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1、三年级科教版英语上册看图写单词专项习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图补全句子。1Clap your_. 2Touch your_.3Wave your_. 4Shake your_.5Shake your_. 6Stamp your_.2. 看图,写单词。1 23 43. 看一看,选一选。A. brother B. mother C. grandpa C. sister D. grandma E. father4. 看图,写单词。1 23 45. 看图,补全单词。1 do_ 2ba_3 c_ 4rob_6. 看图写单词。1 23 45 67 87. 看图写话,用like和can各写一句话。128

2、. 根据图片完成单词。1t_ 2c_3l_ 4p_5m_ 6c_9. 根据图片写短语。例:a green T-shirt1 23 45 6710. 读单词,圈出相应的图片。1pen 2doll3coffee 4ear5panda11. 看动作图写单词。1_ 2_3_ 4_12. 看图,回答问题。1How many candles?2Whats that under the table(桌子下)?3How many books?4Whats the boys name?5How old is the boy?13. 看图片,选出各部位名称写在相应位置的横线上。a. ear b. nose c.

3、mouth d. eye e. hair14. 看图,写出同类词。1_ 2_3_ 4_5_15. 根据正确的内容将答案填在下面相应的括号里。16. 给句子选出对应的图片。1Im Lily.Im three years old.( )A. B.2Show me three. ( )A. B.3I have seven crayons. ( )A. B.4I see four cats. ( )A. B.17. 根据图片提示,选择正确答案。1Where is the ball? ( )A.Its on the car. B.Its in the toy box.2Where is the cap?

4、 ( )A.Its on the desk. B.Its on the toy box.3Is the boat on the map? ( )A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isnt.18. 数一数,填一填。1-How many girls can you see?-I can see_girls.2-How many pencils do you have?-I have_pencils.3-How many apples can you see?-I can see_apples.4-How many cats can you see?-I can see_cats.5-Amy, how many ballons do you have?-I have_ballons.6-How many books can you see?-I can see_books.7-How many pencils can you see?-I can see_.页码 / 总页数


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