Module 5 短语汇总练外研版八年级英语下册

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《Module 5 短语汇总练外研版八年级英语下册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 5 短语汇总练外研版八年级英语下册(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研版八年级英语下册 Module5 知识点练习(付答案) Unit through the sky 在天上飞2. fight bad people 和坏蛋作斗争3. climb up buildings 爬上建筑物4. keep doing 坚持做某事5. cant help doing 忍不住做某事6. beat the cat 打败那只猫7. each other 彼此,互相8. Its time to watch a cartoon. 该看动画片了。9. Why dont we watch Spider-Man? 我们为什么不看蜘蛛侠呢? 10. We dont thin

2、k we agree. 我们认为我们意见不一致。11. I want to be someone like him. 我想要成为像他那样的人。 12. I think theres a lesson there. 我认为那里蕴含着一个道理。 Unit 21. a cute orange-and-white fish 一个橙白相间的鱼2. an ugly green man 一个丑陋的绿色的人3. both of them 他们两个都4. win the heart of 赢得某人的心5. for example 例如6. lead a group of monkeys against 带领一群

3、猴子反对.7. make a terrible mess 弄得乱七八糟8. in heaven 在天宫9. expect to do 期待做某事10. ever since 自从11. work for 效力于12. more than 超过,多于13. in the 1980s 在二十世纪八十年代14. his sixtieth birthday 他的六十岁生日15. his own private world 他自己的个人的世界里16. find real life hard to understand 发现现实生活很难理解17. as well as 并且,还,除了之外18. be sa

4、tisfied with 对 感到满意Unit 31. a happy ending 一个快乐的结局2. Do you mind if I . 如果我,你介意吗?3. be good at sport 擅长运动4. next to 挨着5. the next day 第二天6. three times 三次7. win the match 赢得比赛8. come to life 活灵活现,复苏9. a black-and-white film without sound 一部黑白无声的电影 10. soon after 在之后的不久11. in colour 彩色的12. be popular

5、 with 收到某人的欢迎13. of all ages 不同年龄段的人配套 练习I. 根据汉语完成句子1. 我们已经完成作业了。该看动画片了。We _ _ our homework. _ _ to watch a cartoon2. 我们为什么不去电影院看动画片呢?_ _ _ go to the cinema to see the cartoon?3. 蜘蛛侠能够用双手和脚爬上高楼大厦。The Spiderman can _ _ the buildings with hands and feet.4. 我们乘坐的飞机正在穿越乌云。Our plane is _ _ the black clou

6、ds.5. 我想要成为一个像终南山一样的医生。I _ _ _ a doctor like Zhong Nanshan.6. 每次放学到家我都忍不住看一会儿手机。Each time I arrive home from school, I _ _ seeing the mobile phone for a while. 7. 昨天老师给我们讲了一个故事,那里面蕴含着一个深刻的道理。The teacher told us a story yesterday. There is _ _ in it.8.这些受欢迎的卡通角色受到全世界人们的喜爱。The popular cartoon heroes _

7、 _ _ _ people _ _ the world.9. 美猴王带领一群猴子反对玉皇大帝。The Monkey King_ a group of monkeys _ the Emperor of Heaven.10. 美猴王把天宫的每个角落都弄得乱七八糟。The Monkey King _ _ _ in every corner of heaven.11. 叮叮受欢迎已经有八十多年了。Tintin _ _ _ for over eighty years.12. 史努比发行现实生活很难理解。Snoopy finds real life _ _ _ .13. 查尔斯. 舒尔茨创造动画片是为了不

8、仅满足孩子还要满足年长的人。Charles Schulz created Cartoons to satisfy older people _ _ _ children.14. 如果我把窗户关上,你介意吗?Do you _ _ I close the window?15. 自从我开始吃绿色蔬菜,我就变得很健壮了。I have been fit _ _ I began to eat green vegetables.16. 这个小女孩画了一幅栩栩如生的画在黑板上。The girl drew a picture that _ _ _ on the blackboard.17. 不论老的卡通片还是新

9、的,都收到不同年龄段人们的欢迎。Not only the old cartoons but also the new ones are _ _ people _ _ _. II. 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空1. Its ten oclock at night. Its time for us _ (sleep) now.2. Keep _ (read) English every morning, and you will improve your English.3. He heard the bad news, he couldnt help _ (cry).4. Who _ (inve

10、nt) the computer? Do you know。5. Snoopy finds real life hard_ (understand).6. My parents are _ (satisfy) with my schoolwork.7. Our teacher _ (lead) us _ (visit) our national museum last weekend.8. The artist Herge had lots of _ (excite) experiences.9. The Adventure of Tintin _ (be) popular for over

11、eighty years.10. His arms grow _ and _ (thick) after he began to eat vegetables.11. Which girl is _(smart) in the class?12. Im sorry to keep you _ (wait) for so long.13.It will be grandpas _ (seventy) birthday next Sunday.14. The Monkey King and Popeye are my favourite cartoon _ (hero).15. So far th

12、ey have sold out 200 million _ (copy) of Tintin stories.III. 单项选择1. The man has _ ugly face but a very kind hear.A. a B. the C. an D. /2. -I think Superman is stronger than Spider-Man.- _. Spider-Man cant fly but he can climb up buildings.A. I dont think we agree.B. I agree.C. Im afraid not.D. Id lo

13、ve to.3. Each time I heard a strange sound outside I couldnt help _ out of the window.A. look B. looksC. looked D. looking4. Zhong Nanshan and Chen Wei are our national _.A. hero B. engineerC. heroes D. scientist5. The 17-year-old high school student is trying to _ a robot which can think like a hum

14、an. A. invent B. encourageC. discover D. search6. The story is really _. It can make us laugh all the time.A. correct B. humorousC. boring D. difficult7. Sometimes an ad can lead you _ something you dont need at all.A. buying B. to buyC. bought D. buy8. Our parents always expect us _ good marks in the exams.A. getting B. gotC. to get D. getting9. I met Lucy in the primary school and we have been friends _.A. as usual B. ever sinceC. again and again D. once or twice10. -_ have you had your football?- Ive had it since tw


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