Catholic Theology

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《Catholic Theology》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Catholic Theology(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Catholic Theology天主教神学系The Faculty of Catholic Theology is one of the founding faculties of LMU Munich. Eminent scholars have taught here: Johannes Eck and Petrus Canisius during the Reformation, Ignaz von Dllinger in the nineteenth century, Martin Grabmann and Michael Schmaus in the twentieth.A wid

2、e range of teaching and research is provided by five sections (biblical, historical, systematic, and practical theology as well as study and research units). The faculty houses the following special research institutions: The Martin Grabmann Research Institute of Medieval Theology and Philosophy exp

3、lores issues of medieval philosophy; the Ecumenical Research Institute focuses on the dialogue between the various Christian churches; and the Klaus-Mrsdorf-Studies of Canon Law offers its own postgraduate course for theologians and lawyers. A Munich specialty is the Institute of Orthodox Theology,

4、which is affiliated with the Faculty of Catholic Theology and staffed by three professors.天主教神学系的是慕尼黑大学的创始院系之一。著名学者曾在这里任教:约翰内斯埃克和佩特鲁斯卡尼修斯在改革,IGNAZ冯多林格在十九世纪,马丁格拉布曼和迈克尔Schmaus在二十。广泛的教学和科研提供了五段(圣经,历史,系统,实用神学,以及学习和科研单位)。该学院设有以下专门的研究机构:马丁格拉布曼的中世纪神学研究所和哲学探索中世纪哲学的问题;大公研究所侧重于各基督教会之间的对话;的克劳斯 - Mrsdorf的佳能法研究提

5、供其自己的研究生课程,神学家和律师。慕尼黑名菜是东正教神学研究所,隶属于天主教神学系,由三位教授组成。Protes tant Theology新教神学系The Faculty of Protestant Theology is devoted to the rigorous academic investigation of the Christian faith and its past and present impact. It fosters a spirit of ecumenical openness and Protestant tolerance, collaborating

6、closely with the Faculty of Catholic Theology, the Institute of Orthodox Theology, and the Faculties of Philosophy and of Cultural Studies. In addition to training Lutheran priests and Lutheran religion teachers for all types of schools, the faculty is one of the main pillars of the interfaculty cou

7、rse “Religious Studies.” It is also involved in interdisciplinary courses in the fields of medical ethics, media ethics, and cultural history. Important research facilities at the faculty include the Office for Contemporary Church History, the Church Press Archive, the Ernst Troeltsch Complete Criti

8、cal Edition Project, and the publishing office for Max Webers religious and sociological works. The faculty cooperates with the Institute of Technology-Theology-Natural Sciences and is involved with the Center for Ecumenical Research.新教神学系致力于严谨的学术调查的基督教信仰,它的过去和现在影响。它促进合一的开放性和新教宽容的精神,密切合作,与天主教神学,东正教神

9、学研究所,哲学与文化研究学院的学院。在除了训练路德祭司和信义宗教各类学校教师,教师是interfaculty当然,“宗教学研究的主要支柱之一。”它也参与在医学伦理等领域的跨学科的课程,媒体伦理,和文化历史。教师的重要研究设施包括当代教会历史,教会新闻存档,恩斯特特勒尔奇的完整的关键Edition项目,马克斯韦伯的宗教社会学著作出版办公室办公室。教员与技术神学自然科学研究所和大公研究中心参与。Law法律系The Faculty of Law is one of the largest in Germany. In addition to its required program, it offe

10、rs a wide range of courses in special fields as well as the option to qualify for international and European business law after the Staatsexamen (First State Examination”) or an equivalent foreign degree; students with a foreign degree can also obtain a degree in German law. Special attention is pai

11、d to the advancement of junior academics and to research. Research activities also place an emphasis on the historical and international dimensions of law.法学院是德国最大的之一。除了 其所需的程序,它提供了一个范围广泛的课程,以及在特殊领域中的选项后Staatsexamen(“第一国考”)的或国外同等程度的符合国际和欧洲商业法与外国学生度也可以取得学位在德国法律中,特别注意的是初级学者的进步和研究的历史和国际层面的法律研究活动也将重点放在。

12、Business Administration - Munich School of Management工商管理学院 - 慕尼黑管理学院The Faculty of Business Administration, a leader in both teaching and research, consistently ranks among the top business schools in Germany. Among its strengths are committed professors with proven expertise, highly qualified stud

13、ents, and close contacts in the business world, along with extensive national and international research and teaching networks.Consequently, students receive a scientifically based, comprehensive education that has long met modern demands for an international outlook and practice orientation. The ma

14、in focus is on the fields of accounting, finance, innovation & information, and marketing and strategy. A new area of focus within the field of leadership and learning is currently being developed. Collaborations with commerce and industry and with international guest lecturers round off the degree

15、program.In addition to a bachelor program and a degree course in human resource education and management, the faculty offers a number of national and international master programs.Companies appreciate this challenging training and give preference to the graduates of LMUs Faculty of Business Administ

16、ration when recruiting. The companies can also collaborate in a broad range of potential joint projects for instance in conjunction with practice seminars, lectures, theses, or research projects. In the area of research, the faculty also cooperates with numerous national and international research institutions.工商管理学院,在教学和研究的领导者,始终跻身顶尖商学院在德国。在它的长处是致力于教授公认的专业,高素质的学生,在商业界的密切接触者,以及具有丰富的国内和国际的研究和教学网络。因此,学生接受有科学根据的,全面的教育,早已满足现代化的需求,具有国际视野和实践取



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