外研版英语七年级下册 完型填空训练

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1、When you step into a new environmentyou must have a strong wish to fit inFitting in meansmaking more friends ,1 more influence( 影响) on others and getting more chances to live ahappier lifeHere is some2 that Call help youBe confident Confidence attracts most people Everyone is special and there is on

2、ly oneperson like you in this world Spend 3 thinking about your strong points If so ,you will be able to build up confidence step by stepYou wont have much difficulty fitting inBe kind to everyoneKindness is the bridge to your own happiness4 people notice yourkindness,they will return it one dayAlwa

3、ys give more than you receive,and think more of others than of 5 A person who cares for others is popular everywhereBe active in group activitiesVarious activities like playing football 6 help you to be knownto others You may add more friends to your circle At the same time , youll be amazed to see

4、how much they like you.7 wasting time being alone,go out to dance and sing together with others to develop friendship Be optimistic(乐观的)Optimism makes both you and others feel pleased It makes a goodfirst impression(印象)A pleasant smile costs the 8 and does the mostHumor(幽默) catchesothers attention a

5、s wellPeople win like you for making them live 9If you follow what is mentioned above ,you 10 by people around you As a result , you will fit in very well and enjoy your new life1Ahad Bto have Chaving2Aadvice Badvices Csuggestions3Asometimes Bsome times Csometime14AThough BWhen CUntil5Ayou Byour Cyo

6、urself6Acan Bhave to Cneednt7AInstead of BAs well as CAs long as8A1ittle Bless C1east9Afriendly Bhappily Cclearly10Awill accept Bwont accept Cwill be accepted答案 :1 5 CACBC 6 10 AACBCOnce, a king showed two men a large basket in the garden. He told them to fill it with water froma well. After they _1

7、_ their work, he left them, saying, “When the sun is down, I will come and see your work.”At last one of them said, “Whats the use of doing this foolish work? We can _2_ fill the basket.”_3_ man answered, “That is none of your business.” The first man said. “You may do as you like,but I am not going

8、 to work at _4_ so foolish.” He _5_ his bucket and went away. The other man said no word, and kept on carrying _6_. At last the well was almost _7_.As he poured the last bucket of water into the basket, he saw a bright thing in it. He picked it up. Itwas a beautiful gold ring. Just then the king cam

9、e. _8_ he saw the ring, he knew that he had foundthe kind of man he wanted. He told him to keep the ring for himself. “You _9_ so well in this little thing,” he said, “ _10_ now I know I can believe you with many things.”1Afinished 2Aever3AThe otherBdidBneverBAnotherCbegan Dhad Ceasily DnoCOne DA se

10、cond4Aanything BsomethingCnothing Deverything5Apicked upBput awayCtook away Dthrew away26AwaterBbasket Cwell Dwork7Afull8AWhileBemptyBAs soon asCfilled DcleanCBefore DSince9Ahave done Bwill doCdo Dare doing10Awhat答案 :1 5 CBACDBwhy6 10 ABBADCwhen DthatCharlie is kind to his friends and they all 1 him

11、. His friend Andy likes drinking, Charlie oftentries to stop him doing it. Sometimes Andy listens to him, 2 sometimes he doesn t. Oneevening, when Andy had drunk 3 in a restaurant, he drove his car home. He drove so fast thathe hit a big tree and hurt himself. He was sorry for it and decided to 4 dr

12、inking. But soon he forgot it. One afternoon, he hit an 5 woman who was crossing the street.Hearing this, Charlie 6 angry. He said he would not be his friend unless he stopped drinking. Ofcourse, Andy didnt want to lose his best friend. He decided to follow the law and rules and 7 . And it made his

13、friend happy.One Sunday afternoon it was hot. Andy was going to swim in the river. He changed his clothes,entered his car and started it. When he was coming near the crossing, he suddenly remembered 8and got out at once. He began to push his car in the street. It made the policeman 9 and he asked, “

14、Whats the matter with your car, sir?”“Nothing, sir. ”answered Andy.“But why do you push it, then?”“Because Ive left my 10 at home!”1. A. worry B. loves2. A. but B. andC. dislikeC. orD. likeD. so3. A. too many B. too much C. a lot of3D. much too4. A. put up5. A. youngB. come upB. oldC. cut upC. smartD. give upD. weak6. A. became B. becomes C. is becoming7. A. stop to drink B. stopped to drink C. stop drinkingD. has becomeD. stopped drink8. A. anythingB. nothing C. some


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