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1、Module 3Unit 1 The sun is shining.Teaching aims:1. Four skill words: shine everyone2. Main sentences:The sun is singing in the trees.The birds are singing in the trees.The ducks are eating our picnic.Can say and using.3. Understand present continuous tense.be (am, is, are)+v.ingTeaching Important an

2、d Difficult points:a. Can use be (am, is, are)+v.ingb. Can describe a scence.Teaching tools: cards pictures tape PPTTeaching course:Step1:Warming upT: Good morning, boys and girls.Today Im very happy to see you again. Are you happy? Today well learn Module 3 Unit 1 The sun is sining. At first, lets

3、say a chant.Reading reading reading They are reading a book.Watching watching watching He is watching TV.Writing writing writing She is writing a letter.Singing singing singing We are singing a song.Playing playing playing They are playing football.Step2 PresentationT:Wonderful! Boys and girls. I we

4、nt to the peoples park of Jiaozuo. Last Saturday, I took many photos. Do you want to have a look?S: Yes.简笔画T: Look, this is a sun.The sun is shining. Word: shineT: This is a tree. This is a bird.What is the bird doing ?S: The bird is singing.T: This is a river, and these are ducks .What are these du

5、cks doing?S: The ducks are swimming in the water.T:These are some birds.What are they doing?S: The birds are flying in the sky.T:This is a football. These are boys. What are they doing ?S: Children are playing football.T: This is me. These are my friends.This is my son.What are we doing ?S: We are h

6、aving a picnic.T: lets discribe this picture together.T:Very good. We had a very funny day last Saturday.a. Lead to read: had a very funny day.b. On that day, I fel very happy.And everyone is happy, too.c. Teaching word: everyone.Step3 TextT: boys and girls. Everyone is happy.Do you know Linging is

7、happy,too.Because she has got an email T:And who sent the email to her? Lets listen to the tape.T:Now listen angin and answer me two questions.Q1: What did Daming do in the park?Q2: What did Daming sent to Linging?S: Some photps.T: Do you want to see the photos?Please look at the screen.T:What can y

8、ou see in this photo?(P1-P3)a. Please listen to the tape, and repeat.b. Please read by yourself.c. Who can discribe this photo with the key words.d. Ask someone to say.Step4 PracticeT: Boys and girls. Youre very clever.and I have got many photos!Look!P1:A:In this photo, its raining. B:The ducks are

9、swimming in the water.T: Open the book , Look at activity3 .Please make new dialogues like this. Please practise in pairs.One is A.One is B.T:Which group can say them out?Step4.Assessment T: Boys and girls. I took some photos of you last Tuesday . Do you want to have a look? What is she doing ? (Ask

10、 Ss to answer.)Step5 Exercises1. 写出下列单词的现在分词形式。send shine look sing swim make 2. 单项选择。( )1. The birds in the class. A. singing B. are singing ( ) 2.Look the ducks A. at B. on ( ) 3. They running. A. is B. are ( ) 4. The ducks our picnic. A. are eat B. are eating反思:在教学中,让学生自己去体会,自己去总结。因此在第二个环节中,我先让学生自己去看图片自己说图片,然后再去听录音内容。学生理解和掌握的深度和速度回加快一些。 我们常说:“亲其师而信其道”要让学生愿学,首先就要师生情感交融。在最后一个环节中,我设计了一些关于学生的话题,接近学生的生活,有让学生感觉很亲近,让学会有想说的欲望。这就达到了学生运用能力的锻炼的目的。教师通过自己的一举一动去感染学生,把亲切、信任、尊重、友好的情感传递给学生。要想让学生乐学最重要的是需要教师想方设法发现学生学习中的闪光点,多表扬,少批评,让学生从教师的激励中,体会到成功的快乐,体验到胜利的果实的喜悦,从而激发学生的学习兴趣。



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