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1、新英语一年级起点第四册教学设计全集新标准英语一年级起点第四册 Module One 教 学 主 题 Weather 模块一单元以Sam和Amy到公园玩的故事为背景,引出核心句子:如何询问和说明天气。二单元中结合不同季节的气候特点,着装规律,及不同天气下喜欢做的一些活动为主题,可以通过不同形式的活动练习,将Unit 1和Unit 2有机的结合起来,培养学生的语言组织能力,表达能力,及表现力。 语 言 功 能 Asking and answering about the weather. 教 学 语言 知识 目标 Target Language: Whats the weather like? I

2、ts hot. What do you like doing in summer? I like swimming. Vocabulary: weather, like, sunny, windy, rain, come on, here, snow Chant: Its hot. 语言 能力 目标 1 能够用所学句子询问和说明天气。 2 能够用英语描述在不同天气情况下所做的不同活动。 学习 1 对所学习内容能主动练习和实践 2 在学习中善于利用图画等非语言信息理解主题; 目 标 策略 目标 情感 态度 目标 文化 意识 目标 培养学生乐于参加体育运动的意识 通过学习对中国不同地区、对英国的天

3、气情况有所了解。 Period One (第一课时) 1 Sing an English song: Rain, rain go away. 2 Mime and say: 教师用夸张的动作表演下列形容词:fat, thin, tall, short, young, old, big, small, cold, hot. 1 Ask about todays weather: Is it hot? Is it cold. Then learn to say “weather” 2 Set a task for listening. Sam ,Amy两个人要去公园玩,但今天的天气情况怎么样呢?适

4、合他们出去玩吗?lets look and listen to the story. 1 Look and listen to the story. Find out the sentence about weather beginning with “Its ” and copy them on the board. Learn to say “windy” and “sunny”. 2 Learn to ask about weather. Point to the sentence “Its hot .” “Its sunny.” “Its windy” one by one, and

5、ask “Whats the weather like today?” Help them answer. Copy the question on the board and learn to ask. Parctising asking and answering in different ways. 3 Ask students to find out another word about weather. Then learn to say “raining”. Then ask “Is it really raining?” Get them to answer and explai

6、n why. 4 Listen and pause after each utterance for students to repeat, and explain the difficult words and sentence necessary. 1 Complete Activity Two on page 3. 首先通过课件只出示图片,请学生为图片中的任务配音。然后播放录音核对答 案。最后请学生听音跟读。 2 A guessing game. 用课件出示同学们熟悉的城市的图片,点击时链接到相应的天气图片。每出示一张图片,问:Whats the weather like in _? 请

7、同学们用 Is it ?来猜。 1 收看中央电视台的天气预报节目并记录下列城市的天气情况,第二天到班级中汇报。 北京 上海 哈尔滨 广州 成都 Period Two (第二课时) 1 Go over the story by listening and repeating. 2 Look and say. 课件依次出示表示天气的图片,进行师生、生生之间的问答练习。 Whats the weather like? Its 1 Feedback of the homework. 请同学出示上次的调查作业,首先两人一组比较调查结果。 教师板书Whats the weather like in _?

8、Its 然后进行问答练习。 2 Introduce Activity Two. 今天我们去一个美丽的地方如果我们想知道这个地方的天气,应该怎么问呢?Lets listen to the introduction. 1 Complete Activity One and Two. Listen to the dialogue in Activity One. “Whats the difference between the two pictures.” Learn to say “summer” and “winter” Add “in summer” and “in winter ” to

9、the question “Whats the weather like here?” And get the students answer the questions. Learn to say “What do you like doing in summer/ winter?” .Practise in different ways and then ask them to find the answer. Show students the pictures in Activity Two one by one. And help them say “I like_in summer

10、 / winter.” “让我们一起去看一看诗歌中小朋友在不同的天气中喜欢做什么? 2 Complete Activity Three. Listen to the poem. Find out sentences about the weather and activity,then practice. Read the poem line by line, explain when necessary. Listen and ask them try to follow. 1 Do a survey. What do like doing in summer/ winter? summer

11、 winter swimminrunninflyinplaying skiinmaking skatinwatchinNamg g g basketbalg a g g TV e a kite l snowman 继续使用上面活动中的调查表,通过打电话的方式调查更多的同学。 Module Two 教 学 主 题 Family 模块第一单元通过描述照片中的家人正在做的事情引出现在进行时的相关知识。并帮助学生对比动词原形和动词的现在分词。二单元则通过几个任务活动,帮助学生进一步理解现在进行时的所表达的意义。以及如何就对方和第三人正在做的事进行提问并进行回答。 语 言 功 能 Talking abo

12、ut the on-going activities if family members. 教 学 目 标 语言 知识 目标 Vocabulary: new , camera , radio, newspaper, letter Target Language: She is listening to the radio. He is reading a newspaper . She is writing a letter. He is playing with his train. Song: She is listening to the radio. 语言 能力 目标 能够用英语提问并

13、描述一个人现在正在做什么事情。 学习 策略 目标 1 对所学习内容能主动练习和实践 2 在学习中善于利用图画等非语言信息理解主题; 情感 态度 目标 文化 意识 目标 培养学生合作精神和爱家庭、爱家人、爱集体的情感。 Period One ( 第一课时 ) 1 师生互致问候。 2 唱一首英文歌曲, “One, two, three, four, five.”用TPR的方法过去所学动词。 3 用This is my导入新课并初步介绍文中出现的部分单词。 设计意图所选歌曲中含有clap, stand up, sit down, point 等动词,唱完歌曲后 可引导学生一起做TPR动作,所涉及到的

14、词语包括歌曲中的动词和play, sleep, watch, ride, eat, drink等学生以前接触学习过的动词,为后面的任务活动做铺 垫。教师扮演成Daming, 依次向学生展示书包内的东西。借此步骤介绍文中出 现的radio, newspaper, letter, 等词语,分散课文中的知识点,降低难度。Daming 最后介绍This is my new camera.并说:用这架照相机我给家人和朋友照了许多 照片,now lets have a look! 这样就很自然地过度到了下一环节。 1 用课件向学生呈现课文。 2 介绍照片引出并板书reading, writing, listening, playing 等几个关键词。 设计意图在情境中,让学生感受新的语言知识。列出关键词,为学生下一步进行分组讨论,探究这些词的特点做铺垫。 1 学生分组讨论,找出所列单词的规律。 2 教师一边演示法,一边说出句子。请学生补充句子并体会、学习be+Ving的用法。 3 完成教材第7页活动三.首先在由教师说出人物名称,由学生说出其正在进行的动作。然后小组活动。最后再有给别学生到前面扮演教师的角色进行练习。 4 听课文并跟读。 设计意图通过讨论让学生主动探索语言规律。请同学帮忙进行演示,对比,通过创



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