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1、上良中心小学六年级英语下册第三单元测试题、默写。(12分)野营去钓鱼照相从摔下来海滩篮子角色劳动节寒假暑假远离美丽的乡村二、按要求填空(15 分)。hurt (原形)go(过去式)buy (过去式)rode (原形)take (过去式)ate (原形)were (原形)run(过去式)lick (过去式)can (过去式)fall (过去式)begin (现在分词)sit (过去式)will(过去式)laugh(过去式)订三、选出不同类的一项。(5分)()1.AickedB. laughC. saw()2.A.couldB. seeC. we nt()3.A.beachB. muleC. Tu

2、rpa n()4.A.fellB. tillC. Stayed()5.A.wasB. didC. Dressed四、单项选择。(共10小题,每小题1分)( )1.Where did Mr Guo go last Saturday?A. He went to a park.B.He went hiki ng.C.He go to beiji ng.()2.-Whatyouthere? - We saw lots of grapes.A.did didB.did do C.did go()-3.did you go with?My pare nts and me.A.WhereB. WhoC.Ho

3、w( )4.Did you go to Beiji ng last week?A.Yes, I do. B.Yes,we did. C.Yes,l didn A.She went on foot. B.She went to Hai nan.C,She read a book( )6.Last weekend,l wentwith couldn teat them.A.shopB.shopp ing.C.shops.()7.We saw lots of grapeswe couldn teat them.A.a ndB.butC.for()8.-did you go over your hol

4、iday?- I went to Beiji ng.A.WhereB. WhatC.How()9.-What happended? -Ifell of my bike and my leg.A.hurted.B.hurtsC.hurt()10.My summer holiday good?A.was.B.were.C,did五、选词并用所给单词的适当形式完成填空。(5分)in on of for but1.It was a bad day also a good day.2get up early the morning.3. This chair is two children.4. He

5、took picturesthe mou ntai n. I like them very much.5. There is a basketthe front of the bike.六、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Last weekend, we (ride)bikes to the zoo2. They wan ted (make) me happy.3.I (drink)too much cold water last night,ang now I have a stomachache.4. Amy got up late,so she (run)to the bus

6、station.5. Lili often (eat)hamburgers,but she(eat)bread just now.6. -Where did you (go)?-I (go ) to Beijing.7. What are they about?8. My win ter holiday (be )good .I felt happy.9. This song sounds (well).1( )5.How did MeiMei go to the zoo?8. was your how summer holiday (?)十、按要求完成句子。(7分)1.1 saw a fil

7、m yesterday.划线提问)2. We went to the museum by bike对划线部分提问)10.1 (watch) TV last Su nday?七、根据提示完成句子。(12分)1. What did Lisa do on the Labour holiday?She.(去野营)2. What happe ned, Joh n?I.(脚受伤).3. What did you do yesterday?Ifor my frien ds. (照相)-24. Did you?(去吐鲁番)3. Iwent to the cinema.改为一般疑问句)No, I didn t.

8、 I钓鱼)八、读问句,选答语。(5分)( )1.Where did you go on your holiday?()2.Did she go to Xinjia ng?()3.How did he go?()4.What happe ned?()5.Are you all right?九、连词成句。(10分)with my friends.A.I m ok now.B. I fell off my bike.C. l went to Sanya.D. He went by pla ne.E. Yes,she did.4. Jim we nt to Beiji ng.(对划线部分提问)5. t

9、ake did any you pictures .连词成句)6. I washed my clothes on Sunday?作否定回答)7.Amy did something else .(改为一般疑问句)2.didgoyou where ( ?)3.youtogo Turpa n did ( ?)4.godidyou there how ( ?)5.wetherepla neby went (.)6.August they wont ready be till (.)线7. did the win teryou where go holiday over (?)准确,字迹工整,不少于5句

10、话。1. did Mike what last do weeke nd ( ?)卜一、阅读理解。(5分)Mon day, April,28Today was a sunny day .In the mornin g, Robin and me walked to Wu Yifan s home. It was his birthday.bought some dino saurs pictures for him. He liked them very much. We ate the birthday cake and lunch together. We had a good time.( )1.Today was Sun day.()2.Today was Robin hdayt()3.Wu Yifan liked the dino saurs pictures very much.( )4.They ate breakfast together.( )5.They had a bad day but also a good day.十二、写作乐园。(4分)以“ My Last Weeke ncT为题,写一写自己去年暑假的活动,注意条理清晰,表达



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