The Owl House《猫头鹰魔法社(2020)》第二季第一集完整中英文对照剧本

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1、傻孩子趁着你还没丢掉性命快滚吧Foolish child. Leave this place before you meet your demise. 别小看我加洛格Do not underestimate me, Garlog.因为我是善良的女巫猎魔人露丝For I am the good witch, Luz, hunter of monsters.吃我这招笨蛋什么Now eat this, sucker- Uh. what?你就是加洛格Youre Garlog?4000蜗牛奖金加洛格通缉令太可悲了This is pathetic.虽然我身形矮小Small I may be但等我摧毁你所珍

2、视的一切but you will soon know fear你就会知道恐惧的滋when I lay waste to all that you-大王松口King, drop it now.快松口Drop it now!松口别跑Drop it! No!我现在没空跟你玩大王Im not gonna play right now! King!猫头鹰魔法社第二季第一集The Owl House S02E01 Separate Tides浪潮纷涌你好妈妈我有段时间没联♥系♥你了Hola, Mama. You havent heard from me in a while.距

3、离石化处决已经过去一周半了Its been a week and a half since the petrification ceremony. 距离我毁掉回家的传送门也已经过去一周半了A week and and half since Idestroyed the portal home.我没得选如果我不把它交出来I had to. Emperor Belos was going to kill Eda 贝洛斯皇帝就会杀了伊达if I didnt hand it over.但我又不能让他使用传送门Without friends?我是说I said-虽然你不知道怎么搞定那群火蜂You don

4、t know how to get those firebees,但我可以帮你-不but I can help. - No!我不需要你的帮助我说r别跟着我I dont want your help. I told you not to follow me! 如果我是你我会-你会怎样If I were you, I would- - You would what?你会怎样都不重要你又不是我Because it doesnt matter. You arent me.你只是某种怪异的鸟头虫Youre just some kind of weird bird-worm. 你根本不知道我都经历了什么Y

5、ou have no idea what Im going through.我得靠自己炼出魔药I have to do this alone,如果连这都做不到我算哪门*的女巫呢 because if I cant. what kind of witch am I? 对不起露露我是说对不起莉莉丝Sorry, Lulu. I mean, sorry, Lilith.好了再来试一次吧Now, lets try this one more time.我们到了蒸腾浅滩Were here. The Simmering Shoals.睁大眼睛各位Eyes peeled, mates.她就在附近Shes cl

6、ose.她来了Shes here.帮她一把小子们Help her, boys!使劲儿拉Put your backs into it.我成功了I did it!那那那是个幽灵海盗吗Is that a- a ghost pirate?我们的钱我们被趁乱打劫了The money! Were being robbed!露丝 让那幽灵看看你的厉害Show that specter what for, Luz.钱没了The money!伊达-嘿Eda! - Hey.你为什么要打劫我们的船还有你的腿怎么了Why are you robbing our ship? And what happened to y

7、our legs? 这叫掩盖行踪Its called disguising your tracks.话说回来你又怎么会在那艘船上Now why were you on that ship to begin with?你这样可能会丢掉小命的You couldve gotten killed.想死现在也还来得及That can still be arranged.你们好罪犯们Hello, criminals.只要你们乖乖按照我的话去做接下来要发生的事Whats about to happen should be relatively painless,应该不会太痛苦ifyou just do wh

8、at I say.我们凭什么听你的And why would we do that?因为你们都不能使用真正的魔法Because none of you can use real magic.这可不好说-或许是吧-You dont know that. -Maybe not,但我知道你们正站在一种食肉植株上but I do know that youre standing on a plant that eats flesh. 好了Okay.这个人类要继续当水手偿还因她而遗失的钱财The human will remain a sailor to repay al the money she l

9、ost, 而猫头鹰魔女会因打劫了皇帝的船while the Owl Lady will be arrested again再次被捕入狱for attacking one of the Emperors ships.那是皇:帝的船吗-皇帝的船才有车始仓啊Emperors ship? - Theyre the only ones worth robbing. 你们为什么要捕猎刺豚海狮Why are you guys hunting the Selkidomus?这种生物性情温和是你们在故意招惹它Its a peaceful creature and youre provoking it.皇帝命令我

10、杀-只刺豚海狮我只是在奉命行事The Emperor ordered me to slay one. Im just following orders. 我要扇你几巴掌帮你醒醒脑Well, Im just gonna smack you around a bit.别伤害伊达Leave Eda alone!不如How about.我就这样把你们悬吊在炽热深海上方吧I leave you dangling above the Boiling Sea?在这-带光是这蒸汽Around these parts just the steam is enough 就足够造成三♥级&hearts

11、;烧伤 to cause third-degree burns.但我也没必要那么恶毒嘛But I dont have to be that mean.只要你们中的一位跟着刺豚海狮的踪迹No one will have to be a sailor or get arrested 杀死那头野兽if one of you follows我就不逼你们当水手those Selkidomus tracks 也不抓你们进监狱 and slays the beast.拿着给你们点儿帮助Here, Ill help.你们非逼我来硬的是吧Youre making this difficult.不去的话我就淹死这

12、只鸟Go or I drown the bird.现在天黑了Ah, its dark now.行吧Fine.我去吧ril do it.露丝等一下Luz, wait!露丝-Luz!想跟我斗你们还差得远呢小蜜蜂们I am not one to be trifled with, bees. 我可是个女巫斩断I am a witch. unhinged!什么What?不不不完蛋了No, no, no, no, no!我一个人根本办不到I cant do this alone.谁来帮帮我I need help!我来帮你了露露Im here for you, Lulu.没有哪位女巫是一座孤岛No witc

13、h is an island.尝尝我的怒火吧Now face my wrath!露丝别伤害刺豚海狮Luz, dont hurt the Selkidomus.肯定还有其他的办法We can find another way out of this. 你也听到他的话了伊达You heard what he said, Eda.如果你和大王想要自♥由♥的话If you and King want to be free. 我就得独自完成这项任务.then I have to do this alone.这什么时候成了你一个人的事了Whats this alone busi

14、ness?你忘了吗我们这些怪咖必须Dont you remember? Us weirdos have to- 必须什么必须无时无刻绑定在一起吗 What? Stick together?就因为跟我绑定在了一起Because you stuck with me 你才失去了你的魔力 you lost your magic.你当时差点被变成石头You almost got turned to stone,你现在甚至连and now you cant even afford 苹果血都买♥♥不起your apple blood因为你还得为我吃什么而发愁because you

15、re worried about what I need to eat. 这-切都是我的错Its my fault all this happened.所以后果也得由我一个人来承担Thats why Ive got to do this alone.我会把欠你的都还清的猫头鹰魔女伊达我发誓Ill make it all up to you, Eda the Owl Lady. I promise. 露丝Luz!好啦束手就擒吧All right, lets do this.你觉得你这样跑来送死是在帮我吗You think throwing your life away is gonna help me? 我告诉你并不是Well, it wont.即使当时你根本不认识



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