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1、2022年考博英语-西南大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Most importantly, such an experience helps ( )a heightened sensitivity to other cultures and will bring about a greater appreciation of ones own culture as well.问题1选项A.coachB.forsakeC.fosterD.censor【答案】C【解析】考察动词词义辨析。foster “培养,促进”;coach“训练,指导”; forsake意为“遗弃,抛弃”; c

2、ensor意为“审查,检查”。句意:最重要的是,这样的经历能促使人们对其他文化的感受性,并使他们更欣赏自己的文化。选项C符合题意。2. 单选题His constant attempts to ( )his colleagues achievement eventually caused his dismissal.问题1选项A.withdrawB.diminishC.restrainD.confine【答案】B【解析】考察动词词义辨析。withdraw “收回,取回”;diminish “减少,减损”;restrain “遏制,管制”;confine “限制”。句意:他不断尝试贬低他同事的成就

3、,最终导致他被解雇了。选项B符合题意。3. 单选题I want something( ) placed in this window so that no one will be able to watch me.问题1选项A.crotchetyB.opaqueC.inductiveD.incongruous【答案】B【解析】考察形容词词义辨析。crotchety “有怪想的”;opaque “不透明的”;inductive “感应的;诱导的”;incongruous “不协调的,不一致的”。句意:我想放一些不透明的东西到窗户上,这样就没人能看见我了。选项B符合题意。4. 单选题She ref

4、used to let the injury keep her from ( )her goal of being in the Olympics.问题1选项A.detainingB.attainingC.screwingD.sifting【答案】B【解析】考察动词词义辨析。detain “拘留;耽搁”;attain “达到,实现”;screw “转动,拧”;sift “筛选”。句意:她不会让受伤阻止她实现参加奥运会的目标。选项B符合题意。5. 单选题If something ( ), it gradually develops and changes over a period of tim

5、e into something different and usually more advanced.问题1选项A.revolvesB.evolvesC.resolvesD.involves【答案】B【解析】考察动词词义辨析。 revolve “旋转”;evolve “逐步发展,逐步演变”;resolve “决定,决心”;involve “牵涉”。句意:如果某些事物进化,逐渐发展经过一段时间变为其他的事物,通常更高级些。选项B符合题意。6. 单选题The new technological revolution in American newspapers has brought incr

6、eased ( )a wider range of publications and an expansion of newspaper jobs.问题1选项A.circulationB.reproductionC.manipulationD.penetration【答案】A【解析】考察名词词义辨析。circulation “发行,发行量”;reproduction “复制,复制品;繁殖”;manipulation “操作,操纵”;penetration “刺穿,进入”。句意:在美国报业中的新科技改革带来了发行量的增长,出版数量也增加,报业的工作机会增多。选项A符合题意。7. 单选题His o

7、riginality as a composer is ( )by the following group of songs.问题1选项A.exemplifiedB.createdC.performedD.realized【答案】A【解析】考察动词词义辨析。exemplify “例证”;create “创造”;perform “执行;表演”;realize “意识到;实现”。下面的这些歌曲能够佐证他是一个原创作曲家。选项A符合题意。8. 单选题An obvious change of attitude at the top towards womens status in society wi

8、ll( )through the current law system in Japan.问题1选项A.permeateB.probeC.violateD.grope【答案】A【解析】考察动词词义辨析。permeate “渗透”;probe “探索”;violate “违反”;grope “摸索,探索”。句意:上层社会对女性在社会中地位的态度发生了明显的变化,这种变化对日本现行的法律体系产生了影响。选项A符合题意。9. 单选题Finding the cause of a disease will provide a ( )for research on a cure for it.问题1选项A

9、.prospectB.incentiveC.spurD.inducement【答案】A【解析】考察名词词义辨析。prospect “前途,预期”;incentive “动机,刺激”;spur “刺激,鞭策”;inducement “诱因”。句意:找出疾病的原因是为其治疗方法研究提供前景。选项A符合题意。10. 单选题The teacher told the students to stay in the classroom and they did ( ).问题1选项A.absolutelyB.accidentallyC.accordinglyD.accurately【答案】C【解析】考察副词

10、词义辨析。absolutely “绝对地”;accidentally “意外地”;accordingly “相应地;照着”;accurately “精确地”。句意:老师告诉学生待在教室里,他们照着做了。选项C符合题意。11. 单选题As I have mentioned, an important source of human stress is the ( )between the demands of the individual and those of his society.问题1选项A.splashB.smashC.crashD.clash【答案】D【解析】考察名词词义辨析。sp

11、lash“溅泼声,溅泼”; smash “破碎”;C项“crash撞击(声),破裂(声);撞车,(车辆等) 碰撞”; dash “猛冲”。句意:正如我所提到的,人类压力的一个重要来源便是个人与所处社会需求之间的冲突。选项D符合题意。12. 单选题Language, culture and personality maybe considered ( )of each other I thought, but they are inseparable in fact.问题1选项A.indistinctlyB.separatelyC.irrelevantlyD.independently【答案】D

12、【解析】考察副词词义辨析。indistinctly “不清楚地,模糊地”;separately “分开地,与from”;irrelevantly “不恰当地,不相关地”; independently “独立地,分开地”。句意:语言、文化、性格彼此都是独立的,实际上他们之间密不可分。选项D符合题意。13. 单选题Two related paradoxes also emerge from the same basic conception of the aesthetic experience. The first was given extended consideration by Hege

13、l, who argued roughly as follows: our sensuous attention and that gives to the work of art its peculiar individuality. Because it addresses itself to our sensory appreciation, the work of art is essentially concrete, to be understood by an act of perception rather than by a process of discursive tho

14、ught.At the same time, our understanding of the work of art is in part intellectual; we seek in it a conceptual content which it presents to us in the form of an idea. One purpose of critical interpretation is to expound this idea in discursive formto give the equivalent of the content of the work of art in another. But criticism can never succeed in this task, for, by separating the content from the particular form, it abolishes its individuality. The content presented then ceases to be the exact content of that work of art. In losing its in



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