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1、2.3 Techniques Used in E-C Word TranslationEnglish and Chinese differ from each other greatly. What is perfectly natural in English may turn out to be awkward if directly translated into Chinese. Thus, this chapter will focus on techniques which help the translator make proper adjustment in translat

2、ing words. Well learn techniques used in E-C word translation first, and with an understanding of the basic terms, well learn techniques used in C-E translation more easily. conversion we mean that in translation practice, a word in the source language belonging to a certain part

3、of speech is not necessarily turned into the same part of speech in the target langue. A word has often to be converted into a different part of speech so as to conform to the usage of target language. Conversion is one of the important techniques and is needed primarily by the differences in syntac

4、tic structure and idiomatic ways of expression in the two languages. Conversion occurs on many occasions. The most commonly seen are as follows. Conversion into Verbs 各种语言都有静态和动态的表述方法,区别在于静态或动态表述方法在某种语言中使 用的频率不同。 英语中名词的使用频率要高于动词, 这使英语句子常常表现为静态。 英语广 泛使用名词便带来了介词的频繁出现, 这是英语侧重静态的又一原因。 同时英语还通过派生 等

5、手段, 用非动词的形式和名词外的其他词类表示动作意义, 这些表达方式使英语的静态特 点更为突出。汉语动词没有形态上的变化,也不存在主谓一致的问题,动词的使用很灵活, 动词的使用频率也很高, 与英语比较而言, 体现出的特点是汉语表述以动态为主, 所以英译 汉时英语的名词、介词往往转换为汉语的动词,有时形容词和副词也可转换为汉语动词。A. From Nouns to Verbs(1) His drawings of children are exceptionally good. 他画孩子画地特别好。(2) He declared his countrys firm support for the

6、 African peoples resistance to foreig n aggressor troops.他宣布他的国家坚决支持非洲人民抵抗外国侵略军。(3) Some of my classmates are good sin gers. (Zhou Jielu n is a good sin ger我 的一些 同学唱歌唱的很好。 (周杰仑是个很好的歌手。 )(4) I took it for granted that mothers were the sandwich-makers, the finger-painting appreciators and the homework

7、 monitors 我觉得母亲给孩子 做三明治, 欣赏他们的指画, 检查家庭作 业,都是理所当然的事。The nouns in English that are derived from verbs or that express certain actions can be converted into Chinese verbs, such as sentences (1) and (2). And some nouns with the suffix r can be conv erted in to verbs whe n they are not used to show the p

8、rofession but are used to express action, such as sentences (3) and (4) .B. From Prepositions to VerbsPrepositions are frequently used in English, and many of them actually express the meaning of certain actions, which are converted into Chinese verbs to make the translation smooth.(5) Are you for o

9、r against the proposal? 你赞成还是反对这一提议?(6) -Coming! 11 Away she skimmed over the law n, up the path, up the steps, across the vera nda, and into the porch. “来啦!”她飞快地穿过草地, 跑上小径, 跨上台阶, 穿过凉台, 进了门廊。C. From Adjectives to VerbsSome adjectives in English which are used after link verbs express feelings, or de

10、sires. When translated into Chinese, they are very often converted into verbs. Such adjectives include -grateful | -afraid | -eager), nxious I , -areful I, -ignorant I , -aware and so on.(7) Please let us know if our terms are acceptable. 请告知是否 接受 我方条款。(8) A socially mature person gets along well wi

11、th all types of people in all types of situation. He does not necessarily like or respect all people, but he is tolerant and understanding and does not intentionally hurt anyone s feelings. 在社交方面成熟的人能在各个场合之下, 与各种人 相处得很好。他不一定要喜欢或尊敬所有人,但是他能 容忍、谅解 他们,而且不会故意 去伤害他人。D. From Adverb to Verb(9) When he rushe

12、d our, he forgot to have his shoes on. 他冲出去时,忘了 穿 鞋。(10) The dog was barking so that someone would let him in. 这条狗狂吠着要人放它 进去 。 Conversion into NounsSome English words need to be converted into Chinese nouns, though it is not as frequent as converting into Chinese verbs.A. From Verbs to NounsA

13、lthough there are more verbs in Chinese than in English, when translated into Chinese, sometimes some verbs need to be converted into nouns, because if they are translated into corresponding Chinese verbs, the translation will be very awkward. In this case, they are converted into nouns.(11) The cam

14、el is characterized by an ability to go for many days without water. 骆驼 的特点 是不喝水能行走多日。(12) What impressedme most was his heroic deed.的英雄壮举给我留下了深刻的印象。B. From Adjectives to Nouns(13) If the newspapers want to have a large circulation number, they must be informative, instructive and entertaining 如果报纸想

15、得以大量发行, 必须具有 知识性、思想性和趣味性。(14) She is different from some of her friends in that she works hard to make her dream come true while they are still dreaming. 她和她的一些朋友的 区别 在于当她们还沉湎于梦想的时候, 她则努力实现自己的梦想。 Conversion into AdjectivesSome English nouns that are derived from adjectives need to be converte

16、d intoChinese adjectives in translation and some English adverbs should be converted into adjectives.A. From Noun to Adjective(15) Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study. 独立思考对学习是绝对必 要的。(16) The pallor of her face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment. 她 苍白的 脸色清 楚地表明了她当时的感受。B. From Adverbs to AdjectivesWhen the English verbs are converted into nouns in the translation, the adverbs


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