2021-2022年三年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 3教案 人教PEP

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1、2021-2022年三年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 3教案 人教PEPPart A Lets say; Part C Story timeTeaching Aims :1. Be able to listen, say, recognize the words: jeep, jump, key, kangaroo.2. Be able to listen, say, read and write these two letters: Jj, Kk.3. Be able to know the general idea of the story, improve the abilit

2、y of using the language and know study is just like picking up apples, the key is accumulation.Focus Points & Difficult Points :The writing of small letter j and k.Teaching Preparation:1. Letter cards ,some word pictures.2. A little blackboard with four-line format.Designing for the blackboard:Teach

3、ing Steps:Step1. Warming up 1.Sing a song 2. Review the dialogue and act it. 3. Free talk. T: Hello, S1. How many pencils can you see? S1: I can seeStep2.Presentation. 1. 1)T shows a picture with many letters: How many letters can you see? S: I can see T: Now lets read together. A, B, C T points to

4、J: This one is S: J. T shows A: A, A, J. Recognize and read as : Big letter J, small letter j. Pay attention to the writing of small letter j.2). T: Jump like a rabbit. Ss act like rabbits. T shows the word: Jump.T teaches the pronunciation of “jump”.T: J for jump,/ /,/ /,/ /. S: J for jump,/ /,/ /,

5、/ /. T shows the picture of jeep: Whats this? S: Its a jeep. T teaches the pronunciation of jeep. T: Who can say “ J for jeep” S: J for jeep, / /,/ /,/ /.2. Teach K k like above. K for key, /k/,/k/,/k/. K for kangaroo, /k/,/k/,/k/. T: C for what? S: C for coke, /k/,/k/,/k/. T: Yes. When the word beg

6、ins with c, it always pronounce /k/. Step 3. Practise. 1. Writing.1) T: Now, lets write them down. Look at the blackboard. T: First, lets write down big letter J. One. It looks like a hook. Now, Lets try together. Show me your finger. S: My finger. T& Ss: One. T teaches the writing of small letter j

7、. (看上去像侧面坐着的一个人。) 2) T: Guess! Where does J live? S: The second and third floor. (No.2 and No. 3). homeLets write down it. Show me your finger. S: My finger. T & Ss: One. T teaches the writing of small letter j in the four-line format. (Small letter j lives on the all the floors, the same as small l

8、etter f.) Write them on your exercise book. Teach the writing of Kk.( Pay attention to k.小k,小k, 叉腰踢腿。) 2. Story time. 1) T: Today Zoom and Zip bring us a new story. They are picking up apples. ( T does the actions.) Whats the meaning of “pick up the apples”? S: 摘苹果。 T: Yes. Who win? Zoom or Zip. Let

9、s watch. S: Zip. T: Zip为什么赢了? S:因为她注意把摘下来的苹果,放在篮子里。Zoom就没有这样做。所以Zip赢了。 T:对了,我们学习也要像Zip摘苹果那样,善于复习、积累,这样就会丰收累累硕果了。 T: Lets watch it again. S: Ok. T: You can say “good idea!” 好主意。 T teaches the pronunciation of “good idea”. T puts Zips headgear on a students head: Zip! How many apples do you have? S: I

10、 have 16 apples. T teaches “How many do you have?” 2) Read after the tape. 3) Act it. Step4. Assessment.1)plete the writing of letters and exercise on the activity book.附送:2021-2022年三年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 4(1)教案 人教PEPPEP三(下) Unit 3 Part B Lets talk学习目标 语言知识 语言技能 情感态度听说认读:How many crayons do you have?

11、 I have (数字).听懂会说:How nice! Open it and see. Thats right.能运用所学重点句型对物品数量进行问答。培养学生运用英语进行交际的兴趣和自信心。重点How many do you have? I have (数字).难点How many 后跟可数名词复数。重点句型的应用。教具录音机,一盒新蜡笔,数量较多的文具,Chen Jie, John的头饰,课件等。环节 师生活动设计意图Preparation准备活动 1. Lets sing 2. Lets do. 活跃气氛提高兴趣吸引学生的注意力复习旧知为新课学习做铺垫P r新e s知e n呈t a现ti

12、on1. 接着上面Lets do 的活动。教师发指令。如: Show me your pen.学生会出示自己的钢笔。教师借机收起一部分钢笔,问学生:How many pens can you see? 生会回答:I can see pens.然后,教师再依次发指令让学生出示铅笔、尺子、蜡笔操练句型。2. 在学生最后出示蜡笔操练完句型后,教师接着说:Oh, you all have Crayons. Your crayons are beautiful. I have new crayons. Look at my new Crayons. 边说边出示自己所带的那盒蜡笔。重复以上动作和语言,让学

13、生理解Look at my new crayons .3. 接着对学生说:Show me your crayons.学生会把自己的蜡笔举起让老师看。教师借机说:Oh! Its beautiful. How nice! 以引出新内容:How nice!对能说出该句含义的学生进行激励。然后找几组同学出示自己的蜡笔。师生或生生之间进行如下对话:A: Look at my new crayons! B: How nice!4. 操练完上述句型后,教师接着举起自己的蜡笔盒对学生说:How many crayons do I have? 将该句板书在黑板上。在学生理解其含义后,让学生进行猜测。教师对他们的

14、回答可只做重复而不做肯定或否定。在若干个同学猜完后,教师接着说:Let me open it and see.重复该句并做动作,帮助学生理解这个句子的含义。 5. 在学生理解了后,教师与学生一起数一下蜡笔的数目。并把1316的数字单词借机教给学生。只要求听说即可。(如对教材做过调整,已 学过这几个数字的,本环节则可省略。)然后对学生说:Oh, I have sixteen crayons. 板书该句,领读。接着问学生 : How many crayons do you have? 此时将黑板上已板书过的How many crayons do I have? 中的“I”换成“you”。找几个学生回答这个句型。确保学生对: How many crayons do you have? I have . 这个句型



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