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1、英文版实习报告范文英文版实习报告范文。【以下为赠送相关文档】精选实习报告阅读英文版实习日记position:Recruiting manager of the testing departmentDuty:This August I found a nemunication skills including mine. In this job I lead a hiring team and be responsible for supporting staffer needs of the testing department. The latter half of the year is

2、the busiest period, because many nepletion of the municate pany). Define the job and recruiting action plan. Choosing resumes, interviepliance. Up to last month our recruiter team has hired seventy eight qualified staffers including I found the nieen engineers.英文版实习评语Intern实习生1、xx students on Januar

3、y 20, 202_ at the Division I units of credit, internships, one-month internship period, his outstanding performance, to be leaders and colleagues unanimously affirmed. xxx students to work pro-active, the right attitude, with an open mind to learn from colleagues about the credit knowledge, the univ

4、ersity learned knowledge and apply it in practical classes, learning materials and location of the sections through the exchange of personnel, his basic understanding of the basic flow of credit business and relevant policies and regulations, at the same time , but also assist with some of his whate

5、ver administrative work, which was a pro-active working attitude of our colleagues at home. At the same time, he stick with my unit the relevant rules and regulations, does not appear the phenomenon of absenteeism, etc., live in harmony with colleagues, exchange harmony.Xxx hope students continue to

6、 participate in various social activities, and constantly seek self-improvement to bee a high-quality college students to adapt to social development, and lay a solid foundation forxxx同学于202_年01月20日起在我单位信贷科实习,为期一个月,实习期间,表现优异,得到领导和同事们的一致肯定。xxx同学工作积极主动,态度端正,虚心向同事理解学习信贷知识,将大学所学课堂知识应用于实际,通过学习材料和所在科室人员交流

7、,他根本理解了授信业务根本流程和相关政策法规,同时,还协助完成了一些他力所能及的行政事务工作,这种积极主动的工作态度获得了同事的好评。同时他遵守我单位相关规章制度,未出现缺勤等现象,与同事和睦相处,交流融洽。希望xxx同学继续参加各种社会活动,不断提升自我,为成为一名适应社会开展的高素质大学生,打下坚实根底。吃苦耐劳、学习才能强、事业心强责任心强,有较强的沟通、协调才能,有团队协作精神 Working hard, having the strong ability of learning , with a strong sense of responsibilities and ambitio

8、ns , having the strong munication, coordination and team -spirit; 1. Major in Engineering, and graduate from an undergraduate college;2. Im familiar with industrial engineering theory, and can use it into the actual operation;3. I can bear hardships, and have excellent learning and munication abilit

9、is; I also own a high sense of responsibility and the team spirit;4. Im skilled in the use of office software, and possess related basic knowledge of work.英文版实习证明样本英文版实习证明样本一Internship Certificate exleHuman Resource OperationsDate: April 21, 202_TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNThis is to certify that MiXXX ha

10、s pleted her Internship in (organizational Name)s Finance Department starting from January 28, 202_ to March 28, 202_.Her duties includedChecking the Credit Files and preparation of disbursement cheques for different DepartmentsMonthly Bank Reconciliations of Loan AccountsVouchers entry in MIS.Durin

11、g her stay we found her hard-working with an aptitude for learning and ability to grasp perse concepts quickly. She possesses a strong analytical sense, decision ma-ki-ng ability and proved herself a team player.XXXManager HR & Administration英文版实习证明样本二Certificate of InternshipTo whom it may concern,

12、This is to certify , from University, majored in , started his three weeks internship at our pany from Aug 2nd, 202_ to Aug 30th, 202_.During the students internship, under the guidance of our panys staffs, he got a preliminary understanding of conducting investigation into investment project, and w

13、as familiar with the project-assessment system, as well as the details and standards involved in the process. In addition, he put all his passion and effort into his work. The student tried to find out every problem he encountered and never hesitated to ask senior co-workers for help. He got along v

14、ery well with others, which in term proved his team-spirit and excellent skills of munication. Also, he was willing to take suggestions from others, and he could work overtime to ensure his work is fulfilled before due. His diligence, attitude and cooperation left all his co-workers and our pany a v

15、ery good impression.Corporation, LimitedHuman Resources Director,(Valid with a st)September 1st, 202_拓展阅读:英语老师实习自我鉴定一年的见习期即将完毕。在这一年里,在各位领导和老师的热心支持和帮助下,我认真做好班主任和英语教学工作,积极完成学校布置的各项任务。下面我把本年度的工作做简要的汇报总结。一、师德表现平时积极参加全校教职工大会,认真学习学校下达的上级文件,关心国内外大事,注重政治理论的学习,同时配合组里搞好教研活动。每周按时参加升旗仪式,从不缺勤。服从安排,人际关系融洽。另一方面,老师



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