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1、四个一评价材料:教学设计PEP 5 Unit 4 Part A 第一课时Lets learn 学校:宁兴学校姓名:田 振 华 年级:五 年 级 科目:英 语编号:_PEP5Unit4 Part A Lets learn第一课时教学设计一、教材分析:本单元的教学内容是围绕 “The things we can do ” 这一话题展开 ,教学内容与学生日常生活联系密切。教学重点是有关家务劳动的表达方法以及can 情态动词的使用。本课主要学习五个有关家务劳动的动词词组“sweep the floor, cook the meals, water the flowers, c lean the bed

2、room, empty the trash”,介绍自己会做家务活的句型“I can _.”以及询问别人会做什么家务活的对话“What can you do ? I can _.”,二、学情分析 : 五年级的学生,他们已具备了一定的英语基础,在四年多的英语学习中接触并掌握了一定的词汇。在教学中,我尽可能多地联系学生学过的知识,适当地增加阅读容量,激活学生的记忆,以旧引新,引导学生熟练掌握,帮助学生不断巩固所学知识。同时,教学活动的设计也体现梯度和层次,因材施教,让每一位学生在感知、实践、参与、合作中实现任务目标,体验成功的喜悦。三、教学目标:1、听,说,读,写动词词组cook the meals

3、, water the flowers, sweep the floor ,clean the bedroom听、说、认读动词词组empty the trash。听,说,读并能准确运用句型Im helpful, I can2、在参与“help Mother goat”和“分配大扫除”的活动中,感知、实践、运用语言“What can do ?.can _”提高交际能力。3、在交流自己会干家务的过程中,积极参与活动,乐于交流,并养成讲究卫生、热爱劳动的好习惯,具有乐于助人的优秀品质。四、教学重点与难点:教学重点:五个动词词组以及句型“What can you do? I can_.”教学难点:em

4、pty the trash 的读音;在所创设的情境中灵活运用本课时的词汇和句子。五、教学方法与手段;根据学生的认知规律及身心发展特点,我灵活运用、情景交际、任务型教学等多种方法来设计教学活动,让学生在师生互动、生生互动和全员互动中,体验学习英语的快乐,以周四“大扫除”为情境,鼓励学生多开口进行英语交流,从而提高英语交际能力。 在教学手段方面,我采用了录音机,课件等辅助教学,形象生动,提高教学效果-。六、使用教材的构思 本课时的教学重点掌握Part A部分Let s learn 中关于家务动词的词组,以及情态动词can 的应用。课本中的情景比较单一,以Sarah 在干家务,引出五个动词短语。根据

5、学生已有的知识储备和本课时的教学内容,把Read and write,“Mother goat is ill ,her friends can help her ”的情境融入本节课,学生可以进行语言集中训练,提高了语言的实效性, 同时以周四“大扫除”为情境,指导学生把谈论的劳动词汇和语言结构can _有机结合,拓展学生了语言运用能力。七、教学流程:Step 1: Warm -up :1. Enjoy a chant .( P44)2.Look and say (Ss模仿chant 的韵律,自我创编歌谣)Eg: Bird, bird ,what can you do ? I can fly in

6、 the sky.Cat , cat ,what can you do ? I can catch the mouse .(设计意图:有韵律说唱和创编歌谣,把学生引入一个氛围活跃的英语课堂,激发了学生的学习兴趣,感知了情态动词can 。)3. T: What can you do at school?S1: I can play football/read books/at school.T: What can you do at home?S2: I can do homework/watch TV /at home.(设计意图:引导学生用“I can .”回答,并鼓励学生尽量多地利用已学动

7、词词组。)Step 2 : Presentation:(a)T; I can clean the board.(边说边做擦黑板状)I can (CAI呈现一个凌乱的房间)T:Look! This is a bedroom. Its so Ss: Its so big.T: Its so dirty. I can clean the bedroom(学习clean the bedroom)(Listen and say ) I /Sarah can clean the _ at schoolhome.(b) CAI shows a dirty living room, in which ther

8、e are many trashes.T: There are many trashes on the floor ,what can you do?Ss: ( 扫地)Sweep the floor.CAI shows a broom to sweep the floor.(学习Sweep the floor,由sweet拼读出sweep,带读词组)S1: Im helpful. I /can sweep the floor in the studyliving roomkitchen.(c) T: You clean the room and sweep the floor, Youre h

9、elpful.CAI shows some trashes on the screen.T: What are these ?SS: 垃圾/trash.T: Where can we put them?SS: 垃圾桶。/ Trash bin.CAI shows a full trash bin.T: The trash bin is full. What can we do?SS: 倒掉。/ Empty the trash.T: Yeah. Youre helpful.(学习empty the trash).I can empty the trash.Remember to the pick

10、out the batteries.(记得捡出废旧电池)(d)倒完垃圾,要记得洗手,讲究卫生教育,洗手就要用到水 water,引导学生问,Ss:Water, water, what can you do?Water: I can water the flowers.通过问水的用途,很自然的引出词组water the flowers,拼读操练。同桌操练,拓展练习。A: Water, water, what can you do?B:I can A: Your e helpful!(e) (CAI)This is a kitchen .I can (学习cook the meals)I can c

11、ook the meals. Remember to switch off the gas.(记得关掉煤气)Can you cook the meals?No, I cant. Its too difficult. (设计意图:在情境中呈现短语,在句中应用,有助于学生从词组的音、形、义等方面进行理解、练习和掌握。同时渗透有关安全和环保的生活常识,增强学生的安全、环保意识。)(f)Say a chantGo to the kitchen, cook the meals. Go to the living room, sweep the floor.Go to the bedroom, clean

12、 the bedroom. Go to the garden. water the flowers.Helpful, helpful ,I m helpful!(有用的;有帮助的)(设计意图:通过chant,加强了学生对cook the meals, sweep the floor, clean the bedroom, water the flowers和helpful的记忆.)Step 3 :practice(1) Look and sayCAI shows the learnt phrases on the screen one by one, Ss read out them loud

13、ly(2) Listen , number and match(Robot can do many things. What can he do ? 课件展示图片,学生做听音编号,连线)(3)Pair workMother Goat is ill. Her friends can help her . (CAI 呈现动物干活的场景)What can the monkey do ? He can _.What can the rabbit do ? She can _.What can Zip do ? She can _.What can Zoom do? He can _.(设计意图:在”H

14、elp Mother Goat”的情境中,通过句型What can do? can _.的练习活动,使学生熟练掌握句型结构。自我总结出情态动词can 的用法。)Step 4: Evaluation1. 选择题:(1) What _you do ? I can sweep the floor.A. do B. can C. are (2) I _cook the meals. Its too difficult.A. can B .am not C. cant(3) We can _with each other.A. help B. helpful C. is (4) Pandas _eat

15、so much bamboo.A. can B. is C. are (5)What _you do on Saturdays?A. are B. do C. can2.以“周四大扫除”为情境,写出小组成员各干的劳动。Today is Thursday. In the afternoon , we clean the classroom. I can _. can _. can _.We are helpful! (设计意图:选择题通过对学习内容的复现,综合梳理了本课重点内容,检测学生的学习效果。写作活动,将所学语言拓展到学生的实际生活中,使英语学习生活化。)Step5:Homework:1.听磁带,跟读Lets learn3次以上。2. 在作业本上写 Lets lea


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