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1、Unit 10P1 The Information Technology Industry council (ITI) is an elite group of the nations top high-tech companies and is widely recognized as tech industrys most effective lobbying organization in Washington. ITI helps member companies achieve their objectives through building relationships with

2、Members of Congress, Administration officials, and foreign governments; organizing industry-wide consensus on policy issues; and working to enact tech-friendly government policies. ITI works to reduce barriers that stifle innovation, increase access to global markets, promote e-commerce expansion, p

3、rotect consumer choice, and enhance the global competitiveness of our companies.信息技术产业协会(ITI)是一个国内顶尖高科技公司组成的精英团队,被公认为是业界在华盛顿最有效的游说组织。ITI协助会员通过与国会议员、行政官员及外国政府建立关系实现公司目标;组织全行业在政策问题上达成共识;制定有利于技术发展的政府政策。ITI致力于减少阻碍创新的障碍,扩大进入全球市场的机会,促进电子商务的扩展,保护消费者的选择权以及增强会员的全球竞争力。P2 State government is increasingly chall

4、enged to maintain or reduce costs while maintaining the effectiveness and efficiency of overall services and operations. Also, the federal government is turning over more responsibility to the states. This will increase the pressure to provide effective services and information technology will be an

5、 important part of meeting this responsibility. Today, information technology, with its potential to revolutionize the way we work, must be an integral part of any successful state government. Speed, efficiency, and accuracy in information exchange have become competitive tools to satisfy customer d

6、emands, improve productivity and enhance innovation and creativity.州政府正日益受到保持或减少成本的同时保证整体服务与运作的效能和效率的压力。此外,联邦政府也将向各州政府移交更多的职责。这将会进一步增加州政府提供高效服务的压力。要担负这个责任,信息技术必不可少。信息技术具有改革人类工作方式的潜力,必定是任何成功的州政府不可或缺的一部分,因为信息交流的速度、效率和准确性已成为满足客户需求、提高生产力、加强创新性和创造性颇有竞争力的工具。P 3美国信息技术产业巨头EMC公司星期五宣布其将会在未来五年内向中国投资五亿美元,以更好的开发

7、当地市场。EMC是世界上最大的数据存储和信息管理解决方案的提供商,其主要竞争对手有康柏-惠普、IBM以及日立等。该公司于10年前在北京设立一办事处,由此进入中国市场。在2001-2005年间,EMC共在中国投资约1亿5000万美元。U.S. information technology giant EMC Corp on Friday said it plans to invest US$500 million in china within five years to better tap into the local market. EMC, the worlds largest prov

8、ider of data storage and information management solutions, competing with companies such as Hewlett-Packard, IBM and Hitachi, entered the China market 10 years ago by setting up an office in Beijing. Between 2001 and 2005, EMC invested about US$150 million in the country.P 4 数字经济这一概念强调的是我们当前的经济收到了信息

9、技术的巨大影响。随着信息技术的发展,新的工作方式、通信手段、产品、服务以及社区陆续形成。借助因特网,可直接在网上提供各种各样的服务等无形产品。就有形产品而言,人们可首先在网上订购和签订合同,然后再将实物送达。这样做生意可减少成本,提高服务质量,消费者也会从中受益。The concept of digital economy is stressing that our economy is significantly influenced by information technology. New ways of working, new means of communication, new

10、 goods and new services, and new forms of community have come into being with the development of the digital technology or information technology. With the help of the internet, intangible products such as various services can be provided on line. As for tangible goods, people can order and contract

11、 through the Internet, and then get them delivered physically. By this way, business cost is reduced, the quality of services improved, and the consumers are benefited.Unit 11P1At Goldman Sachs our culture is very much in evidence helping us attract and retain the best employees and clients. Goldman

12、 Sachs commitment to its clients, teamwork, integrity, professional excellence and entrepreneurial spirit has its beginning in 1869 with Marcus Goldman. This spirit is embodied today in our core values of client focus, integrity, meritocracy, excellence, entrepreneurial spirit and teamwork. At the c

13、ore of our business remains our commitment to our clients, which is embodied in our fourteen Business Principles. Our business principles are a consistent measure for evaluating recruits and employees.高盛公司卓越的企业文化帮助我们吸引并保留了最佳的雇员和客户。从Marcus Goldman 先生于1869年创立高盛公司起,客户至上团结合作诚信守法追求完美和开拓进取的企业精神就一直植根于高盛文化之

14、中。我们对客户做出的承诺是公司一切业务的核心,这一精神在高盛14条业务准则中充分体现。高盛在招聘员工以及雇员进行业绩评估的过程中,始终以这些商业原则为准绳。P2We should be flexible in engaging in varied types of trade, striving to maintain and develop the existing markets in the United States, European countries and Japan. We should strive to import advanced technologies and k

15、ey equipment and increase the import of resource products. We should further deepen the reform of the foreign trade system and encourage overseas investment that can promote exports. We should continue to improve the domestic investment environment and maintain a steady increase in foreign investmen

16、t. 我们要灵活运用多种贸易方式,努力保持和扩大美欧日等传统市场。我们要积极引进先进技术和关键设备,增加资源性产品进口。我们要进一步深化外贸体制改革,鼓励能带动出口的海外投资。我们要继续改善国内投资环境,保持引进外资的稳定增长。P3多年来广州白云国际机场在改革中求发展,坚持“以安全为基础,以效益为中心,以革命为方针”的经营方针,坚持“社会化、专业化、连营化”的发展方向,通过“优化业务流程,实施精细化管理,建塑企业文化,强化全员培训”的方式,培育企业的核心竞争力,逐渐发展成为跨国大型企业集团,机场各项设施在国内外居领先地位。For years, Baiyun International Airport seeks development by reform. By sticking to its bus



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