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1、父亲节公益广告【篇一:父亲节广告语】 生命中,有这么一个人。 你小的时候,他高大得可以遮挡任何风雨,遇到害怕的东西,只需要向他背后一躲就万事大吉,他是你的英雄。 你慢慢长大,他威严得可以摧毁你的所有自以为是的谎言,虽然明白他给了你一切,但不由自主的觉得他很烦,他是个讨厌鬼。 你终于长大懂事,他突然宽容得不可思议,只要你有需要向他开口,他就是砸锅卖铁也要帮你做到,他是万能的。 你有了自己的事业、家庭,他就像消失在你的生活里,偶尔去看他,偶尔打 ,他也总是催着你赶快去干自己的事,他是你偶尔去住的旅店的老板。 他偶尔脾气不好,喝得烂醉,骂得你狗血淋头,打得你满身伤痕,指着你鼻子气得说不出话。 他有时

2、候像个老顽童,玩着孩子们的玩具,哼着一些雷人的歌又唱又跳。 他老是喜欢吹牛,维持他无所不能的形象,你却会在同龄人面前嫌弃他又老又土。 终于有一天,你回家的时候看见他满头白发拄着拐杖,还是故作严肃的指责你这不对那不对。 你突然想哭。 他一直都是一个顶天立地的英雄,是一座巍峨高峻却也和蔼可亲的大山,是一片辽阔浩瀚容纳百川的海洋,是那个永远站在你背后,无论贫穷、困顿、苦难都用那双饱经风霜却依旧坚强有力的手臂支撑着你的坚实后盾。 小时候,他的背像大地一样宽广,他的怀抱像阳光一样无所不包温暖无比;长大后,他的严厉促使你前进,他的慈和安抚你疲惫或受伤时的心灵。 他是父亲。 严肃的,沉默的,温和的,慈爱的,

3、任何言语都无法赞美的父亲。 这是他的节日,祝他节日快乐!【篇二:各行业父亲节促销广告语大全】 各行业父亲节促销广告语大全 超市父亲节促销广告语 扮靓父亲,重返年轻 给老爸一个温馨的父亲节 真情实意送父亲,健康礼品更贴心 六月佳礼 扮靓父亲 商场父亲节促销广告语 父爱如山,万联贴心相赠! 完美男人抽好礼 心动不如行动 温暖的爱 父亲的笑 万联的贴心 为父亲赢奖 服装店父亲节促销广告语 父爱有痕,岁月无迹? 父爱如山,高大而巍峨;父爱如天,粗旷而深远;父爱如河,细长而源源; 他是血与脉的相通相融,他是骨与肉的相联相依; 在这个特殊的日子里,让我们一起来道声:“爸爸,您辛苦了!”酒店父亲节促销广告语

4、 为父亲提供一个父亲级的享受父爱如山真情回馈 我为父亲下为厨 老爸加油站 其它父亲节促销广告语 “0元健康普查风暴”-献给父亲的爱椰岛鹿龟酒,父亲的补酒 615,与父亲乐一起!【篇三:父亲节赞颂单亲妈妈,煽情广告惹非议】 a popular brand of toilet paper is under fire after releasing an emotional commercial celebrating single mothers, which some critics have said hijaks a day reserved for dads. 一家知名手纸品牌因发布了一则

5、主题为“父亲节为单亲妈妈庆祝”的煽情商业广告后,竟引火上身。因为一些批评者说这一天是专门为父亲设立的。 however, instead of paying tribute to their fathers, they praise their moms who raised children alone, thanking them for taking on the dual role of being both mother and father in their childrens lives. 然而,他们并没有称颂其父亲,反而赞扬独自把他们抚养成人的母亲,感谢母亲在他们的童年生活中扮

6、演父亲母亲的双重角色。 the video honors single moms who have to be both mom and dad. women who have to be soft and strong at the same time. these unsung heroes take on both parental roles and balance them with grace every single day. this year lets also say #happyfathersdaymom, reads the clips description. 这则广

