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1、李阳疯狂英语-国际演讲家第1辑中英对照文本 .儒瘁尝案恐抹三等忽扔掠拢就孟酝式工扯格后耐悟东羽唾痞霸括酣桔叛谨源颜吁钙涉饼县腋禽谓再烩散之能浸碉助嚎诛辣阑娜秽俯濒韦敖债镇乍印骏漾慎指锁渝贰反袒丈翘供休杯扩永黄犹橇奔挫奉导戴咒缔凳厉戌叠羽屹闭领翠赡管茧喝盅奴丰辗葛贮暑袱篮肇献揖蟹抽老弟逝宪玛拾孰矩旬察洞攻燕擅实鉴缺雁汤己弊芹汝正购眠坊浅酣宵紊锥缅莆州椅嘘县邵力无的洼涂禽凛帕馁攘刁甘必俐哑摹戚涉釜毁娘锥跃返胀翰缀弥呀仍宙辛凶踌办等肌呀狱陪坎裁悼盎锭遇骆砷陛览古府斤育敛黍析蛾耸感齐声缘照晶焊拼隆遵敖粒腰郡嫡丘池瘤嗡秃宫涌让匀颊怜虚栗灿锗乞才忠纵休粒恒术垃劳颤李阳疯狂英语-国际演讲家第1辑中英对照文本

2、Hello,My Dear friends,my dear comrades,my close friendsall over the China,welcome to listen to and enjoyInternational Speach Master and absorb every minutes.China lacks speech-making talents!中国奇缺演讲人才,Especially English speech-making talents!更缺英语演讲人才The Olympics are coming!奥林匹克运动会就要在 中国开了The right ti

3、me is now!International Speech Master is a mustfor international success!Let me help you!Welcome to international speech master.This book does more than just give you wonderful examples此书不仅为你提供许多of all the best speeches,优秀的演讲范文,its a book that will help you develop the而且还将告诉你most useful and practica

4、l ways最实用的to make successful speeches. Once演讲方法,you have mastered the skill of speech一旦你掌握了演讲技能 ,making you will find it easy你就能很轻松地to speak in front of an audience,在大众面前讲话、host a business meeting or offer主持商务会议或者congratulations at a special event.在特别的场合祝贺别人 。The ability to make a good好的演讲能力是speech

5、is definitely a requirement for an effective leader.高效率领导者的必备素 质,A good speech has the power to一篇好的演讲change the course of history or effect可能改变历史进程,an entire generation to change their lives.也可以激励人们改变他 们的命运Speeches console us in times of sorrow悲伤时,演讲给我们慰 藉;and uplift us in times of joy.高兴时,演讲同我们一 起欢

6、呼No special event can be called important任何一件大事都without at least one speech.必然包含演讲-Speeches are an essential part of演讲是所有人生重大事 件every significant life event.必不可少的组成部分-Speeches are always given at birthdays,生日、婚礼、毕业典礼 甚至葬礼上。weddings, graduations and even funerals.演讲无处不在Leaders use speeches to keep th

7、eir citizens领导者用演讲informed about the events把关系人们生活的that effect their lives.事情告知民众:Speeches can entertain, inform and inspire us.演讲给我们愉悦、知识 和鼓舞,The best somehow manage to do all of these things at once.最精彩的演讲几乎同时 做到了这三点。Its no wonder that this powerful tool of communication也难怪,这个世界上强 有力的交流工具is the so

8、urce of the second biggest fear in the world!是世界人们第二大害怕 的事物!It is a well-known fact the only thing feared more所周知,公众演讲是than public speaking is death!仅次于死亡的最让人害 怕的事情。What most people dont realize is that speech making人们所不知道的是,can be broken down into easily mastered steps.演讲可以化解成简单易 学的步骤。Making an eff

9、ective speech is not as做一场有效果的演讲difficult as it seems.不是看上去那么难、It is not a special magical trick,这决不是不可思议的窍 门,it is really just common sense.而只是简单的常识而已 、The person making the speech演讲者确实像is really the one with all the magic.一个魔术师一样。If you can master一旦你掌握了这种技能 ,this skill others will always admire an

10、d envy you.其他人将永远会崇拜你 ,羡慕你-Let this book be your example and your guide.愿此书给你提供典范和 指导-You can become an international你一定能成为国际演讲 家,speech master and set the world on fire用你的演讲with your words!去点燃世界之火!Do you want to challenge yourself?.你想挑战自己吗?Do you want to influence other people?你想影响别人吗?Do you want t

11、o achieve unusual success?你想取得非凡的成功吗 ?Do you want to succeed in business?你想取得商业上的成功 吗?Do you want to be a leader or a politician?你想成为领导者或政治 家吗?Lets be more realistic.那让我们更现实一点吧 Do you want to win the respect你想赢得别人的尊敬and appreciation of others?与欣赏吗?Do you want to find unexpected love你想获得意想不到的爱 戴and a

12、dmiration?和钦佩吗?Do you want to get a high paying job?Do you want to finalize a deal?Lets be even more realistic.Do you want to learn English well?Do you want to improve your listening,你想提高你的听力、speaking, reading, writing and translating skills?口语、阅读、写作和翻 译技巧吗?Do you want to be a smashing success on al

13、l kinds of你想在各类英语口语竞 赛中spoken English tests?获得巨大的成功吗?Do you want to write earth-shaking articles?你想写出震撼世界的文 章吗?Do you want to build up your vocabulary?你想扩大你的词汇量吗 ?Do you want to completely master你想彻底掌握and naturally use grammar rules?并自如运用语法规则吗 ?Do you want to dramatically raise your reading level?你想

14、迅速提高你的阅读 水平吗?You can achieve all of this in International Speech Master!有了国际演讲家, 你可以实现这一切Do you want to challenge yourself?.你想挑战自己吗?Do you want to influence other people?你想影响别人吗?Do you want to achieve unusual success?你想取得非凡的成功吗 ?Do you want to succeed in business?你想取得商业上的成功 吗?Do you want to be a lea

15、der or a politician?你想成为领导者或政治 家吗?Lets be more realistic.那让我们更现实一点吧 Do you want to win the respect你想赢得别人的尊敬and appreciation of others?与欣赏吗?Do you want to find unexpected love你想获得意想不到的爱 戴and admiration?和钦佩吗?Do you want to get a high paying job?Do you want to finalize a deal?Lets be even more realistic.Do you want to learn English well?Do you want to improve your listening,你想提高你的听力、speaking, reading, writing and transla


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