英语新校园答案八年级上册 4-8单元

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1、Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.Section AI. 1.mad 2. supposed 3.message 4.surprise 5.anymoreII. 1. supposed 2.would bring 3.exciting 4.could 5.was havingIII. 1.he was 2.told, he would 3. moves around 4.she goes 5. what wasIV. 1-5 CBACCSection BI. 1.nervous 2.hard-working 3.copy 4.true 5.envelopeII

2、. 1.luckily 2.lucky 3.badly 4.dancing, singing 5.surprisedIII. ADAACDIV. 1. really hard time studying2. get nervous, envelope from3. if he could copy4. She said that she was better at reading than listening in English./ She said that she did better in reading than listening in English.ReadingA1.所以,无

3、论你站在哪里,你都可以看见大笨钟表面上的时间。2.在那里你将会发现大本钟座落在国会大厦钟楼塔顶部。3. Big BenB1 对于我们这些在校学习的学生来说,考试的时候是最紧张、困难的时候。2. 考试压力促使你为考试努力学习。3.请给短文拟一个适当的标题。How to get through exams?当堂诊断I. 1-5 DCBDC 6-10 ACCCB 11-15 CABACII. 1-5 BADBC 6-10 ACADBIII. 1-5 ACADB 6-10BDCAAIV. 1.dont, anymore 2. news 3. happening 4. surprise/surprisi

4、ng 5.exciting 6.influence 7.experience 8.kidding 9.strange 10. supposed V. 1. would fly 2. goes 3. could go 4. will be /is going to be 5. to do 6. health 7. finishing 8. to be 9. feel 10. difference / differencesVI. 1. she was going to have a surprise party for Maria2. his /her students were hard-wo

5、rking 3. to open the door4. he/she was sorry that he/ she got mad5. why I wanted to do that VII. 1. was going , surprise 2. didnt want to go anymore.3. better singing dancing ( better , dancing)4. It was an exciting week for most people.5. are supposed wear VIII. 1. fight 2. copy 3. forgotten 4. ide

6、a 5. habit 6. own 7. got 8. anymore 9. over 10. much X. Dear parents,I got my report card yesterday. I did OK in some subjects. My math teacher said that I was hard-working, my Spanish said I was good at speaking, and I think I can do better in history. Because I dont work hard at Chinese, so my Chi

7、nese teacher said I was just so-so. The bad news is that my Science teacher said I was a lazy student. I feel so sorry, I decide to study hard. And my geography teacher said I did well in writing. Thats all. See you soon!Yours,JackUnit 5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time?Section AI.1.h

8、ave a great/good time 2.have a party 3.wear jeans 4.wear a raincoat 5.let sb. out 6.take away II. 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.CIII. 1.like wearing jeans 2.or shout; or have to 3.have a great time 4.took it away 5.When;toSection BI. 1.make a living 2.get injured 3.get an education 4. make money5.go to

9、college 6.all over the worldII. 1.wear 2.organize 3.professional 4.differences 5.living III. 1.playing 2.friendier 3.injured 4.run 5.WatchingIV. 1.B 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.CV.略。VI. 略。Reading1-5. BDBAC当堂诊断I. 1.Travel all over the world 2.have a birthday party 3.a pair of jeans 4.wear a shirt 5.let me in 6.tak

10、e away 7.spend time with 8.have a hard /difficult time doing 9.be able to do 10.make a lot of/ much moneyII. A.1.charities 2.makes 3.was cutting 4.playing 5. wont help 6.to get 7.play 8.has;will meet 9.help;will be 10.will happenB. 1.wear 2.organize 3.share 4.poor 5.flowers 6.tonightIII. 1-5 BACCC 6

11、-10ACBAA 11-15 BBCBBIV. 1.If; am 2.run or shout 3.go to college ,grow up 4.all over 5.In fact; complain 6.has;educationV. 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.A VI. A: DDBA B: BCDACVII. 1. trouble(s) 2. only 3. Instead 4. cook 5. others 6. different 7. speak 8. shoes 9. everyday 10. meansVII. If M

12、y Family Has a CarNow, more and more families buy their own cars. If my family has a car, we can go to far places during the weekends or vacations. We can go sightseeing or do other interesting things. We will feel happier. But we have to spend more money. Also, cars can be very noisy; they make a l

13、ot of pollution. Its bad for our health. If there are too many cars, we cant go to places easily.If my family doesnt have a car, we can save money. Its good for our city traffic as well .If we want to travel; we can take buses, trains or taxies. It will spend more time but it may be more relaxing an

14、d interesting.I think I wont buy a car. I think there are already too many cars in our city now.Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells?Section AI. 1.C 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.DII.1.to arrive 2.swimming 3.worked 4.are playing 5.have;beenIII. 1. have been teaching ; two; a half 2.the first; to leave 3.How long have you been skating? I have been skating since I was 5 years old. 4.For,for charitySection BI. 1.C 2.C 3. A 4.B 5.B 6.BII. 1.collecting 2.collects 3.raise 4.store 5 flyingIII. 1.ran out of 2.anyone else 3. stamp coll


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