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1、2022年考博英语-辽宁大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 翻译题Once the first laughter had been laughed by primitive man, with such apparently pleasurable effects all around, laughter began to take on an intrinsic value within the society of man. The person possessing the ability to communicate pleasure in a loud laugh bega

2、n to enjoy social advantages over his more serious colleagues, he became a “good mixer” socially selected and liked by society. Thus the process of natural selection (the survival of the fittest) would tend to operate in favor of those able to express their pleasurable states in laugher, as compared

3、 with those not so able. Throughout the course of evolution, laughter would become established throughout the human species as a function of sociological and psychological value.Thus laughter gradually became established as a capacity among virtually all human beings. In addition, laughters infectio

4、ns quality helped distribute it as a characteristic common to all mankind. Laughter was advantageous; therefore it survived.【答案】【参考译文】原始人一旦第一次开口大笑了,笑声就因其对周围所产生的那些明显的愉快的效果,开始具有了人类社会所特有的价值。具有用爽朗的笑声来传播愉快能力的人,开始比他的较为严肃的同事更能享受到社会的优势。他成了个“善于交际的人”,在社交方面成了大家所推举的人,受到社会的喜爱。因此,自然选择(适者生存)的过程往往有利于那些能够在笑中表达快乐状态的人

5、,而不是那些不这么做的人。在整个进化的过程中,根据其具有的社会学和心理学价值,笑声一直保持下来。这样,笑就逐渐成为全人类的一种能力。此外,笑的感染力有助于将其作为全人类共有的一种特性进行传播。笑是有益的,所以笑就流传了下来。2. 单选题His expenditure on holidays and luxuries is rather high in( )to his income.问题1选项A.comparisonB.proportionC.associationD.calculation【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项in comparison to“与,与相比,与比较而言”;B选项

6、in proportion to“与成比例的;与相称的”,反义词词组是out of proportion;C选项association“协会,联合,联想”,没有in association to这个说法;D选项calculation“计算,估计,计算的结果,深思熟虑”,也没有in calculation to这个说法,句意:他在度假和奢侈品上的开支与他的收入比起来相当高。因此B选项正确。3. 翻译题在网上购物尚未走俏的时候,在空调、个人计算机、视频游戏、英特网、手机、克隆技术、基因工程,以及其他一堆使这个人造世界越发诱人的发明出现之前,有人就表现出了忧虑。人造世界是为我们而建造的。它用美味佳肴

7、供我们充饥,用精神粮食滋养我们的心灵。它给我们提供庇护,不受疾患和不适的侵害。它告知天下我们是如何聪颖;它满足了我们的虚荣,蜷缩在由钢铁和混凝土,硅以及塑料构筑的泡沫世界里,我们可以假装在驾驭这个星球。与之形成鲜明对照的是,自然世界的产生不是为了我们的舒适和方便。它在数十亿年前就存在了,而人类的诞生则是在数十亿年之后的事,但自然界的寿命却要比人类更长久。自然界嘲笑我们的虚荣,因为它超越了我们对它的理解和控制。【答案】【参考译文】Some people voiced these worries before the triumph of online shopping and before th

8、e advent of air-conditioning, personal computers, video games, the Internet, cell phones, cloning technology, genetic engineering and a slew of other inventions that have made the artificial world ever more seductive. The artificial world is made for us. It feeds our bellies and minds with tasty pab

9、ulum; it shelters us from discomfort and sickness; it proclaims our ingenuity; it flatters our pride. Snug inside bubbles fashioned from concrete and steel, from silicon and plastic and words, we can pretend we are running the planet.By contrast, the natural world was not made for our comfort or con

10、venience. It precedes us by some billions of years, and human being comes into being billions of years later, but the natural world will outlast us; it mocks our pride, because it surpasses our understanding and control.4. 翻译题Asian Americans. Asians in the United States include many nationalities: A

11、sian Indians, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and other. Asian Americans have been heralded as the newest “hot ethnic market”. The demographics support this optimistic outlook. As of the year 2000, approximately 11 million Asians were living in the United States. By 2025 the U.S, Ce

12、nsus Bureau has projected that nearly 22 million Asians will reside here. Though the 2.4 million Chinese are the largest group of Asians living in the United States, Asian Indians grew the fastest during the decade from 1990 to 2000, with that population doubling and now totaling 1.7 million in the

13、United States.Asian Americans on average are better educated, have higher incomes, and occupy more prestigious job positions than any other segment of American society. The median household income for Asian Americans in one recent year was $46,700 compared with median incomes of $40,600, $30,300, an

14、d $25,900 for whites, Hispanics and African Americans respectively.It is important to emphasize that just as there is no single black or Hispanic market, there certainly does not exist a single Asian market. Moreover, unlike other ethnic groups, such as Hispanics, who share a similar language, Asian

15、 Americans speak a variety of uniquely different languages. Among Asian nationalities there are considerable differences in product choices and brand preferences. Even within each nationality there are variations in terms of English language skills and financial well-being. Indeed, it is estimated t

16、hat over 50 percent of all Asian Americans over the age of 5 do not speak English fluently and many are “linguistically isolated” insofar as they live in homes where no adults speak any English.【答案】【参考译文】亚裔美国人。在美国的亚洲人包括很多民族:印度人、中国人、菲律宾人、日本人、韩国人、越南人和其他民族。亚裔美国人一直被视为是最新的“热门族裔市场”。人口统计数据支持这一乐观前景。截止2000年,大约有1100万亚洲人生活在美国。美国人口普查局预计,到2025年,将会有近2200万亚洲人居住在这里。虽然240万中国人是生活在美国的最大亚洲人群体,但



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