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1、必修2 Uit 1. 单项填空1. (淮安模拟)ne re,as is descried nt ne, inavllae b th sa,o made livng by fshng. A an l man lves . ie an old mn. a ol manlvdD.livedn old an. Do yu noweggsaerditionally sol by dozen in isounty? es.ndinomebokstore, thesecond-hand books are sld yeight.A 不填;不填B the; te th; 不填D. 不填; te3.Africa

2、nchicken i a dish that ay oriss ordr n that rstaut,but I uually vod cauemfirt expeience with t wa lesan. A. i . tt C. achD ne4(牡丹江模拟)To pay bter, allthe playes hav o ko teir and eaknese.tcniquesB. srethsC. beefitsD. alues5 Ba uk! thsiewakhen Aui ut i nd knck me down You cannevere too careful! A. cro

3、sseB. ave rosd. as rossing. ha been crosin6 She doentave a atural gif frpainin, but she foit wthrd wor. A show upB. putsup. makes upD ics up7. e d dismss th posibilty more ces f ts kinwill ome up n th futr n crrying outh pan. A. whreB. whterC.why. that8.(金华模拟)Tbank i ofering a(n) to anne ho ca ge so

4、me inforatinabout he rbbery. A.rewdB. wrdC przeD us9.Many Ciese mpaniesae oaot Afca ous wile thers are inteestd in local agiculture puct. . puzzledB. enthusiastcC nrvousD. etan10. there was ad viece, mo ep thought hehdoke the winow oftelassrom. .Whil. Beas. UnlessD. Whe11 When wy e a ateagai, he md

5、up a ecus, sayin tht h hdnt augthe regular us. . askigB. to be ke.ask. asked2Yourelateagai. Weor yosnc8: 00 . m. Sorry unepctd visitor e osem. are iinB watC wited. haveeenwaitin13. (原创) a tecountyas can lead out othefnancil prolems, pepe rebeomingmore optmistc abt he futreof h coury.A. ConvininB. Hv

6、ig convinedCTocince D Convined4.(长春模拟)Sh hs en oerhisstra ltter r seeralwee, uthe till figuresout ohngb it. A. puzzlng. worieC. oubedD. axious15. (马鞍山模拟) hvefied oer ad over aga in mlife, ut I stic to y ol. And hts I succed A. thatB. whyC. bauseD. where. 完形填空(南通模拟)Haveyouever wndered w smepople arab

7、l o have ofidec o spe heitcomes to takng risksch as srng ei ow buines ig a er off ttravel without eomosafety e?The answr is h thyve1the r f optiistic hinkin. egoo news is at2 sme pope re simply orn bepmstic,anyeato tke amore itive proacwrdtheirlife. Optimist ok o 4outcoes Thi doesntmea atotmists las

8、 jump intothin carelessl and hpe for5, rahethat ho ot et potntial negatecomes e potentiaposiive otces. B hpio ad hn tha theycan hale any negaive, optimists are8 otake advantae ofoppornities tt come theiray.Optimists beieve hat therctionca makea . heydont se he own ert as being 1 . The undstandht he

9、o hveth wer to ake thing apen an ake stps to k tir reams a reality. 11, psimists hae dffiulttime belieng tht at the o will make andiferece ndind it 1to make anchnges o ak any ation towards chieving a goal eyfin13hy soethinthatas rked for ohrs wil notork frthem ad believe that aything hey icaito1 . T

10、hismakeitdffcult or heoet ou ofsiation tat make tem15, shsa da-nd job h maks hemmisral. Otiiss do otinteraie(使内在化)failure When thngs do 16 for them,he ont beat themelves u er. The ar able tact falure as aar o lifand try 17 witha pstive atttude.Te areoft btter ble to len fromthei 18 . en essimss dtak

11、e chanc an fai, they havahar time ot19themesnd cocludingth thsithewaythat it ato e. One20 can lave temith ene being worthor cmlee te mr oothers. Tha wy optists become successful! . A. undrstooB. masteC. died. ound2. A. ifB ecuseC. nlessD. hle3.A.rsponB. cotinueC. learn. etrn4. A. positiveBposibleC. diereparticular5. he ortB.thlasC e stD themot6. . vrcomeB. veloC. ovrloaD. overake7. fahB. wor. oleD. control8. A. eagrB. u


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