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1、2022年考博英语-中国艺术研究院考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Why are some of us good at math, while others( )at art or volleyball.问题1选项A.workB.excelC.aimD.gaze【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项work at“从事于,致力于”;B选项excel at“突出,擅长于”;C选项aim at“目的在于”;D选项gaze at“盯住,凝视”。根据句意可知,填空处填入的词应和at搭配,并且和good at意思相近。句意“为什么有些人擅长数学,而有些人擅长艺术或排球?”选项B符合语

2、境。2. 单选题The drama awards provide a(n)( )for young people to improve their performing skills.问题1选项A.captiveB.fugitiveC.initiativeD.incentive【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项captive“俘虏,迷恋者”;B选项fugitive“逃亡者,难捕捉之物”;C选项initiative“主动权,首创精神”;D选项incentive“动机,刺激”。句意“戏剧奖能够激励年轻人提高他们的表演技巧。”选项D符合语境。3. 翻译题Directions: Translate

3、 the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.Standing in the right spot in this gigantic city and hills draped with apartment complexes can remind you of Hong Kong, the density of habitation will recall Tokyo and the river-spanning brawn, replete with an immense ne

4、w structure over the Yangtze that echoes the Brooklyn Bridge, might recall New York.Everywhere one looks here, there are new expressways, new bridges and towering new housing complexes rising, so many in fact that it is the occasional glimpse of something old, rather than the sight of anything new,

5、that takes ones breath away.China has built megacities before, of course. The countrys rich east abounds with them, strung along the coast from Tianjin in the north to Shenzhen in the far south like so many pearls. But the swift rise of Chongqing represents a new departure: a major push by Beijing t

6、o spread the fruits of Chinas economic boom to the countrys vast interior, home to three Chinese in four.One after another, the big cities of the interior have eagerly entered the race to urbanize, with many openly brandishing the objective of becoming a “world city” within a few years. But whether

7、judged by its size, its ambition or the scale of transformation, Chongqing, with its 12 million people, remains in a class by itself.【答案】置身于这座巨大的城市,站在密密麻麻满是公寓楼的山坡上可能会使你想到香港;这里密集的人口会让你想到东京;而那横跨长江两岸、仿效布鲁克林大桥豁然耸立的庞大新建筑物,或许会让你想到纽约。放眼望去,到处都可以看到新建的高速公路,新架的桥梁和新盖的高耸入云的住宅楼。事实上,这类新建筑实在是太多了,令人目不暇接,以至于让人感到惊讶不已的

8、往往不是什么新的高楼大厦,而是偶然瞥见一座旧建筑。当然,在此之前中国已经有了一些超大城市,尤其在富裕的东部地区为数不少。这些城市从华北的天津到最南端的深圳,像一串珍珠镶嵌在中国沿海各地。但是重庆的迅速崛起却象征着一种新的开端:这表明北京正在大力推动中国经济繁荣的成果,将其延伸到幅员辽阔的内陆地区,那里是全国四分之三人口的家园。中国内地的城市一个接一个竞相城镇化,其中很多城市公开炫耀它们的目标,声称要在几年内建成“世界大都市”。但无论从城市大小、追求目标还是改革规模来衡量,拥有1200万人口的重庆仍是独一无二的。4. 单选题If you never review your stage lines

9、, you will only have yourself to( )if you fail in your performance.问题1选项A.complainB.mistakeC.blameD.fault【答案】C【解析】考查固定用法。to blame意为“该受责备;怪罪;应该负责”。句意“如果你从不复习你的台词,假如在表演时失败了,你只能怪你自己。”选项C符合语境。5. 单选题The author of the book has shown his remarkably keen( )into human nature.问题1选项A.intellectB.insightC.percep

10、tionD.understanding【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项intellect“智力,理解力”;B选项insight“洞察力,洞悉”;C选项perception“知觉,感觉”;D选项understanding“理解”。句意:这本书的作者对人性有非常敏锐的洞察力。选项B符合语境。6. 单选题These actors failed to carry out some of the provisions of the contract, and now they have to( )the consequences.问题1选项A.answer forB.run intoC.abide

11、 byD.step into【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项answer for“因受罚,对负责”;B选项run into“遭遇,撞上”;C选项abide by“遵守,承担的后果”;D选项step into“进入”。句意:这些演员没有履行合同中的某些条款,现在他们必须对此结果负责。选项A符合语境。7. 单选题Some readers may find it( )that a book arguing for greater literacy and intellectual discipline should lead to a call for less rather than mor

12、e education.问题1选项A.paradoxicalB.controversialC.appealingD.ambiguous【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项paradoxical“自相矛盾的,荒谬的”;B选项controversial“有争议的”;C选项appealing“吸引人的”;D选项ambiguous“模糊不清的”。句意:一本提倡更多的精通文学和知识学科的书应该导致需要更少的而不是更多的教育,一些读者可能会觉得这是自相矛盾的。选项A符合语境。8. 单选题Nobody would expect a city water system designed for 1 m r

13、esidents to be able to handle a 1,000-fold increase in population in just a few years. Yet that is what the internets fundamental addressing scheme has had to accommodate. When the network was first established there were only a handful of computer centres in America. Instead of choosing a numbering

14、 system that could support a few thousand or million addresses, the internets designers foresightedly opted for one that could handle 4 billion. But now even that is not enough.The addressing system, called internet protocol version 4 (IPv4), cannot keep up with the flood of computers, mobile phones

15、, hand-held gadgets, games consoles and even cars and refrigerators flooding onto the network. Nearly 85% of available addresses are already in use; if this trend continues they will run out by 2011, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, a think-tank for rich countries, warned in May.The shortage is not the only problem; so too is growing complexity. IPv4 addresses are allocated in blocks to network operators. The path to reach each network is pub



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