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1、-稳压电源的设计与制作学生:* 指导教师:*摘要:随着电子技术的高速开展,电子系统的应用领域越来越广泛,电子设备的种类也越来越多,电子设备与人们的工作、生活的关系益密切。任何电子设备都离不开可靠的电源,它们对电源的要求也越来越高。特别是随着小型电子设备的应用越来越广泛,也要求能够提供稳定的电源,以满足小型电子设备的用电需要。本文基于这个思想,设计和制作了符合指标要求的开关稳压电源。开关电源具有高频率、高功率密度、高效率等优点, 被称作高效节能电源。由于开关稳压电源具有这些优点,基于这个思想设计了一个15V可调的低功率开关稳压电源,以满足小型电子设备的供电需要。本文以开关电源的开展历史、开展现状


3、详述了电源的根本电路构造和控制策略;它与传统的稳压电源相比,具有操作方便、电压稳定度高的特点,其构造简单、制作方便、本钱低,输出电压在15V之间连续可调,其输出电压大小以1V步进,输出电压的大小调节是通过“两键操作的,而且可根据实际要求组成具有不同输出电压值的稳压源电路。该电源控制电路选用89C51单片机控制主电路采用串联调整稳压技术具有线路简单、响应迅速、稳定性好、效率高等特点。详细分析了电源的拓朴图及工作原理。关键词:稳压电源 单片微型机 数控直流 D/A转换Voltage-stabilized source design and manufactureAbstract:With the

4、rapid development of electronic technology, the application field of electronic system is more and more e*tensive, electronic equipment type more and more, electronic equipment and peoples work and life of PE close relationship. Any electronic equipment is inseparable from the reliable power supply,

5、 they to the requirements of the power supply more and more is also high. Especially with the small electronic equipment used more widely, also be able to provide stable power supply, small electronic equipment to meet the need of power. This paper based on this idea, design and production of it in

6、accordance with the requirements of the inde* of switching power supply.Switching power supply has the high frequency and high power density, high efficiency and other advantages, known as high efficiency and energy saving power. Because of a switching power supply has these advantages, based on the

7、 thought design a 1 5 V adjustable low power switching power supply, small electronic equipment to meet the need of the power supply.In this paper the development history of the switch power development, the present situation and development tendency for clues, this paper introduces some new technol

8、ogy of switch power supply, technical inde*, classification standard etc. And according to these standards designed a small electronic equipment to meet the power of a switching power supply. The major inde*es of the power source design is: input voltage for AC220V, input frequency for frequency 50

9、HZ, input voltage range for AC165V 265 V, the output voltage for dc 1 5 V adjustable, output ma*imum current for 150 mA, the most high power output for 2.25 W.Finally in plete basic indicators, and on the basis of this paper also increased the surge current of subsidiary function, make circuit more

10、satisfying the power of the small electronic equipment needs.Numerical control dc voltage source is digital to control power supply can the size of the output voltage, and to make the output voltage can remain stable, precise dc voltage source; This paper describes the use of several/mode conversion

11、 power circuit, au*iliary power supply circuit, to shake the position such as circuit of the numerical control dc stabilized voltage power supply circuit, detailing the power of the basic circuit structure and control strategies; It with the traditional manostat, it is characterized by easy operatio

12、n, high voltage stability, the characteristics of simple structure, convenient for the production, low cost, the output voltage in 1 5 V between continuous adjustable, the output voltage size to 1 V step, the size of the output voltage regulation is through the + and two key operate, and can accordi

13、ng to the practical demands of different output voltage value with voltage source circuit. The power control circuit choose 89 C51 single chip puter control main circuit series voltage adjustment technology has the simple lines, rapid response, good stability, high productivity, etc. Detailed analys

14、is of the power of topology graph and working principle.Keywords:voltage-stabilizedsourceSingle-chipmicroputerNumerical controldcD/A transformation目 录前言11 开关电源的概述11.1 开关电源的定义11.2 开关电源的分类21.2.1 DC/DC变换21.3 开关电源的选用31.3.1 输出电流的选择31.3.2 接地31.3.3 保护电路31.4 开关电源技术的开展动向41.5 开关电源的工作原理和特点42 本设计方案思路62.1 稳压源的技术

15、指标与要求72.2 总体设计框图83 单元电路设计83.1 稳压电源局部83.2 显示局部93.3 模数转换局部93.4 数字控制局部104 系统软件设计124.1 主程序流程图125 制作与调试135.1 硬件电路的布线与焊接135.2 电路组装和调试136 完毕语14附录17参考文献:23. z.-稳压电源的设计与制作前言数控支流稳压电源是一种常见的电子仪器,广泛的用于电子电路,教学实验和科学研究等领域。目前实用的直流稳压电源大局部是线性电源。利用别离器件组成,其体积大,功率底,可靠性差,操作使用不方便,自我保护功能不够,因而故障率高。随着电子科技的飞速开展,各种电子,电器设备对稳压电源的性能要求日益提高,稳压电源不断差朝着小型化,高效率,低本钱,高可靠性,低电磁干扰,模块化和智能化开展。以单片机系统为核心而设计制造出来的新一代稳压电源不但电路简单,构造紧凑,价格低廉,性能卓越,而且单片机具有计算和控制功能,利用它对采样技术进展各种计算,从而可排除和减少由于骚扰信号和模拟电路因起的误差,大大提高稳压电源输出电压和输出电流精度,降低了对模拟电路的要求。智能稳压电源可利用单片机设置周密的保护检测系统,确保电源运行可靠。输出电压和限制电流采用数字显



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