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1、课时作业(五)基础训练I单词拼写1. The debate was televised in front of a live观众).答案:audienee2. It is difficult to figure out a( 全球的)population of polar bears asmuch of the range has bee n poorly studied.答案:global3. He jumped for喜悦)on being told the news.答案:joy4. At that time these amounts were forbidding to most公民

2、).答案:citizens5. While the other children(互动)and played together, Ted ignoredthem.答案:in teracted6. Judging by her dress, she may be of the Yi n.答案:nationality7. I went to college, m, all my friends got well- paid jobs.答案:meanwhile8. The vivid picture describes a very common_pin our society. 答案:phenom

3、enon9. We are sure that the experiment will prove a s.答案:success10. Actors must have a strong desire to get up to stage to_pin front ofthe audie nee.答案:performn 单句语法填空1. Both my parents are(retire) now.答案:retired2. Sometimes theres a lot of(compete) between children for theirmothers atte ntio n.答案:c

4、ompetition3. We should make a better use of the(exist) equipment.答案:existing4. Teachers have limited time to in teracteach child.答案:with5. Tickets for the show soldin 70 minutes.答案:out思维训练I完形填空The Spring Festival marks the first day of a new year, so the first meal is rather important. People from t

5、he North and the South have different _1_ about the foods they eat on this _2_ day. In Northern China, people _3_ eat Jiaozi. The word Jiaozi in Chin ese means the _4 and the beg inning of time. Accordi ng to historical _5_, in the past people from the North and the South both ateiaozi on Chinese Ne

6、w Years Day. Perhaps 6_ the areas in Southern China 一7_ more rice than those in Northern China, southern people slowly _8_ to eat many other kinds of food on New Years Day. _9_, the most com mon foods for the first_ are noodles, New Year Cake and Tangyuan. The noodles _ long life. The New Year Cake

7、is called Niangao in Chinese, which the hope of improvement in_ year after year. Tangyuan is a symbol ofaccord ing to the Chin ese.To _15_ a New Year visit to relatives and friends is an important activity during the Spring Festival. People also send cards to _16 a New Years greeti ng. What childre

8、n love most is to set off firecrackers. _17_, as the pace of life is becoming faster and faster, people have _18_ new ways to celebrate the Chin ese traditi onal New Year. For example, many people no Ion ger send out greet ing cards. _19_, they use short messages or emails. Also to travel during the

9、 New Year holidays has come into20_.篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。饺子、爆竹、春联这些都是春节的象征,随 着时代发展,庆祝春节的方式又有了哪些变化。1. A.wordB.habitsC. meaningsD.stories答案:B 根据下文可知这里指的是习惯(habits)不同,故选B。2. A.usualB.unforgettableC. com monD.special答案:D 句意:在这个特殊的(special) 日子南方与北方的对于他们吃的食物 有不同的习惯,故选D3 A.seldomB usuallyCalwaysD hardly答案:B seldo

10、m “很少” ;usually “通常” ;always “总是” ;hardly “几 乎不 ” 。句意:在北方人们通常吃饺子,故选 B。4A.endBfutureCresultDeffect答案:A 句意:饺子意味着时间的开始和结束(end),即辞旧迎新,故选A。5A.reasonsBrecordsCnotesDstories答案:B句意:根据历史记载(records),在过去北方人和南方人都在新年这 一天吃饺子,故选 B。6A.as long asBthoughCwhenDbecause答案:D as long as “只要” ;though “尽管” ;when “当时候”;becau

11、se “因为” 。句意:也许因为华南地区比北方生产更多的大米。故选 D。7 A.causedBtookCproducedDbrought答案:C 句意:也许因为华南地区比北方生产(produced)更多的大米,故选C。8A.understoodBknewCmadeDbegan答案: D 句意:在新年这一天南方的人慢慢地开始吃其他的食物,故选 D9A.BesidesBThereforeCConsequentlyDUsually答案: A besides “并且” ; therefore “因此”; consequently “因此” ; usually “通常”。句意:并且第一顿饭最常见的是面条

12、、年糕和汤圆,故选 A。10A.subjectBtitleCprogramDmeal答案: D 空格后的面条、年糕等都是食物,故选 D。11A.symbolizesBrevealsCshowsD indicates答案:A symbolizes “象征” ;reveals “揭露” ;shows “显示” ;indicates“表明 ” 。句意:面条象征着长寿,故选 A。12A.transportsBrepresentsCfetchesDtakes答案:B transport “运送” ;represent “代表” ;fetch “取来” ;take “取走” 。句意:新年蛋糕就叫年糕,代表

13、年年生活上的提高。故选 B。13A.healthBfamilyClifeDwork答案: C 句意:新年蛋糕就叫年糕,代表年年生活 (life) 上的提高。故选 C。14A.reunionBluckChappinessDharmony答案: A reunion “重聚” ;luck “幸运” ;happiness“幸福” ;harmony “和睦” 。句意:按照中国人的传统汤圆是一种重聚的象征。故选 A。15A.doB payCgetD carry答案: B pay a visit to sb.“ 拜访某人 ” 。句意:去拜访亲朋好友也是春节期 间的重要活动,故选 B。16A.expressB

14、describeCestablishDdefine答案: A express“ 表达”; describe“ 描述” ; establish “建立 ”; define“定义 ”。句意:人们也送一些卡片去表达对新年的问候。故选 A。17A.LuckilyBUnfortunatelyCHoweverDBesides答案: C luckily “幸运地”; unfortunately “不幸地”; however “可是”;besides “并且 ”。根据句意可知此处表示转折, 且画线处后有逗号, 应用 however, 故选 C。Bmade outD taken up18A.given away

15、Cgot into答案:D give away “赠送” ;make out “理解” ;get into “从事” ;take up“开始(从事)”。句意:人们开始用新的方法来庆祝中国的传统新年。故选D。19. A.InsteadB. FortunatelyC. MoreoverD. Furthermore答案:A in stead “代替,反而” ;fortu nately “幸运地” ;moreover “而 且,此外” ;furthermore “而且”。句意:人们不再发送问候的卡片,反而使用 短信或电子邮件。故选A。20. A.sight B. effectC. fashionD. power答案:C come into fashion “开始流行”。句意:在春节期间旅行也成为了种时尚。故选Cn 阅读理解People usually celebrate th



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