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1、2022-2023年考博英语-厦门大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题You could refuse to_your Social Security number except for Social Security purposes,which is all that the law requires.问题1选项A.expoundB.divulgeC.apprehendD.unriddle【答案】B【解析】expound详细说明, 解释; divulge泄露, 暴露; apprehend领会, 理解; unriddle阐明。句意:你可以拒绝透露你的社会保险号,除非是出于社会保障的目的,

2、这是法律的规定。选项B符合句意。2. 单选题Although he was not caught cheating on the exam, the feeling of guilt_over and over again.问题1选项A.ascendedB.conqueredC.securedD.recurred【答案】D【解析】ascended上升, 追溯; conquered战胜, 征服; secured安全的, 有把握的; recurred重现。句意:虽然他在考试中作弊没有被抓, 但他的负罪感还是一遍又一遍地浮现。选项D符合句意。3. 单选题The most frustrating pe

3、riods of any diet are the inevitable_, when weight loss_if not stops.问题1选项A.moods.acceleratesB.feastshaltsC.holidays.contractsD.plateaus.slows【答案】D【解析】moods.accelerates情绪 加速; feasts.halts宴会 停止; holidays.contracts假日 收缩; plateaus.slows停滞时期 减慢。句意:任何节食计划中最令人沮丧的阶段都是不可避免的停滞期, 减肥的速度即使没有停止也会减慢。选项D符合句意。4. 单选

4、题The African elephantmythic symbol of a continent, keystone of its ecology and the largest land animal remaining on earthhas become the object of one of the biggest, broadest international efforts yet mounted to turn a threatened species off the road to extinction. But it is not only the elephants s

5、urvival that is at stake, conservationists say. Unlike the endangered tiger, unlike even the great whales, the African elephant is in great measure the architect of its environment. As a voracious eater of vegetation, it largely shapes the forest-and-savanna surroundings in which it lives, thereby s

6、etting the terms of existence for millions of other storied animals-from zebras to gazelles to giraffes and wildebeeststhat share its habitat And as the elephant disappears, scientists and conservationists say, many other species will also disappear from vast stretches of forest and savanna, drastic

7、ally altering and impoverishing whole ecosystems.It is the elephants metabolism and appetite that make it a disturber of the environment and therefore an important creator of habitat. In a constant search for the 300 pounds of vegetation it must have every day, it kills small trees and underbrush an

8、d pulls branches off big trees as high as its trunk will reach. This creates innumerable open spaces in both deep tropical forests and in the woodlands that cover part of the African savannas. The resulting patchwork, a mosaic of vegetation in various stages of regeneration, in turn creates a greate

9、r variety of forage that attracts a greater variety of other vegetation-eaters than would otherwise be the case.In studies over the last 20 years in southern Kenya near Mount Kilimanjaro, Dr.Western has found that when elephants are allowed to roam die savannas naturally and normally, they spread ou

10、t at intermediate densities. Their foraging creates a mixture of savanna woodlands (what the Africans call bush) and grassland. The result is a highly diverse array of other plant-eating species: those like the zebra, wildebeest and gazelle, that graze: those like the giraffe, bushbuck and lesser ku

11、du, that browse on tender shoots, buds, twigs and leaves; and plant-eating primates like the baboon and vervet monkey. These herbivores attract carnivores like the lion and cheetah.When the elephant population thins out. Dr. Western said, the woodlands become denser and the grazers are squeezed out.

12、 When pressure from poachers forces elephants to crowd more densely onto reservations, the woodlands there are knocked out and the browsers and primates disappear.Something similar appears to happen in dense tropical rain forests. In their natural state, because the overhead forest canopy shuts out

13、sunlight and prevents growth on the forest floor, rain forests provide slim pickings for large, hoofed plant-eaters. By pulling down trees and eating new growth, elephants enlarge natural openings in the canopy, allowing plants to regenerate on the forest floor and bringing down vegetation from the

14、canopy so that smaller species can get at it.In such situations, the rain forest becomes hospitable to large plant-eating mammals such as bongos, bush pigs, duikers, forest hogs, swamp antelopes, forest buffaloes, okapis, sometimes gorillas and always a host of smaller animals that thrive on seconda

15、ry growth. When elephants disappear and the forest reverts, the larger mammals give way to smaller, nimbler animals like monkeys, squirrels and rodents. 1.The passage is primarily concerned with( ).2.In the opening paragraph, the author mentions tigers and whales in order to emphasize which point about the elephant?3.A necessary component of the elephants ability to transform the landscape is its ( ).4.It can be inferred from the passage that( ).5.Which of the following statements best expresses the authors attitude toward the damage to vegetation caused by foraging



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