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1、精诚凝聚=A_A=成就梦想七年级英语下 Unit 4 I want to be an actor导学案Section A Period 1教师寄语:今日事,今日毕。学习目标:1、学习并掌握 P19 21词汇:2、熟记短语: want to be, work with, give sb. sth, in the day, talk to, go out to, at ni ght3、学会运用重点句子:1)- What do you do?2)- What do you want to be?学习重点:学习want to be +职业”用法。学习难点:运用“ want to be +职业”用法进行

2、问答。一、 预习检测:(8分钟)A:听写本课的单词及短语。B:翻译下列短语:1. a shop assistant2. bank clerk3.TV station4.get .from5. talk to sb6. 一名演员 7.在医院8.一名护士 二、认定目标:师生共同认定(1分钟)三、 自主探究:(20分钟)1. 学习本课时出现的重点短语,并在小组内交流,汇总,然后小组代表展示成果。2. 学生看书完成1a内容,小组内互相检测,然后教师个别抽查。3. 学习听录音完成1b内容,小组之间进行交流,教师补充讲解。4. 学生练习1c中对话,然后小组展示。5. 学生听录音完成2a中内容。小组展示答案

3、。6. 学生在听录音完成 2b中内容,小组展示,师生评价。7. 小组活动,完成2c中内容。小组展示,师生共同评价。8. 总结语法。学生小组总结,教师补充。四、 归纳总结:(1分钟)师 生 共 同 总 结 本 节 课 的 重 点 内 容:五、达标测评:(10分钟)B一、首字母填空1. Bai Yansong is a good r. He works for CCTV.2. His pare nts are d. They work in a hospital.3. My un cle is a waiter. He works in a r.4. Li Mei is a nu rse. She

4、 has to wear a white uat work.5. I want to be a policeman. It interesting, but kind of d二、单项选择:()1. Frankmon ey.A. has many B. has much C. has a lot D. has a lot of()2.My aunt is a nu rse. She workshospital.A. in B. at C. in a D. a()3.-does your sister do ? -Shes a nurse.A. How B. Who C. Where D. Wh

5、at()4. Jenny with mein this bank.A. work B. works C. to work D. worki ng()5.Lao She is theof Tea House (茶馆)A. doctor B. actor C. scie ntist D. writer六、拓展提高:(5分钟)D 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. We want a music teacher(teach) the pia no.2. Do you like(meet) in terest ing people?3. -Whatyour father(do)?-He is a sin g

6、er.4.1 want(work) for a magaz ine.5.It s an(interest) book.6. The tiger is very(dan ger).7.She wants to be an(act).8.1 n eed(have) a rest.9. His mother(work) in a hospital.10. He(play) football every day.教学反思:成功之处不足之处措施(原因)小组活动七年级英语下 Un it 4 I want to be an actor导学案Section A Period 2学习目标:1. 词汇:dan g

7、erous, clea ner, writer, sin ger, dancer, worker, runner, swimmer, player, coach, computer programmer, vet, astr on aut.2. 目标语言:What do you do ? What does she do ?What do you want to be? What do you thi nk of the jobs?3. 能力目标:学会谈论自己与他人的职业。学习难点:运用句型 People give me their money or get their money from

8、me. 鑼点亮心灯/(AvA)照亮人生 .鑼 II精诚凝聚 7=成就梦想学习重点:运用句型 People give me their money or get their money from me.一、 预习检测:(5分钟)A: 1、听写本课的单词和短语B: 2、根据提示完成句子1. A shop(助手)sells things in a shop.2. These young men are all police(警官).3. My little brother wants( 成为)a doctor when he grows up.4. There is a(杂志)on the desk

9、.5.1 know some famous(演员).二、认定目标:师生共同认定(1分钟)三、 自主探究:(20分钟)1. 看3a,并填空。个别展示答案。师生共同核对。2. 讲解 3a 中的重点词组,如: work with sb、give sb sth、talk to/with、be busy doing sth、 go out .3. 练习3b对话:A: Where do you work?B: I work in a/an .组组、生生进行操练对话。小组成员展示。师生评价。4. 小组活动完成4中的游戏。四、 归纳总结:(1分钟)本节课学习的重点:五、 达标测评:(10分钟)B根据句意和首字

10、母提示补全单词。1. My brother is a d. He works in a hospital.2. He is a w. He works in a restaura nt.3.1 am a r. I work in the TV statio n.4. My aun t is a shop a. She sells things in a shop.5. My father is a t. He teaches En glish.6. He wan ts to be a bc.7. Tdon t like policemen.8.1 like tto people.9.1 wwi

11、th money and people.10. My uncle works on a farm. He is a f.11. He is a policeman. It s an ejob.12.1 ofte n go to school on foot, but sI go by bike.13.Ca n you ga book to me?14.1 want to be a nreporter.15.Jim has no mto buy the book.16.It s dto climb the tree.17.There are many cin the classroom. The

12、y re doing homework.18.1 like swimmi ng in s.19. Nhelp doctors.20. Hele n is a s. She goes to school every day.21.1 m hungry now. Let s go to the r.22.Mr Brow n is a c. He can cook all kinds of food.六、拓展提高:(8分钟)D一、用所给词的适当形式填空1. They(not go) to school on Sun days.2. Mr Wang is busy(clea n) the bedroo

13、m.3. They are all(policema n).4. Please(come) and watch TV.5. What s(Tom) mother s job?6. Ca n you help me(lear n) En glish?二、句型转换1. My mother works in a restaurant.(戈U线部分提问 ) your mother?2. Mary likes si ngi ng.(改为一般疑问句)Marysi ngi ng?3. Jim parents speak English and Chinese.改为否定句) Jim parentEnglish

14、 andChin ese.4. What s her job改为同义句 )?教学反思:成功之处不足之处措施(原因)小组活动七年级英语下 Un it 4 I want to be an actor导学案学习目标:1、并掌握P22 24词汇2、 熟记短语: talk with , work for , in the school day, a busy job3、 学会运用重点句子:Hes a policeman. Its an exciting job. If your answer is Yes”, then we have a job for you as a waiter. Please call Karen at 555-8823. (4) Do you want to work for a magaz ine?学习重点:学会运用 Hes a policema n. Its an excit ing job. 学习难点:学会运用 Hes a policema n. Its an excit ing job.一、预习检测:(8分钟)A:听写本节课单词及短语。B:英汉互译:1. 一份激动人心的工作 2. 一名新闻记者3. 对-感兴趣4.太无聊5.谈论工作6. police statio n7.a bus



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