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1、M5U3 Science and naturePeriod I Reading Language PointsPart 1 Preview sheet(预习单)学习目标:理解背诵文中重点单词,词组和句型。一 词性变化1.exact (adj.) (adv.)2. intention (n.) (vt.)_(adj.)3. anxiety (n.) (adj.)4. adopt (vt.) _(中文) (adj.)5. legal (adj.) (反)6. physician (n) _ (中文) physicist (n) _ (中文) physics (n) _ (中文) physical

2、(adj.) _7. crime (n) _ (人 n.) Answers: 1. exactly 2. intend, intended(打算的,计划的), 3. anxious 4. 采纳,收养,adopted, 5. illegal 6. 医师,内科医生;物理学家;物理学;身体的 7. criminal二课文重点短语1. 一方面另一方面on the one hand.on the other hand2. 指出 point out3. 戏弄,摆弄;把当儿戏toy with4. 在做某事的过程中,某事即将发生on ones way to doing sth5. 比正常年龄年轻得多 at a

3、 much younger age than normal6. 总体上说in general7. 考虑克隆人类 consider cloning human beings8. 以 为目的/意图with the intention of doing9. 对 不尊重show no respect for10. 导致很多焦虑 cause a lot of anxiety11. 努力推进研究push ahead with research12. 集中努力在某事上focus /concentrate ones efforts /attention on sth13. 成功做某事succeed in do

4、ing sth14. 使人类受益 benefit mankind15. 应付各种后果deal with the consequences16. 结果as a consequence17. 待出售的产品 a product for sale18. 用光地球自然资源use up the Earths natural wealth19. 评论 comment on/ make comments on 20. 文章中提到的科学进步 the scientific advances mentioned in the article21. 第一个被克隆的哺乳动物the first mammal to be

5、cloned22. 第一个克隆人类的医生 the first physician to clone a human being23. 完全同意be in complete agreement with24. 毕竟,终究 after all25. 就个人而言on a personal note26. 死于心脏衰竭die of heart failure27. 改变我的生活 transform my life二课文重点句子1. On the other hand, many people, including some scientists disagree and are afraid that

6、 if mankind toys with nature in this way, they may be on their way to producing a real-life Frankensteins monster. 另一方面,包括一些科学家在内的很多人则不同意见,他们担心如果人类用这种方式干涉自然,那就可能离制造弗兰肯斯坦怪物不远了。2. However, some people believe that cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them shows no respect for human l

7、ife. 然而,一些人认为,怀着摧毁他们的意图来克隆人类坯胎,这是对人类生命的不尊重。3. While cloning human embryos is illegal many countries, some scientists are already pushing ahead with research so as to produce a cloned human baby. 尽管克隆人类坯胎目前在许多国家属于违法,有些科学家已经开始加紧研究,以便降生一个克隆的人类婴儿。4. China has succeeded in producing clones of cows and go

8、ats, and continues to research ways in which cloning can benefit mankind. 中国已经成功地克隆出了牛和山羊,并在继续研究利用克隆技术造福人类的各种途径。Part 2 Activity leading sheet(活动导学单)教学目标及要求:1. 掌握相关的短语及重点句型,并学会运用。2. 理解文章并能运用所学词组和句型完成有关克隆话题的作文。教学过程:Activity 1: Read the passage quickly and complete Part A, C1 on Page 42 and 44Activity

9、2: Scan the passage and find the best answer, giving your reasons to support it. 1. The announcement of successful human embryo cloning has caused much debate because_.A. people still have no clear idea about the results of human cloningB. valuable tissues and organs can be used to save humans C. ma

10、nkind is going to produce terrible monstersD. people know that nature will punish mankind for human cloning2. According to the passage, what is the real intention of Ian Wilmut”s cloning research? A. To create copies of humans in the end. B. To destroy human embryos in the end.C. To create new tissu

11、es or organs for sale. D. To cure deadly diseases eventually.3. How does a woman who cannot give a birth benefit from cloning? A. She can have a baby by using another womans egg.B. She can have a baby genetically related to her.C. She can adopt someone elses child by cloning. D. She can have more ch

12、ildren.4. What can we infer from the whole passage? A. Cloning animals is illegal in Italy.B. Chinese scientists are trying to benefit mankind by using cloning technology.C. Chinese scientists want to be the first to clone a human baby.D. Colin Jake agrees with the scientists who want to clone a hum

13、an baby.Activity 3. Read through the text again and fill in the following chart.The perfect copyThe general introductionThe announcement that the first human embryo has been cloned has caused (1)_ debate and shock. Different people hold different opinion.(2)_ Cloning is producing an exact copy of a

14、plant or an animal using its cells.Different (3)_ towards cloning l Some scientists are in (4)_of the cloning of (5)_ tissues and organs to cure some (6)_ diseases.l Other scientists think people with the (7)_ of cloning human beings dont show any (8)_ for human life.Cloning in different (9)_ In Ita

15、ly, a doctor has declared that he wants to be the first to clone a human being.In China, scientists have made great efforts to clone animals and tissues for medical research and they have been (10)_ in cloning cows and goats.Activity 2: ADBB Activity 3:Task-based Reading1. world-wide 2. Definition 3. attitudes 4. favor/ support 5. valuable/ useful



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