上对文章进行二次排列

15、即可写出“My Hobby”这样比较简单却让很多人头疼的文章。My HobbyT have been collecting stamps at my leisure for ten years. T am greatlyinterested in it that it has become a hobby with which 1 can,t partStamp-collecting is never-ending pleasure and interests as wcl1 as an education for me. As I wander throughthe album from C

16、hina to Japan, from Thailand to Philippines, T learn many facts and historic data about distant lands, detai 1s of foreign customs, arts, literature and culture Looking at the multitude of portraits, devices, inscriptions and coloring is a joy and a relaxatio n. There is always something to do in connecting with it, from meeti



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