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1、目录一、Opinion Leaders 意见领袖 2二、5W Box 5w 理论 2三、The Bias of Communication 传媒偏向论 2四、The Spiral of Silence 沉默的螺旋 3五、Gatekeeper 把关人理论 4六、Selective exposure hypothesis 选择性接触假说 4七、Knowledge Gap Theory 知识沟假说 5八、Agenda Setting Theory 议程设置理论 5九、Magic bullet theory 魔弹论 5十、 Information ( Innovation ) Diffusion Th

2、eory 信息( 创新) 扩散论 6十一、 Uses and gratifications theory (UGT) 使用与满足理论 7十二、 Cultivation theory 教养理论 8十三、 Limited-Effects Theory 有限效果论 8十四、 Marshall Mcluhan Media Theory 麦克卢汉的媒介理论 92 / 11一、Opinion Leaders 意见领袖Active in information networks, have many information channels ,so they can often provide inform

3、ation and advice for others and can influence others. 意见领袖是指在人际传播网络中经常为他人提供 信息,同时对他人施加影响的“活跃分子” ,他们在大众传播效果 的形成过程中起着重要的中介或过滤的作用,由他们将信息扩散 给受众,形成信息传递的两级传播。二、5W Box 5w 理论1. Who communicates to whom?(sources and receivers) 2. Why communicate?(function an d purposes)3. How does communication take place?(c

4、hannels,languages,codes) 4. What about?(conten t,references,types of information)5. What are the outcomes of communication (intend or unintended ), for information, understandings, action the Rise of Mass Mdia 美国学者 H ?拉斯维尔于 1948 年在传播在社会中的结构与功能一篇论文中,首次提出了构成传播过程的五种 基本要素,并按 照一定结构顺序将它们排列,形成了后来人们称之“五 W 模

5、式”或“拉斯维尔程式”的过程模式。这五个 W分别是英语中五个疑问代词的第一个字母,即:Who (谁)Says What (说了什么)In Which Channel (通过什么渠道 ) To Whom (向谁说 ) With What Effect (有什么效果 ) 。三、The Bias of Communication 传媒偏向论Innis central focus is the social history of communication media; he believed that the rela tive stability of cultures depends on th

6、e balance and proportion of their media. To begin our inquiry into this area, he suggests we ask three basic questions: How do specific communic ation technologies operate? What assumptions do they take from and contribute to society ? What forms of power do they encourage?For Innis, a key to social

7、 change is found in the development of communication media. He cl aims that each medium embodies a bias in terms of the organization and control of informa tion. Any empire or society is generally concerned with duration over time and extension in space.Time-biased media, such as stone and clay, are

8、 durable and heavy. Since they are difficult to move, they do not encourage territorial expansion; however, since they have a long life, the y do encourage the extension of empire over time. Innis associated these media with the cu stomary, thesacred, and the moral. Time-biased media facilitate the

9、development of social h ierarchies, as archetypally exemplified by ancient Egypt. For Innis, speech is a time-biased medium.Space-biased media are light and portable; they can be transported over large distances. Th ey are associated with secular and territorial societies; they facilitate the expans

10、ion of empir e over space. Paper is such a medium; it is readily transported, but has a relatively short life span.伊尼斯发现, 媒介可以分为两大类, 两者有一个基本的区别: 有利于空间上延伸的媒介和有利于时间上延续的媒介。 比如,石版 文字和泥版文字耐久,它们承载的文字具有永恒的性质,容易传承。但是,它们不容易运输,不容易生 产,不容易使用,因而不利 于空间上的传播。相反,莎草纸和纸张轻巧,容易运输,使用方便,能够远距离传播迅 息,然而它们传播的迅息却限于当下,就比 较短暂。他认

11、为,传播和传播媒介都有偏向,大体上分为:口头传播的偏向与书面传播的偏向,时间的偏向与空间的偏向。 下面这段话,痛 快淋漓地阐明伊尼斯“传播偏向论”的意旨、要害,说明媒介的性质和偏向,并且说明媒介为何有 这些偏向。他说:“倚重时间的媒介,其性质耐久,羊皮纸、黏土和石头即为其例 , 倚重空间的媒介,耐久性比较逊色,质地 比较轻。后者适合 广袤地区的治理和贸易 , 倚重空间的材料,有利于集中化 , 我们考虑大规模的政治组织,比 如帝国时,必须立足在空间和时间两 个方面。我们要克服媒介的偏向,既不过分倚重时间,也不过分倚重空间。 ” 强调媒介偏向、时间偏向和空间偏向的关系,并指出 媒介与国家僚体制和宗

12、教的关系。他说: “一个成功的帝国必须充分认识到空间问题,空间问题既是军事问题,也是政治问题;它还要认识到时间问题,时 间问题既是朝代 问题和人生寿限问题,也是宗教问题。又说: “国家的官僚体制倚重空间,忽略时间。相反,宗教 却倚重时间,忽略空间。 ”四、The Spiral of Silence 沉默的螺旋The spiral of silence is a political science and mass communication theory propounded by th e German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann

13、. Spiral of silence theory describes th e process by which one opinion becomes dominant as those who perceive their opinion to b e in the minority do not speak up because society threatens individuals with fear of isolatio n. The assessment of ones social environment may not always correlate with re

14、ality. For a controversial issue, people will watch the climate of opinion before they make com ments . judging their opinion whether the majority opinion, when people feel that their vi ews are majority or in the advantage , it will tend to boldly express this opinion; when fo und his views are a f

15、ew or in a disadvantage they often remain silent. The more peopl e remain silent, the more feel that their views are not well accepted, thus a result, the more they tend to remain silent.Repeated several times, they form representing dominant status views and more powerfu l, while holding inferior o

16、pinions of people sound more and more weak, such a cycle, form ing a one more loudly, and the other more and more silent spiral down the process. 沉默的螺旋理论 提供了一种考虑问题的视角:团队意见的形成不一定是团队成员“理性讨论”的结果,而可能是对 团队中“强势”意见的趋同后的 结果。需要注意的是: “强势”意见所强调的东西,不一定就是正确的。当团队中 的少数意见与“多数”意见不同的时候,少数有 可能屈于“优势意见”的压力,表面上采取认同,但实际上内心仍 然坚持自己的观点,这就可能出现某些团队成员公开“表达的意 见”与团队成员“自己的意见”不一致。要跳出沉 默的


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