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1、nit Ill e to clenup he cty arks.教材解读本单元的核心话题为“volunteeri”,环绕着积极提供协助,以观测图片、听力理解、阅读理解等训练方式和独立学习、合伙交流、完毕任务等形式完毕目的语言的输入,学习“d like”“Yu ould.”等句型和某些重要动词短语为重要学习内容,并且设立任务型综合性语言实践活动,让学生在交际活动中,学会如何对的地用英语体现自己的意见和建议,重在培养学生的习得语言运用能力、实践能力、合伙能力及创新意识,通过本单元的学习,使学生能向别人提供协助,争做一名志愿者。单元目的一、知识与技能. 掌握重点单词和短语:clean p,cher

2、u,give ou,t off,eup,hinkup,tke after,fi up,give awy,ut u,and ou,wrk ot,atone2. 掌握情态动词could,uld的用法;用should或oul提出建议并对别人的建议作出评价。3 掌握重点句型:()Id lik to / wan o / Iec to (2)ou could (3) Wshou二、过程与措施交际法:学外语的重要目的不是在掌握语言构造自身,而是在发展学生的交际能力,让她们在创设的交际情景中学会知识,以便能再运用于现实交际活动中。情境创设法:创设情境为学生营造感受英语,说英语的氛围。三、情感态度与价值观在授课

3、过程中渗入助人就是助己、助人收获快乐的情感目的,使学生在谈论如何为别人提供协助的对话中能意识到尽己所能协助她人、乐于奉献是一种良好的品德,培养学生为她人着想、热爱公益事业、乐于助人的优良品质。教法导航新课程的背景下,规定学生以“任务”为前提,进行有条件、有目的的听、说、读、写活动。在教学中,采用“口语教学听力练习对话操练过程评价”的教学方式。学法导航在实践与合伙中提高语言的综合使用能力,加深对基本知识的掌握和记忆。学时支配第1学时:Setio -2d第2学时:ection 3a-4c第3学时:Setion B 1a-e第4学时:SectionB a-Self Chec学时教案第1学时ectin

4、 A 1a-2d教学目的一、知识与技能1.掌握重点单词和短语:a u,hungr,mles,cheer p,giveot,putoff, volneer,lonly,hand out . 掌握提供协助的基本句型:Id lketo ork otsi.Il hlplan h citpark. You ouldgie outfoo a fod ban.3. 能根据情境,两人或多人小组编出一段谈论如何协助别人的对话。二、过程与措施通过听、说、读、写等任务型活动,纯熟应用词汇和句型。三、情感态度与价值观让学生结识到助人就是助己,协助学生树立乐于助人,争当志愿者的优秀品质。教学重点1 学会运用deto ;

5、 Ill help; You cod句式。 .掌握本课浮现的动词短语及其构造特点和用法。教学难点协助学生对的理解、运用动词短语。教法导航课上引导学生积极参与课堂活动,教师少讲,鼓励学生多练。学法导航两人、多人小组活动,短语、句型反复操练。教学准备图片、多媒体。教学过程Step GrtgsGre te udes as usua.Step2 Lad-inShowomeicures aout some pole o need hep,o empe,sck peop,disaeeople,meless chidrn.th sy:Whatsou feeling now? Hapy o a? Tese p

6、eoe need p,doyou wn to help hem? or eampl:ht cn u do tohlp sikpeole? Help thm toaner:I culd visithem n hehospitalId likeo uy tem some flows. I opehthm up. Thensk th students t hinkof a wy to hl peoplasposible.Step Pair wok ay:Please lokat hpiture no.We can see bulletin boar andto hdren nitWhats te b

7、letinboard aout? Help students toaswe:Vlueeoda! Draw te sue tention h thre postes on the board. cnse ne sentcein eachoter. And we an see some peple nach pster,to hat re te voluteers doi ec post? Pla ork in airs and talk aou te potes fer theeaple.Thn ak some pais to eprt theirsers. ftr te studens hav

8、 nishd all th em,ask h studnts todsom ohe ysthe can help people. Gttm twrie t s don in th beo he ctreFinll,ak ome stds to ar their d tthe cass. Step 4 Liteing1b Ak oe studens to read and transate four sentens Explain any nwwds d phrass in if ecessry. Thn gt e hidren to read th instrucons toehe.Play

9、terecod the frsime.Tll th tudnts oony snhn play the recrding asecond te. Tell hem totr t ie downteir swersAs somstuets to port their answer Sp5 PracticieRead thisrutioswih te clas. all ter ttenio to th ample in e speech bubbes in Activiy la. Ask a r o tudens to read his converation tote cass. hn let

10、taicn ais.Aftrheyfishedpactcingthsmlcersio,askthemoakeupsiar convrsaonsaeonthottoposters.GetwopirdotrtetwoosaionsfirstTelettheholclspractieinairs. Aferht,payherecordingcivit1banlettstdentedateiwce henasemorctiesimlrovestionsusintinfrmaioninctivity.Step6Listening an seakina T:Les istn to anoter mari

11、in ich soe udents rtlking boutway to teeopl bot A ty Parks Clen-Upay. efoeistning,pleselok athe ctus i 2a.Listn the tape andche the thinsthe sdentar goin to do. lay th tae ad thn cecktheanswers.2b T:Now ltn agai and coplete th setensin 2b.Pla t ap again nd thenceck thenw.T:n the iseng,w av learne ab

12、out sm ways to tellople aout e Clan-U Da. Re te moe iaogu ic and e or pirs to tryto mae or on dialues sing the infrmation ia nd2b.Sampe dalgue 1:S:e need tohad advrismetsate scoo.S:Letshvesper irst.S:o,we ant pu ffhadingut the advetismet. Clean-p ayis oly weeks frm .Sp iaou2:S1:e o pu up e ins.S2:Lets drink some waterfirs,Ithirty.:No,we cnt put of uttn u the igns.Clean-UpDay is five days fom now.Sp dialoue 3:S1:W need to pt upa notice.S:Les e supper it.S


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