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1、编号课题ModlJp 11 BolvThey touch no ses!Jnit 1课型Liste ning and speak ing课时The first三维目标知识与技能1.功能:道歉和提建议;2.语法:祈使句;3.词汇:bow, kiss, shake, smile, British, German, Japanese, Russian, visitor, what, nod, head, hug, each other, India, together, touch, nose ; 4.句型:How do I do that? No, I didnknow that. What do

2、people do when they? 5语音:识别并正确朗读/t / / / / / /pl/ /fr/ /br/ ; 6.听:能听懂身势语的描述;7.说:能用祈使句给 对方提出指示和建议;8.运用:能正确使用祈使句,让他人 准确理解所表达的意思并照做.过程与方法1.lnteractive approach, enable Ss to understand and talk about body Ianguage people use when they meet in some coun tries2.To lear n by liste ning, speak ing and disc

3、uss ing情感态度与价值观通过阅读关于不同国家身势语的文章,提高对英语的学习兴 趣教学 重点1. To listen and understand what is talked about in the conversation2. To lear n the key words and structures about body Ian guage3. To talk briefly about the body Ianguage people use when they meet in some coun tries教学 难点各种身势语在听力与口语中的正确运用教学 手段Tapereco

4、rder,han douts,pictures, OHP教学 方法In teractive approach教学 准备PPT, E-book教学过程教学 环节教师活动学生活动备注Stepl. Prepa- rati on.r1. Write body Ianguage ” on the Bb and tell Ss every one in the world com muni cates using it.2. Ask Ss to show what they do when they do following things: welcome sb, say yes, say hello,

5、say goodbye, have a headache etc.1. Do the acti ons T asks教学 环节教师活动3. Do the following actions, say the words and expressions, and ask Ss to repeat and do: wave, shake hands/ head, smile, nod your head, touch your head etc.4. Elicit and write the words and expressi ons on the board.Step2Leadin.1. As

6、k Ss to find the words and expressions in the box to describe the pictures in A1.2. Elicit answers from the whole class.Step3Liste ning.Activity 21. Go through the nationalities in the box in A2 with Ss. Ask where they are from.2. Ask Ss to describe the pictures in pairs with their own words and gue

7、ss their nationalities and elicit Ss predicti ons.3. Tell Ss to liste n.4. Play the tape aga in.5. Elicit an swers from the class.6. Go through the example senten ces with the whole class.7. Check several pairs.EActivity 31. Show Ss a world map.2. Mime kiss ing on cheeks, touchi ng noses, putting ha

8、nds together and no ddi ng with ano ther stude nt.3. Tell Ss that they are going to listen for what people do whe n they greet each other in differe nt coun tries and play the record ing twice.4. Ask Ss to read the table.5. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on the board.学生活动备注2. Repeat and do the acti on

9、s.1. Describe the pictures andcheck the an swers in pairs.1. Repeat for pronun ciati on.2. Describe the pictures withtheir own words.3. Listen and decide whichpicture is being described.4. Listen and check thean swers.5. An swer why questio ns.6. Work in pairs.7.Dem on stratetheirconv ersati ons.1.

10、Find out where theseplaces are: Russia, In dia, theUS and New Zeala nd.2. Guess in which countriespeople do them.3.Liste n and read theconv ersati on to un derl ine keyin formatio n.4.Complete themiss inginformation individually.5.Check the an swers in pairs.教学 环节教师活动学生活动备注Step4Activity 41.Play ther

11、ecord ingwithout1.Liste n to the words and payPronstopp ing.special atte nti on to the lettersun ciain the different colo rur.tio n2. Play the recording again and stop2.Repeat after the record ing.andat the end of each line.speak3.Play aga in and pause.3.Repeat the words chorally-ingActivity 5and in

12、 dividually.1.Ask Ss if they would alway.s do1丄ook at the list and tellr the same when meeting thesetheir ideas.differe nt people.2.Talk about what they do2.Put Ss into groups of 4. Have themand what they say in thesetell each other whatr to do whensituati ons.meeti ng.3.0ne plays a student while3.A

13、sk Ss to do a role-play in pairs.the other plays one of the people on the list.Step51.Guide the Ss to sum up what we1.Look at the Bb and”Summary and home -worhave lear ned in this less on.2.Assig n the homework1) Listen to the tape and repeat in Part 2,3, 5.2) To practise the new rvocabularysummariz

14、e what they lear ned in this less on.2.Finish the homework the teacher assig ned.k.and learn by heart the new words and expressi ons in this class.3) Recite the dialogue in Part3.4) Fi nish the after-class Exs.5) To preview Un it2 in Module 11板书设计Body Ian guage: bow, kiss, smile, shake hands (with sb.) shake on eshead, nod on eshead, hug each other, put hands together, touch no sesn.某国家-n./adj.(某国的)语言,保国的)人, Britain - British(English, Englishman)Japa n Japa neseChi na -Chi neseRussia - Russia nIndia- In dia n



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