八下1单元做 (2)

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1、Unit 1 Whats the matter?9Period 1 (1a2d)学习目标:1. 能听、说、读、写会以下单词mattersorestomachachefootneckstomachfeverlierestcoughX-raytoothacheheadachehurtthroat2. 掌握和运用以下句型- Whats the matter?- I have a .-What should I do ?-You should.3.情态动词should 的用法 温故互查(两人一组读并翻译以下词语,写下来)问题_ sore _胃痛_ neck_胃 _ fever _脚_ cough_躺下

2、_ 量体温_发烧_ hurt_感冒_ throat_休息_ X 光_ 设问导学Write the correct lettera-m for each part of the body(1a)两人一组讨论完成1a Look at the pictures and talk like this (1c) : (用PPT呈现图片,引导学生两人一组对话) A:Whats the matter with her? B: She has a .A: What should she do ?B: She should . Read the conversation in 2d with your part

3、ner 自我检测 Finish 1b、2a、2b(完成课本听力练习,检验对话效果) Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b (2c) Translate these phrases in pairs 量我的体温_ 移动我的脖子_ 听起来像_ 远离电脑_ 躺下休息_ 以同样的方式_ 去看医生_ 整个周末_ 休息_没有移动_ 太长时间_巩固练习(独立完成,小组检查,派组员写到黑板上)单项选择( )1.Why are you so tired these days? Well, I have_ homework to do. A.

4、too much B. too many C. much tooD. many too ( ) 2.Whats the matter _ these boys? A about B for C with D in ( ) 3.You _ drive your car so fast. A wouldnt B shouldnt C cant D can( ) 4.We dont have _ . A enough food B food enough C good enough D enough good( ) 5.My father likes tea _ nothing in it.A. o

5、f B. without C. with D. have拓展延伸(独立完成,老师批阅后小组合作解决) 句型转换:1.Whats wrong with you?(改为同义句)Whats _ _ with you ?2.You should stay at home.(改为否定句)You _ _ stay at home.3.Eating fruit is very important.(改为同义句) _ _ very important to eat fruit.4.I have a sore throat. I cant eat anything.(改为同义句)I have a sore th

6、roat. I caneat _. 5.He has a headache.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ with him?根据意思完成句子。1.我认为那是个好主意。I think thats a _ _.2.电视看得太多对我们的眼睛不好。_ TV too much is _ for our _.3. 你应该喝加蜂蜜的热茶。You should drink _ _ _ _4. 他不应该在课堂上听音乐。He _ _ _music in class.5. 王老师肚子疼。Mr. Wang _ _ _.Unit 1Whats the matter? Period 2 (3a- 4c )温故互查(两人

7、一组完成对话)A: Whats the matter with you ?B: I have a cold.What should I do ?A: You should .设问导学(两人一组读3a并完成任务) Read 3a and answer the questions in pairs .1. When and where did the story happen?2. What was the matter with the man? What should we do ?3. What did Wang Ping do ? How about the passengers?4. W

8、hat happened to the man at last? What do you think of the behavior of Wang Ping and the passengers?.Read 3a again and finish 3bRead 3a and translate these phrases into English.看见一名老人躺在路边_大声呼救_没有多想_一个24岁的公交车司机_同意做某事_多亏了_ 下车_及时_ 据说_等待_ 另某人惊奇的事_自我检测(独立完成,两人核对答案) Finish 4a、4b Discuss the questions with

9、your partner.(3c) 巩固练习 (独立完成,小组核对答案,并推选组员写到黑板上) 单项选择( ) 1. I saw him when I passed by.A. ran B. run C. runs D. running( ) 2.We should be careful when we the bus.A. get down B. get outC. get up D. get off( ) 3.Did you catch your plane?Yes. We got there just .A. with timeB. at timesC. in time D. at th

10、is time( )4.Dont always think_ yourself, young man. A. about B. of C. out D. over( )5.You shouldnt make mistakes .A. in same wayB. at same wayC. in the same way D. at the same way拓展延伸(独立完成,教师批阅后小组合作解决) 用所给词的适当形式填空Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man.At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No.26_1_ (go) alo

11、ng Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man _2_ (lie) on the side of the road. A woman next to him was shouting for help. The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped the bus without _3_ (think) twice He got off and asked the woman what _4_ (happen) . She said that the old man had a heart prob

12、lem and should go to the hospital. Mr. Wang knew he had to act_5_ (quick). He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital. He expected most or all of the passengers _6_ (get) off and wait for the next bus. But to his surprise, they all agreed _7_ (go) with him. Some passengers helped Mr. Wang to move the man on the bus.Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors_8_ (save) the man in time. “Its sad that many people_9_ (not want) to help others because they dont want any trouble,” says one pass



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