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1、精品资料Module 1 Changing题目Changing (变化)题材(主要)内容Lingling和Sam, Amy在央国。Amy和Lingling看到电视下目中记者在米 访一位中国老太太。老人在采访中谈到了过去生活的艰苦和现在生活发生 的变化。教学目标语百知识目标功能谈论人们过去和现在的生活变化。语法(结构、句子)本模块继续学习过去式。谈论过去: There weren t buses. We lived in a small house.比较现在:There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house词汇听能在听录首的过程中从

2、语句中辨别出单词:life, different, ago,any, television, grandchildren, us, grandmother, lady, fire, radio, telephone, field, hope说能在句子中正确使用单词:life, different, ago, any, television,fire, radio, telephone, field, hope, grandchildren读能在图片的提示下、跟着录音在语句中正确朗读单词:life,different, ago, any, television, us, lady, fire,

3、radio, telephone, field, hope写能够抄写单词:life, ago, us, radio, hope语百技能听能在图片的帮助下听懂课文中的录音材料。说能运用所学习的语句看图说出图中的变化。目标读能借助图片读懂课文中谈论过去和现在生活所使用的句子;能读懂Lingling的信;能够在读词的过程中体会字母组合ai, ay, al, au, ar在单词中的发音。写能用课文中所学语百看图完成句子:Many years ago, therewerent_. We lived. Now, there are.We live.学习策略积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务;主动运用所学内容

4、进行练习和实践;积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。文化意识使学生初步了解现在生活条件的改善,知道祖国正在向前发展,从而更加热爱我们的祖国。情感态度使学生养成观察生活、热爱生活的良好品质,启发学生要有上进心和责任感为建设更美好的祖国及家园向奋斗。任务1 .谈论远古时代人们的生活与我们现在生活的不同;2 .介绍校园(班级、城市、社区)里的变化;3 .通过画画,给同学说说自己家乡的变化或者给笔友写一封信说说自己 家乡的变化。Unit 1 We lived in a small house.教学目标:1、知识目标:(1) 新单词 life different, ago, any, television,

5、 grandchildren, us, grandmother, lady 新句型:There be We lived many years ago. We live now.2、技能目标:能根据情境正确使用There be ,We lived manyyears ago. We live now.句型谈论生活、学习中的事物,提出问题 并作出解答。3、情感目标:比较过去与现在的生活,体会并珍惜现在的幸福生活。教学重点:新单词和新句型的教学与运用。教学难点: 学会 There be ,We lived many years ago. Welive now.句型并能在生活中灵活运用该句型。教学工具

6、:两幅画有房子和汽车的画(房子一大一小) ,单词卡片,点读笔,贴纸,课件教学过程:Step1 Warming up (热身复习)T: Good morning, boys and girls!Ss: Good morning, Ms Liang.T: Sit down, please.Ss: Thank you!T: You re welcome. Do you have a good time in your holidays?Ss: Yes.T: Now, let s sing a song Where did you go.Ok?Ss: Ok!T: Great! Who can tell

7、 us were there any happy things in your holidays?( 学生发言 , 通过这样的师生交流, 教师可以帮助学生回顾相关的语言知识,例如:一般过去时的用法、常用词汇等,为后面的教学做铺垫。 )Step2 leading in (课文导入)T: In the winter holiday, you had a lot of changes. Nowyou are older and cleverer .I am very glad to see your changes.Everything is changing. No change, no prog

8、resses. 教师边说边 把新单词“change”板书到黑板上,出示课题。Step3 : New teaching (课文教学)1、单词教学T: I ama teacher, you are students. Weare different.(different 要读慢且重读) 出示 different 的单词卡片 . 老师示范学生跟读.T: OK. Look here! What s this?( 指着电视机图片问 )T: Yes, it s a television. 出示 television 单词卡片 , 让学生读 .T: Look at the blackboard. 出示课件一

9、个祖母和几个外孙女对话.教师紧跟出示grandmother 和 grandchildren 的单词卡片 . 学生读 .老师出示 life 的单词卡问 :What s the meaning in Chinese?Ss: 生活 .T:life 生活.Life / life /life 学生跟读T:T am a lady( 指着自己说)并出示单词卡. 学生读 .T: ago / ago / ago .one by one please.Ss: ago / ago / ago (us和any也如上面教法)单词训练游戏(把单词卡粘贴在黑板上,让学生竞赛,听老师说出某个单词,学生迅速把该单词卡片取下,快

10、者为胜。 )2、课文教学教师把画有房子和汽车的两幅画挂在黑板上,问学生:Are thereanythings in the picture?Ss: There are houses and cars.T:Yes. There are houses and cars. Welive in the house. Wewilllearn something about this picture. OK, Listen the radio.听课文录音的同时,请你们找出课文中出现的新单词与新句型。 (游戏“火眼金睛, 找新单词与新句型”。 让学生以竞赛抢答的形式快速找出课文中出现的新单词与新句型。 )3

11、、课文训练学生了解了课文内容后, 教师播放领读带录音, 让学生大声跟读课文。然后分组分角色朗读课文。4、重点句型操练先让学生熟读课文第二部分: Listen and say问一学生 T: Were there computer in your house?S: No.T: There were no computer in his house. Follow me.Ss: There were no computer in his house. 以同样的方式问几个学生.T: They are very clever! Now, Wecan see a lot of buses and cars

12、 in the road. Yes?S: Yes!T: There are a lot of buses and cars in the street.T: Are there anythings in our class?S: There are blackboard 、book5、延伸拓展出示课件第二部分的两幅图 , 让学生分组讨论准备,谈论图中内容,然后每个组派一个代表来讲给全班同学听。T: Boys and girls look at me. Whocan talk about these pictures?Ss: Four years ago, we lived in the sma

13、ll house. Now, we livein a big house.( 老师帮助学生完成)Ss: Four years ago, Weflied kite. Now,we listen to the music.让学生充分发挥想象, 自由发言 .Step4 Summary and homework(总结与家庭作业)1. Summary(总结)T: Today, we learn about the different between past and now.Now, we live in a happy life, we should love our life. and love o

14、ur parents.2. Today s homework (家庭作业)a. Listen and read Unit1 three times, try to recite and act.b. Copy the new words and sentences.板书设计 :Module 1 ChangingUnit 1 We lived in a small house.weren t lived smallaren tlivebig练习:单项选择( 10 分)1() There weren t _buses .A. some B. any C. one2 () We lived _ a

15、small house. A at B in Con3 ()Yesterday I watched TV my grandchildren. A and Bwith C to4 () Thank you forme. A help B helping C helped5 () She TV every day. A watching B watched C watches.6 () Its a programme _ monkeys. A about B for C in7 () She have a bike last year. A does tn B didn t C don t8 () My mother worked the fields. A in B on C at9 () -_do you go to school every


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