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1、温馨提示:此套题为 Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看 比例,答案解析附后。关闭 Word文档返回原板块。课时达标演练I.单词拼写根据句意完成句中已给出首字母的单词。1. Did you p supper for your mom?2. H your coat on that hook.3. Cindy sent him a gift, but he didn it. t a4. Thank you for your i. I will get to your party on time.5. Our teacher o a football game last week

2、.6. My teachers a me to exercise more every day.7. My mom is really u. I think she knows me best.8. The old teacher has so much e in teaching math. We all like him.答案:1. prepare 2. Hang 3. accept. 4. invitation.5. organized 6. advise 7. understanding 8. experiencen.完成句子1 .这周五晚上,你能和我到商场里逛逛吗?Can you w

3、ith me in the mall this Friday night?2 .上个月,我和朋友们去青岛旅行了,我们玩得非常高兴。Last month, I with my friends to Qing Dao and we had fun there.3 .我已经很长时间没收到鲍勃的来信了。I haven Bob for a long time.4 .吃西瓜之前,你最好把它切成两半。You d better the watermelon before you have it.5 .我必须要保守这个秘密。答案:1. hang out 2. took a trip 3. heard from4

4、. cut; in half 5. I have to keep it to myself. m.完形填空For each of us, life is not easy. So when something unlucky happens, remember to believe in yourself.When I was in a primary school, I was too 1 in French to pass the exams. I often got E or F on my papers. My classmates laughed 2 me in class. I w

5、as very sad but could do 3 . But later a French speech contest changed my life._4 it also changed my views on everything.It was a Wednesday afternoon, my father asked me to take part in a French contest. It was a terrible idea! My French grades were 5 bad.Don t worry, dear. Believe in yourself and y

6、ou re sure to 6 the contest. After that my father and I chose a right topic. Then I worked hard at it. I spent 7 of my spare time practicing it again and again in order not to miss a word. Finally, I was very 8 in the contest. When my French teacher gave me a call and told me I got the first prize,

7、I could hardly believe my 9 . And my father was so excited that he 10 say a word.Then everything has changed for me. When I do anything, I always believe in myself and try my best to do it well.【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文,作者通过一次法语比赛改变自己生活的故事说 明:生活对于我们来说都不容易,因此无论有什么不幸的事情发生,要记住相信 自己。1. A. famous B. strong C. weakD

8、. boring【解析】选Co考查形容词辨析。根据后面“I often got Eor Ron my papers.可知我法语太差通不过考试”,故选C。2. A. atB. toC. inD. for【解析】选A。考查固定短语。laugh at嘲笑”为固定短语,句意 在课堂上同学 们嘲笑我”,故选A。3. A. anythingB. somethingC. nothingD. everything【解析】选C。考查不定代词辨析。在课堂上被同学们嘲笑是很令人伤心的事,但 是也很无助。故选Co4. A. ButB. AndC. SoD. Or【解析】选Bo考查连词辨析。之后的一场法语比赛改变了我的

9、生活”和 它也改变了我对一切的看法”这两句之间是并列关系,故选B。5. A. always B. sometimes C. neverD. hardly【解析】选A。考查频度副词辨析。根据这是一个可怕的主意”可知,后面是我 的法语成绩总是很糟糕故选A。6. A. pass B. winC. beatD. get【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。空格后为the contest竞赛,比赛”。动词win之后常接比赛,竞赛”,表示赢得比赛”;而beat击败”,后面常接人。故选B。7. A. a few B. a littleC. manyD. a lot【解析】选D。考查固定短语。a lot of意为 许多

10、,大量”,为固定短语,既可修 饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词。结合后面的 “again and agairRT知,我花费了 许多时间”,故选D。8. A. successfulB. surprisedC. sorryD. embarrassed【解析】 选Ao考查形容词词义辨析。successful成功的;surprised吃惊的”sorry遗憾的 ;embarrassed1尬的根据这里是非常成功”。故选A。9. A. comments B. eyesC. ears【解析】选Co考查名词词义辨析。根据前面 可知,我几乎不能相信我的耳朵”,故选C。10. A. must B. mustn t C.

11、 could.told me I got the first prize 可知,D. wordsmy French teacher gave me a callD. couldn t【解析】选Do考查语境理解与情态动词。根据上文情景,本句应为我爸爸激 动得说不出话来。”故选DoIV.阅读理解The beauty of loveLove is a song with a beautiful melody to keep you warm. Love is a poem with simple but moving and touching words. Love is a painting wi

12、th colorful patterns to make you cheerful. Love, which is usually beyond expression, is always in my mind.Since I was born, my mother has been taking care of me without any complaint.-4 -1 She is aging over the years. Now I have learnt more and more from her. This love, between mother and I, I will

13、always be grateful for.Since I entered school, I have many friends around me. Friendship is a source of pleasure.2 We share tears and happiness. This love, between friends, makes me more mature.When I meet with difficulties in my life, many warm-hearted people will give me a hand, expecting nothing

14、in return. 34A saying goes that if you love the life you live, you will live a life of love. It is certain that love is the beautiful blossom of the soul. Where there is great love, there are always miracles. The delivery of love among people will make our world become a heaven, I believe.阅读短文,从下面方框

15、中的AE五个选项中选择恰当的句子还原到短文中,使 短文通顺完整,衔接自然。有一项多余。A. Love is not to get, but to give.B. Each age has its own pleasures and its own pains.C. This love, between strangers, changes my value of life.D. We depend on friends for support, help and encouragement.E. She forgives me for all my faults and shows me patiently what is right.答案:14. EDAC关闭Word文档返回原板块


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