7、告赞扬那些既为人母又为人父的单亲母亲。这些女性既要温柔也要强悍。这些未被称颂的英雄们需要同时扮演父亲、母亲的角色,每天还要以一种优雅的姿态将二者平衡。广告说明写道:今年我们也说声“妈妈,父亲节快乐!” the ad has led to a war of words online, with some dads expressing unhappiness that a day reserved especially for them is being eclipsed, and that single moms should be given credit on mothers day in

8、 may. 该广告在网上引发了一场文字战,一些父亲对此表示感到不快,因为这一天是专门为他们设立的,这样一来便使他们在这一天黯然失色,他们认为赞美单亲妈妈应该放在五月份的母亲节。 you know there are single fathers that play both roles of the parent as well. you wouldve had a better argument if you acknowledged both, wrote one commenter, ivan seahorn, on youtube. there is a day called moth

9、ers day. 评论员伊万这样说:“也有一些单亲父亲同样扮演父母双亲的角色,如果这两点你都承认,那么你就要好好地进行一场辩论了,因为还有一个母亲节。” even some women have commented that fathers day should be reserved exclusively for men: as women, we pick our mates. the most important choice we make is who we decide to make the father our children. sometimes we make a ba

10、d choice but we shouldnt get a special reward for it, another commenter, kayla hilyard wrote. 甚至有些女性也评论说父亲节就是专门为父亲庆祝的。其中一位评论者凯拉这样写到:“作为女性,我们选择自己的伴侣。我们做出的最重要的选择就是让谁来做我们孩子的父亲。有时候我们选择失误,就不该接受一份特殊的奖励。” the video shows grown men and women tearing up as they recount growing up with moms who handled everyt

11、hing from putting food on the table to fixing the car. 视频中,这些长大成人的男男女女含泪讲述了在自己的成长过程中,从做饭到修车,所有的一切都是母亲一手操办的。 the caption that flashes on the screen reads: sometimes she had to be softer, sometimes she had to be stronger. 屏幕中出现了这样的解说词:“有时,她必须温柔;有时,她必须强悍。” however, angel soft said they did not mean to

12、cause disrespect by acknowledging single and divorced mothers on fathers day. 然而,倍舒柔表示他们不是有意通过在父亲节赞扬那些单亲或已离婚的妈妈们而对父亲表示不敬。 we have no intention of taking the spotlight off of the amazing dads out there rather, we just want to acknowledge and celebrate the single moms who play the roles of both parent

13、s as well, a spokesperson wrote on youtube. 一位发言人在youtube上面这样写道:我们并不是有意要抢走父亲的光环,而是也想在父亲节这天对扮演父母双亲的单亲妈妈致谢,并且表示赞美。 but such well-meaning intentions are not having much effect with many vitriolic commentators: you acknowledged single moms without at all acknowledging the amazing dads. you took the spot

14、light off of these dads, and i suspect it wasnt an accident. angel soft clearly has something against dads, or at the very least, will pander to women at the expense of dads everywhere. done to women, this would rightfully be called sexism. shame on you. 但是很多苛刻的评论者对这种好意并不领情:你们向单亲妈妈致谢却并没有向优秀的父亲致谢。你们夺

15、走了父亲的光环,我怀疑你们是蓄意的。很明显倍舒柔在某些方面与父亲们持对立态度,或者至少在各方面都以牺牲父亲的光环为代价来取悦女性。你们的所作所为绝对算是性别歧视,真以你们为耻! despite the raging arguments, one online commenter thought of a way the company can put things right in due course: what about single fathers? i expect a happy mothers day dad campaign next mothers day! 尽管这些愤怒的争论此起彼伏,然而一位网络评论员想出了一个办法,可以让该公司在适当时候解决这一问题:至于单亲父亲呢?希望在下一个母亲节我们可以为单亲父亲来庆祝! vocabulary unsung: 未被赞扬的 caption: 解说词 vitriolic: 刻薄的 pander: 迎合表不满 更多英语学习:企业英语



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