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1、介词 介词不能单独作句子成分, 而是用来表示名词或代词等和句中其他词的关系,通常放在名词或代词之前,构成介词短语。介词短语作为一个成分在句中可用作定语,表语,状语等。When shall we have the talk on the history of the Party?我们何时听党史报告?(定语)His elder brother is in the army.他的哥哥在部队。(表语)I went to school at half past seven yesterday.昨天我7:30 上学。(状语)Will you please come along with me?跟我一起走好

2、吗?(状语)同一个汉语词可以译成不同的英语介词。例如:一幢石头的房子 a house of stone这个房间的钥匙 the key to this room明天的票 the ticket for tomorrow / (一)About1表示地点:在。周围;在。附近We took the foreign guests about the campus.我们带领外宾在校园里各处看看。2表示时间:大约。;近于。时刻前后We left there about six oclock我大约在六点左右离开那个地方。3表示客体关系:对于;关于;有关。例如:1) I must see him, Ive hea

3、rd so much about him我必须要见他,我听到很多关于他的事情。2) What do you know about China?关于中国你知道些啥?(二)Above表示位置,职位,数量,年龄等:在。上方;在。之上;超过。1) Henrys work is well above the average.亨利的功课大大超过一般水平。2) A bird is flying above the woods.一只鸟在树林上飞。3) The portrait is above the blackboard. 一幅肖像挂在黑板的上方。4) It weighs above five tons.这

4、东西有5 吨多重。(三)Across1表动作方向/位置:横过;穿过。(在表面)1)The boy helped the old lady across the street.男孩扶老大娘穿过马路。2) The tree had fallen down across the railway line.树倒啦,横在铁路上。2表示地点:在对面;在。的另一边。 1)The church is across the river.教堂在河的对面。(四)After1.表示时间或位置:在。之后。1)Please line up one after another. 请一个挨一个排好对。He goes on w

5、orking day after day ,week after week without any change.他继续日复一日地工作,没有丝毫改变。Shut the door after you.随手关门! 2引伸意义:仿照;按照。Please make sentences after the model.请照示例造句。(五)Against1表示位置:依着;紧靠;撞击;碰着。1) He rested his bike against the wall.他把自行车靠在墙上。2) The rain was beating against the windows.雨敲打着窗户。2引伸意义:反对;禁

6、止。1)Are you for it or against it ?你是赞成还是反对?2) Is there a law in this country against spitting right and left?你们国家有没有反对随地吐痰的规定?3) He is against this proposal.他反对这个提议 。3引伸意义:违背。1)In the old days many girls were married against their own will.在过去,许多姑娘们违背自己的意愿嫁人。(六)Along表示动作方向,位置:顺着;沿着。They walked along

7、 the river.他们沿着河走。七)Among表示位置等;在。中间;在。之中(在三者或三者以上之中)。1)The village lies among the hills.村庄位于群山之中。2) Divide it among you three.你们三人把它分了。(八)At1表示时间:在。时刻;在。点钟;在。岁 (时)1)I will see you at school at nine tomorrow.我明天九点在学校见你。2) Children begin schooling at the age of five.孩子们五岁开始上学。2表示速度,价格等:按。速度;值(卖)。钱。1)T

8、he car runs at a speed of 50 miles an hour.汽车以每小时50 英里的速度行驶。2) The book is sold at two dollars.这本书卖两块钱。3表示原因:因为;由于(说明某种情绪)。1)They were sad at hearing such bad news.他们听到这样的坏消息很难过。2) She felt glad at what he had said.她听了他的话感到高兴。4表示动作方向;针对着;朝;向(某一目标移动)。He threw a stone at the dog.他向鸟瞄准。(九)Before1表示时间:在

9、。以前。 I met him yesterday, but I knew of him long before that.我昨天见到了他,不过我很早以前就听说过他。2表示位置:在。前面;当着。的面;1)Harder tasks are before us.我们面前还有更艰巨的任务。3表示次序:先于;在。之前;Ladies before gentlemen.男先女后。(十)Behind1表示地点:在。背后;在。后面。Never say anything behind a persons back that you wouldnt say to his face.你不愿意当者一个人的面说的话,也不

10、要在他 背后说。2引伸意义;落后于;不如。例如:It is far behind its neighboring countries.那个国家远远落后于其邻国。(十一)Below表示位置等:在。之下。2) The temperature today is below freezing point.今天的温度在冰点以下。表示数量,程度,年龄,能力等:低于;在。以下。He is below her in intelligence.他的知识比她差。(十二)Beside表示地点:在。旁边;在。附近。He sat beside me at dinner.他吃饭时坐在我身旁。(十三)Besides除。以外

11、(相当于“+”)There are many others besides me who disagree with what you say.除了我以外,还有许多人不同意你的说法。(十四)Beyond表示位置:在(或向)。那边。例如:The woods go far about two miles beyond the river.这片森林延伸到河的那边大约两英里。They came from beyond the seas.他们从海外来。表示时间:迟于。Some shops keep open beyond midnight.有些商店营业到半夜以后。表示范围,限度:超出,越出。1)The

12、explanation is quite beyond me这个解释我完全不懂。2)He lives beyond his income .他入不敷出。3) That is going beyond a joke.那玩笑可开大了。(十五)But除了 He eats nothing but fruit.除了水果他啥也不吃。I havent told anybody but you.除了你我谁也没有告诉。(十六)By表示地点:在。旁;在。身边。Come and sit by me.坐到我身边来。表示方式,手段;靠;用;通过。1)The sawing is done by machine.锯木头的活

13、儿由机器来做。2)She angered her father by refusing to continue her studies.她不肯继续学习,她父亲生气了。3)She earns her living by selling matches. 她靠卖火柴生活。4) Did you come by train/sea/air?你是乘火车?表示程度,尺寸,数量:按;以。He is paid by the hour.人家按小时付给他钱。表示时间:到。时候(为止);不迟于。 By the end of last year, they had learned 2000 words. 到去年底,他

14、们已学会2000个单词。表示动作方向,位置:经过;沿着。1)I go by his office every day.2) He passed by me without saying anything.(十七)Down表示动作方向:沿着。往下。例如:The boat sails down the river.小船顺流而下。表示动作方向:(由北)往南;(由郊区)往市区;(由住宅区)往商业区。They went down town together that afternoon.那天下午他们一起进城。(十八)During 表示时间:在。期间;在。时候。 We gave a lot of trou

15、ble during our stay here. 我们待在这里的时候,给你添了许多麻烦。 (十九)Except 除。之外(相当于“”)例如: 1)We have lessons every day except Sunday. 我们除了星期天之外,每天都有课。 2) Everyone was present except me. 除了我,每个人都在场。(二十)for表示行为目的,对象:为。;替(代);对于He is the man for the job.他是做这事适当的人选。I wrote a letter for him.我替他写了一封信。That will be dad for your



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