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1、高中英语虚拟语气练习题(附答案) 根据中文提示完成下列各句。 1. 如果你年轻五岁,你该怎么办? What _ you _, if you _ five years younger? 2. 如果你开车更小心一点,就不会出这样的事故。 If you _ your car more carefully, such a traffic accident _. 3. 如果明天下雾,我就不能开车去购物。 If it _ foggy tomorrow, I _ my car to go shopping. 4. 如果明天天气转晴,我们就去野餐。 If it _ clear up tomorrow, we

2、_ for a picnic. 5. 如果我是一个男孩,我当然会去参军。 If I _ a boy, I _ certainly join the army. 6. 如果你是我兄弟,你也会一样对我。 If you _ my brother, you _ treat me in the same way. 7. 如果我有你这样的姐姐会非常幸福的。 I _ _ very happy, if I _ an elder sister like you. 8. 如果我捡到了那只钱包,一定交给失主了。 If I _ up the wallet, I _ it to its owner. 9. 万一明天下大

3、雪,一切都将被改变。 If it _ snow heavily tomorrow, everything _ be changed. 10. 如果你那天没有抽烟,火灾就不会发生。 If you _ that day, the fire _ out. Grammar quiz语法小测 测一测 选择最佳答案。 1. He _ you more help, even though he was very busy. A. might have given B. might give C. should give D. may give 2. What would have happened _ as

4、 far as the river bank? A. Bob had walked B. if Bob should walk C. had Bob walked D. if Bob walked 3. _ I in your position, I would not accept the invitation. A. Was B. Were C. Be D. Am 4. If my father _ here the day after tomorrow, he _ me at all. A. came, cant see B comes, couldnt see C. comes, co

5、uldnt have seen D. came, couldnt see 5. If it _ to snow next week, I would not go to visit that mountain village. A. is B. be C. were D. are 6. If it _ rain this evening, I would not go to see this American film. A. would B. should C. could D. might 7. _ asked to do this, I would certainly do it in

6、a different way. A. Were I B. Am I C. If I am D. Was I 8. If he could help us, I am sure he _. Hes always ready to help others. A. should B. had C. would have D. did 9._ her in time, she would have jumped into the river. A. If I stopped B. Did I stop C. If I didnt stop D. If I hadnt stopped 10. If I

7、 _ ten years younger, I _ out to try my luck. A. am, would go B. was, will go C. were, would go D. were, would have gone 11. If you _ my advice, you _ such a serious mistake. A. followed, cant make B. followed, couldnt have made C. had followed, couldnt make D. had followed, couldnt have made 12. If

8、 I _ that crowded bus yesterday morning, I _ my purse with a lot of money in it. A. didnt take, couldnt lose B. hadnt taken, wouldnt have lost C. hadnt taken, couldnt lose D. didnt take, cant have lost 语法专练 (One possible version) 动词变形 1. belonged; wouldnt sell 2. had kept; would have known 3. would

9、go 4. Were 5. Had; would have gone 完成句子 1. would; do; were 2. had driven; couldnt have happened 3. were; couldnt drive 4. were to; would go 5. were; would 6. were; would 7. would be; had 8. had picked; would have returned 9. should; would 10. hadnt smoked; wouldnt have broken 语法小测 测一测 1-5 ACBDC 6-10

10、 BACDC 11-12 DB 虚拟语气(二) 虚拟条件句的一些特殊用法 【考点导航】 1. My cats really fat. (2007浙江) You _ have given her so much food. A. wouldnt B .couldnt C. shouldnt D. mustnt 2Hows your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful? (2007全国卷I) It _ be, but it is now heavily polluted. A. will B. would C. should D. must 3.

11、 I told your friend how to get to the hotel, but perhaps I _ have driven her there. (2007陕西) A. could B. must C. might D. should 【答案与解析】 1C。shouldnt have done表示“本来不应该做某事而实际做了”。 2C。根据句意,“本来这个湖应该是很漂亮的,但是现在被严重污染了”可知选C。should 在这里表示“本来应该?,暗含着实际上不?”之意。 3D。should have done表示“本应该做某事而实际上未做”,本句意为:“我告诉你朋友该怎么到达

12、旅馆了,但是也许我应该开车把她送到那儿去”。 【重点归纳】 1. 错综时间条件句: 有时在非真实条件句中,主句谓语动词所表示的动作和条件从句中谓语动词所表示的动作并不同时发生,这时主句和从句的谓语动词要根据各自所指的不同时间选用适当的虚拟语气形式。如: Had I taken my umbrella with me when I came out this morning, I should not be wet now. 如果我今天早上出来的时候带着伞的话,现在就不会淋湿了。(从句说的是过去的事情,而主句说的是现在的事情) If you had followed the doctors ad

13、vice, you would be all right now. 如果你(那时)听从我的建议的话,现在就不会有事了。(从句说的是过去的事情,而主句说的是现在的事情) If I hadnt finished my composition by now, I would be working on it tomorrow. 如果到现在为止我还没有完成作文的话,我明天还要接着写。(从句说的是现在的事情,而主句说的是将来的事情) 2含蓄虚拟条件句: 有时一个假设的情况并不用条件从句表示,而用其它方式来表示,这样的句子叫含蓄条件句。主要有以下几种情况。 1) 用with, without,but for等介词短语来替代条件从句, 它们都可以转换成由if引导的虚拟条件句。如: We might have died without your help. =We might have died if you hadnt helped us. 如果(那时)没有你们的帮助,我们可能已


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