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3、益的尝试。本文的主要内容包括:首先在深证市的统计年鉴上找到了2000年至2014年的有关,深证市的二级市场的房地产交易每平方米的均价,年末深证市常住人口数量和深证市的年人均工资等的相关数据。其次把这些因素和房价建立起数学模型,然后在分析模型,对模型进展修改,大致找到深证市房价与人口和工资之间的数量关系。通过找到的数量关系,对未来深证市的房地产价格与趋势进展合理预测。本文的研究尚有诸多不足和遗憾,未来的研究还可以从其他因素等方面进展数量关系的分析和预测,是研究结果更加具有广泛的指导意见。关键词:深证,房价,人均工资,年末常住人口数量 / AbstrateWhat factors affect p

4、roperty prices? since the 1998 reform of the housing system, the rapid development of Chinas real estate industry has more than 10 years, has made some achievements, and there are many problems, especially in terms of house prices the most. Since reform and opening up in Chinas real estate industry

5、has gone through five development boom, and each time the development boom triggered by the rapid rise in house prices have aroused the munitys concern. After the Shenzhen Stock Exchange since 1980 as a special economic zone, development of real estate industry in terms of form and content are at th

6、e forefront of the country. Shenzhen Stock Exchange experienced the ups and downs of the real estate industry, and its experience and lessons for other cities in China have significance. At present, the real estate prices in Shenzhen City, especially for real estate, Shenzhen City not much empirical

7、 analysis of influencing factors. This article attempts to do something useful in this regard. The main contents include: first of all in the city of Shenzhen found about 2000 to 2014 on the Statistical Yearbook, Shenzhen Citys average price per square foot of real estate transactions in the seconda

8、ry market, end of Shenzhen City permanent population and Shenzhen Citys per capita annual wage and other relevant data. Second factor and these prices to establish mathematical models, and then in the analysis model, modify the model generally find the prices in Shenzhen City and quantitative relati

9、onship between population and wages. By finding the number of relations, Shenzhen City real estate prices and trends for the future are reasonable predictions. This research has many shortings and regrets, future research, a number of other factors analysis and prediction, is to study the results of

10、 more extensive guidance.Keywords: stock prices, average salary, number of resident population at the end一、某某市房价与年末常住人口数量关联度分析为了更好地进展对某某市商品房价格与年末常住人口数量的关联度分析,我们选取了某某市2000年至2014年商品房价格与年末常住人口数量的统计资料。如表1所示。表1 2000年至2014年商品房价格与年末常住人口数量年份商品房二级市场平均交易价格元年末常住人口数万人20005718200157792002607420036215200467712005

11、7582200610039200714050200812665200915214201020850201120674201220035201323776201425700我们建立二元线性回归模型y=b1+b2x2+ei,把房价作为被解释变量y,把年末常住人口数作为解释变量x2,运用统计分析软件spss, 将上表中数据输入界面,进展线性回归分析所得结果如表2、表3、表4所示。表2 模型汇总模型汇总模型RR 方调整 R 方标准估计的误差1.968a.937.931a. 预测变量: (常量), 年末常住人口数万人。表3 AnovabAnovab模型平方和df均方FSig.1回归1.000a残差10总

12、计11a. 预测变量: (常量), 年末常住人口数万人。b. 因变量: 商品房二级市场平均交易价格元表4 系数a系数a模型非标准化系数标准系数tSig.B标准误差试用版1(常量).000年末常住人口数万人.968.000a. 因变量: 商品房二级市场平均交易价格元据此,可得该线性回归模型各项数据为:Var22085234.46VarSe Se t t 37 df 13模型为: 令0.1,我们提出如下假设:, t()(13)在水平下,t检验的拒绝域为:,1.350和1.350,所以t、t均落在拒绝域中,拒绝原假设,即常数项和对于模型均有意义。对于该模型的经济意义解释如下:平均而言,在其他条件不变

13、的情况下,年末常住人口数量每变动一个单位,将引起房价变动60.051个单位。并且,该模型反映了99.9%的真实情况。二、某某市商品房价格与年人均工资关联度分析为了更好地进展对某某市商品房价格与年末常住人口数量的关联度分析,我们选取了某某市2000年至2014年商品房价格与年人均工资的统计资料。如表5所示。表5 2000年至2014年商品房价格与年人均工资年份商品房二级市场平均交易价格元年平均工资元2000571823039200157792594120026074282182003621530611200467713192820057582324762006100393510720071405

14、03879820081266543454200915214467232010208505045620112067455143201220035590102013237766261920142570072651我们建立二元线性回归模型y=b1+b2x2+ei,把房价作为被解释变量y,把年末常住人口数作为解释变量x2,运用统计分析软件spss, 将上表中数据输入界面,进展线性回归分析所得结果如表6、表7、表8所示。表6 模型汇总模型汇总模型RR 方调整 R 方标准估计的误差1.974a.949.945a. 预测变量: (常量), 年平均工资元。表7 AnovabAnovab模型平方和df均方FSig.1回归1.000a残差13总计14a. 预测变量: (常量), 年平均工资元。b. 因变量: 商品房二级市场平均交易



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