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1、2022年考博英语-中国海洋大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题Translate the following short Chinese passage into English, which should be written on your Answer Sheet.人们常说,做一名旅游者是“现代体验”的特征之一。“从不出游”就和没有轿车或高级住宅一样寒酸。在现代社会中,旅行是一种地位的标志,也被视为保持身体健康之必需。因此,旅游从业人员的任务就是根据旅游者的阶层和总期望值来迎合他们的需要和兴趣。【答案】It has been said that to be a touri

2、st is one of the characteristics of the “modern experience”. Never “going away” is like not possessing a car or a nice house. Travel is a marker of status in modern societies and is also thought to be necessary for good health. The role of the professional, therefore, is to cater for the needs and t

3、astes of the tourists in accordance with their class and overall expectations.2. 单选题In Scotland, as in the rest of the United Kingdom, ( )schooling begins at age 5 and ends at age 16.问题1选项A.compellingB.forcedC.obligedD.compulsory【答案】D【解析】句意:如联合王国(英国)的其它地方那样,义务教育在苏格兰开始于5岁,结束于16岁。考查形容词辨析。Compelling引人入

4、胜的,扣人心弦的,非常强烈的,不可抗拒的; forced被迫的,不得已的,勉强的; obliged有义务的; compulsory (因法律或规则而)必须做的,强制的,强迫的。此处指国家对义务教育的规定,故D符合句意。3. 单选题( ) with the height of the skyscraper, this mountain doesnt seem high at all.问题1选项A.When comparedB.While comparingC.CompareD.Comparing【答案】A【解析】句意:当与摩天大楼的高度相比吋,这座山看起来根本不高。语法题。考查过去分词做状语。此

5、句主语为this mountain,前半句为动词compare的过去分词做比较状语。分句中动词compare与逻辑主语this mountain之间是被动关系,故选A。4. 单选题We now come to the vital topic of money. First, we must remember that science, on any significant scale, exists only in economies where there is surplus of goods and services. A prosperous economy forms a neces

6、sary base for scientific work. Tragically, the economies of the underdeveloped countries, where the need is overwhelming, have not supported-nor have they been capable of supportingany substantial scientific and technical training or research. Read the speech of P.M.S. Blackette, President of the Ro

7、yal Society, in which the existing great disparity between the have and have-not economies is considered. The primary theme of his address is that the gap is not closing; on the contrary, it steadily grows wider.The United States, as the most wealthy industrial nation, spends a greater amount on res

8、earch and development than any other nations. It is beyond the scope of this book to consider in detail whether the amount spent is adequate, either in relation to our own economy or in relation to our position in the world. At best the question is an open one.In the last few years, financial suppor

9、t for science has changed significantly. It is frustrating to report that, in spite of numerous statements about the extent and nature of these changes, it has been impossible to find sufficient agreement to be sure just what has happened. Two points do appear clear. First, there has been an overall

10、 cut in research funds, further reinforced by substantial inflation of prices. Second, there has been increased emphasis on relevant research-that is research with immediate practical applications.One report that reflects most closely our own estimate of the situation was made by a five-member commi

11、ttee from the National Academy of Sciences. This group investigated funding of chemistry projects by the National Institutes of Health. The committee concluded that funding had been declined by an average of 20% and that the section most closely related to basic research had funds cut in half. The c

12、ommittee found that various institutes, in-house research, administrative budgets, and continuing extramural (校外的)grants had been protected with the result that new and renewal grants had become a disaster area. Other reports stating that federal institutes funds have had only limited cuts have appa

13、rently ignored the point made by the National Academy Committee.1.Which of the following is true about the underdeveloped countries?2.Which of the following words means nearly the same as “disparity” used in line 6 of paragraph one?3.“At best the question is an open one” in the second paragraph mean

14、s that ( ).4.Which area of research has suffered most from the cuts in the federal institutes funds?5.Which of the following could be best used for the title of the passage?问题1选项A.They need scientific and technical training or research badly.B.They are too poor to spare enough for the development of

15、 science.C.They have other priorities instead of spending a decent amount of money on science.D.All of above问题2选项A.DisputeB.DiversionC.InequalityD.Argument问题3选项A.the question has to be left to the public to decideB.the question is too self-evident to be discussed any furtherC.different people may have different opinion about this questionD.more information has to be collected before the question can be finally answered问题4选项A.Applied researchB.Basic researchC.Chemistry projectsD.New research projects问题5选项A.Dispute about


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