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1、Appendix :In ternatio nal Bus in ess Review 13 (2004) 383 TOOSources of export success in small andmedium-sized en terprises: the impact of publicprogramsRoberto Alvarez EDepartme nt of Econo mics, Un iversity of Chile, San tiago, ChileAbstract This paper an alyzes differe nces in firm exporter perf

2、orma nee for small and medium-sized en terprises (SMEs). Traditi on ally, it is argued that these firms face several disadva ntages for competi ng in intern atio nal markets. Few studies, however, exploit the fact that successful exporters exist withi n this group. Using data for Chilea n firms, we

3、study various explanations for differences between sporadic and permanent exporters. Our results suggest that greater effort in intern ati onal bus in ess, process inno vati on, and the utilizati on of export promoti on programs con tribute positively to export performa nee in SMEs. In addition, we

4、find that some forms of intervention are better than others: trade shows and trade missions do not affect the probability of exporting permanently, but exporter committees show a positive and sig ni fica nt impact.Key words: Export performanee; Export promotion; Small- and medium-sized en terprises1

5、 IntroductionInternational evidenee suggests that firm size matters for exporter performanee. Several reasons have been provided to explain why larger firms perform better in International markets. Advantages associated with scale economies and speeialization, better access to financial resources in

6、 capital markets, and improved capabilities to take risks are among these reas ons. Also, evide nee in Roberts and Tybout (1997) and Bernard and Jensen (1999) regarding the existence of sunk costs to entering international markets implies that small- and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) face greater

7、limitations than larger firms to be successful exporters.There are, however, firms with in the group of SMEs that have bee n able to compete successfully in intern ati onal markets. Yet, few empirical studies exploit this fact. This paper con tributes to the discussi on of firm exporter performa nce

8、 in four ways. First, we compare exporter performa nce among firms of similar size. Second, focus ing on ly on exporters, we distinguish between sporadic and permanent exporters. Third, we employ a detailed survey of 295 sporadic and permanent exporters. This survey collects information about firm a

9、ctivities not traditi on ally in cluded in other empirical studies. Fourth, we study evide nce in Chile, a country that has experie need a huge in crease in export diversificati on over the last several decades. The Chilean experience is useful for other developing coun tries tryi ng to improve the

10、intern atio nal competitive ness of SMEs.There are two empirical facts that motivate this paper. First, the probability of exporting is lower for SMEs than it is for larger firms. This resembles evidence found in other national economies. In the Chilean manufacturing industry, for instance, only 14%

11、 of SMEs have exported goods over the period 1990996. However, more than 74% of largefirms have exported goods over the same period. Second, a reduced nu mber of firms are able to rema in as exporters. Among all exporter firms, only about 20% have exported every year of the period. The percentage of

12、 successful exporters for SMEs, however, is even lower: only about a 7% can be classified as permanent exporters. Contrast this with large-sized firms, where successful exporters represe nt more tha n 40% of the firms in this group (Table 1).The main questi on we ask here is why some SMEs are more s

13、uccessful exporters tha n others firms of a similar size. In the next section, we explore various explanations through the use of special survey directed at sporadic and perma nent exporter firms. In the third sect ion, a Probit model is estimat ed to ide ntify empirically the most importa nt determ

14、i nants of export performa nce. The fourth sect ion con eludes.Table 1Export statusSmallMediumLargeN%N%N%Non-exporter428486.078048.013225.6Sporadic exporter65013.165940.622042.6Perma nent exporter470.918511.416431.8Total4981100.01624100.0516100.0Sporadic/total exporters93.378.157.3Source: Own calcul

15、ati on based on Natio nwide Survey of Manu facturi ng Establishments (ENIA).2 Possible explanationsIn this sect ion, we explore possible expla natio ns for differe nces in firm exporter performanee. The approach aims to establish if there are significant differences in firm activities that would exp

16、lain why some SMEs are more successful than others. First, we present the data source. Second, we test for the existenee of statistical differences over four aspects: (i) tech no logical inno vati on, (ii) intern ati onal bus in ess man ageme nt, (iii) manager perceptions about obstacles to exporter performanee, and (iv) utilization of public in strume nts avail



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